//  Lumina-DE source code
//  Copyright (c) 2015, Ken Moore
//  Available under the 3-clause BSD license
//  See the LICENSE file for full details
// Note: Some of this class (particularly parts of the UI), were initially created by:
//    William (william-os4y on GitHub: https://github.com/william-os4y)
//    March -> April,  2015
// This utility was re-written by Ken Moore on August 31, 2015
//    Primarily to align the utility with the LWinInfo & XDGDesktop classes

#include <QDialog>

#include <LuminaXDG.h>

namespace Ui{
	class MainUI;

class MainUI : public QDialog{

	void LoadFile(QString path, QString type=""); //type=[APP, LINK]

public slots:
	void UpdateIcons();

	Ui::MainUI *ui;
	LFileInfo *INFO;

	bool canwrite;
	bool terminate_thread; //flag for terminating the GetDirSize task
	void ReloadAppIcon();
	void GetDirSize(const QString dirname) const; //function to get folder size

	void folder_size_changed(quint64 size, quint64 files, quint64 folders, bool finished) const; //Signal for updating the folder size asynchronously

private slots:
	//Initialization functions
	void SetupConnections();

	//UI Buttons
	void on_push_close_clicked();
	void on_push_save_clicked();
	void getXdgCommand(QString prev = "");
	//void on_tool_xdg_getCommand_clicked(QString prev = "");
	void on_tool_xdg_getDir_clicked();
	void on_push_xdg_getIcon_clicked();

	//XDG Value Changed
	void xdgvaluechanged();

    //Folder size
    void refresh_folder_size(quint64 size, quint64 files, quint64 folders, bool finished); //Slot for updating the folder size asynchronously
