Notes about "tar" on FreeBSD: 1) Use "-a" when creating archive with "-c" to automatically determine compression type from the file extension 2) Valid file extensions: Read-Write: *.zip, *.tar.gz, *.tar.xz, *, *.tar.bz2, *.tar, *.zip, *.tgz, *.txz, *.tbz, *.tbz2, *.cpio, *.pax, *.ar, *.shar, *.7z Read-Only: *.iso, *.xar, *.jar, *.rpm To Extract: use "-x" To List: use "-t" with "-v" for detailed info (space-delimited: [perms, ?, user, group, size, month, day, time, filename]) To pass a file on the command line use "-f " If no compression flag (z, j, J, etc...) are given when reading/extracting, then it will automatically determine the type to use.