//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2013, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #ifndef _LUMINA_TOOLBAR_WIDGET_H #define _LUMINA_TOOLBAR_WIDGET_H #include #include #include #include "Globals.h" #include class LTBWidget : public QToolButton{ Q_OBJECT private: LXCB::WINDOWVISIBILITY cstate; //QString rawstyle; void updateBackground(){ //QString background = "background: transparent; "; //default value //QString border = "border: 1px solid transparent;"; if(cstate == LXCB::IGNORE){ this->setObjectName(""); } //just use the defaults else if(cstate == LXCB::VISIBLE){ this->setObjectName("WindowVisible"); }//background = "background: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 240), stop:0.505682 rgba(240, 240, 240, 150), stop:1 rgba(210, 210, 210, 55));"; border="border: 1px solid transparent;"; } else if(cstate == LXCB::INVISIBLE){this->setObjectName("WindowInvisible"); } //background = "background: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(215, 215, 215, 240), stop:0.505682 rgba(184, 185, 186, 150), stop:1 rgba(221, 246, 255, 55));"; border="border: 1px solid transparent;"; } else if(cstate == LXCB::ACTIVE){ this->setObjectName("WindowActive"); }//background= "background: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(241, 233, 156, 240), stop:0.355682 rgba(255, 243, 127, 150), stop:1 rgba(221, 246, 255, 55));"; border ="border: 1px solid transparent;"; } else if(cstate == LXCB::ATTENTION){ this->setObjectName("WindowAttention"); }//background= "background: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(252, 187, 127, 240), stop:0.505682 rgba(255, 222, 197, 150), stop:1 rgba(221, 246, 255, 55));"; border="border: 1px solid transparent;"; } this->setStyleSheet(""); //force the object to re-evaluate the current theme stylesheet and update visuals //QString raw = rawstyle; //this->setStyleSheet( raw.replace("%1",background).replace("%2", border) ); } signals: void wheelScroll(int change); public: LTBWidget(QWidget* parent) : QToolButton(parent){ //this->setStyleSheet( this->styleSheet()+" LTBWidget::menu-indicator{image: none;}"); cstate = LXCB::IGNORE; this->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); this->setAutoRaise(true); //rawstyle = "LTBWidget{ %1 %2 border-radius: 5px;} LTBWidget::menu-indicator{image: none;} LTBWidget::hover{ %1 border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 5px; } LTBWidget::menu-button{ background: transparent; width: 15px; } LTBWidget[popupMode=\"1\"]{%1 %2 border-radius: 5px; padding-right: 15px;} LTBWidget[popupMode=\"1\"]::hover{%1 border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 5px; padding-right: 15px}"; updateBackground(); } ~LTBWidget(){ } void setState(LXCB::WINDOWVISIBILITY newstate){ cstate = newstate; updateBackground(); } public slots: protected: void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event){ int change = event->delta()/120; // 1/15th of a rotation (delta/120) is usually one "click" of the wheel emit wheelScroll(change); } }; #endif