//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2016, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #include "RSSObjects.h" #include #include #include "LSession.h" #define DEBUG 0 //============ // PUBLIC //============ RSSReader::RSSReader(QObject *parent, QString settingsPrefix) : QObject(parent){ NMAN = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); connect(NMAN, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(replyFinished(QNetworkReply*)) ); connect(NMAN, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*, const QList&)), this, SLOT(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*, const QList&)) ); setprefix = settingsPrefix; syncTimer = new QTimer(this); syncTimer->setInterval(300000); //5 minutes connect(syncTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkTimes())); syncTimer->start(); } RSSReader::~RSSReader(){ } //Information retrieval QStringList RSSReader::channels(){ QStringList urls = hash.keys(); QStringList ids; //sort all the channels by title before output for(int i=0; iget( QNetworkRequest( QUrl(url) ) ); outstandingURLS << url; } } //RSS parsing functions RSSchannel RSSReader::readRSS(QByteArray bytes){ //Note: We could expand this later to support multiple "channel"s per Feed // but it seems like there is normally only one channel anyway //qDebug() << "Read RSS:" << bytes.left(100); QXmlStreamReader xml(bytes); RSSchannel rssinfo; //qDebug() << "Can Read XML Stream:" << !xml.hasError(); if(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if(DEBUG) qDebug() << " - RSS Element:" << xml.name(); if(xml.name() == "rss" && (xml.attributes().value("version") =="2.0" || xml.attributes().value("version") =="0.91")) { rssinfo.rss = true; while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ //qDebug() << " - RSS Element:" << xml.name(); if(xml.name()=="channel"){ rssinfo = readRSSChannel(&xml); } else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } }else if(xml.name() == "feed") { rssinfo.timetolive = -1; rssinfo.rss = false; while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if(DEBUG) qDebug() << " - ATOM Element (channel):" << xml.name(); if(xml.name()=="entry") { rssinfo.items << readRSSItemAtom(&xml); }else if(xml.name()=="title"){ rssinfo.title = xml.readElementText(); if(DEBUG) qDebug() << "title" << rssinfo.link; }else if(xml.name()=="link"){ QXmlStreamAttributes att = xml.attributes(); for(int i = 0; i < att.size(); i++) { if(att[i].name() == "href") { rssinfo.link = att[i].value().toString(); } } xml.readElementText(); if(DEBUG) qDebug() << "link" << rssinfo.link; }else if(xml.name()=="subtitle"){ rssinfo.description = xml.readElementText(); }else if(xml.name()=="updated"){ rssinfo.lastBuildDate = ATOMDateTime(xml.readElementText()); }else if(xml.name()=="icon"){ rssinfo.icon_url = xml.readElementText(); if(DEBUG) qDebug() << "icon" << rssinfo.icon_url; requestRSS(rssinfo.icon_url); }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } } } //if(xml.hasError()){ qDebug() << " - XML Read Error:" << xml.errorString() << "\n" << bytes; } return rssinfo; } RSSchannel RSSReader::readRSSChannel(QXmlStreamReader *rss){ RSSchannel info; info.timetolive = -1; while(rss->readNextStartElement()){ //qDebug() << " - RSS Element (channel):" <name(); if(rss->name()=="item"){ info.items << readRSSItem(rss); } else if(rss->name()=="title"){ info.title = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="link"){ QString txt = rss->readElementText(); if(!txt.isEmpty()){ info.link = txt; } } else if(rss->name()=="description"){ info.description = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="lastBuildDate"){ info.lastBuildDate = RSSDateTime(rss->readElementText()); } else if(rss->name()=="pubDate"){ info.lastPubDate = RSSDateTime(rss->readElementText()); } else if(rss->name()=="image"){ readRSSImage(&info, rss); } //else if(rss->name()=="skipHours"){ info.link = rss->readElementText(); } //else if(rss->name()=="skipDays"){ info.link = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="ttl"){ info.timetolive = rss->readElementText().toInt(); } else{ rss->skipCurrentElement(); } } return info; } RSSitem RSSReader::readRSSItemAtom(QXmlStreamReader *rss){ RSSitem item; while(rss->readNextStartElement()){ if(rss->name()=="title"){ item.title = rss->readElementText(); if(DEBUG) qDebug() << rss->name() << item.title; }else if(rss->name()=="link"){ QXmlStreamAttributes att = rss->attributes(); for(int i = 0; i < att.size(); i++) { if(att[i].name() == "href") { item.link = att[i].value().toString(); } } rss->readElementText(); if(DEBUG) qDebug() << rss->name() << item.link; }else if(rss->name()=="summary"){ item.description = rss->readElementText(); if(DEBUG) qDebug() << rss->name() << item.description; } else if(rss->name()=="comments"){ item.comments_url = rss->readElementText(); if(DEBUG) qDebug() << rss->name() << item.comments_url; } else if(rss->name()=="author"){ rss->readNextStartElement(); item.author = rss->readElementText(); if(DEBUG) qDebug() << "author" << item.author; rss->skipCurrentElement(); }else if(rss->name()=="updated"){ item.pubdate = ATOMDateTime(rss->readElementText()); if(DEBUG) qDebug() << rss->name() << item.pubdate; } else{ rss->skipCurrentElement(); } } return item; } RSSitem RSSReader::readRSSItem(QXmlStreamReader *rss){ RSSitem item; while(rss->readNextStartElement()){ //qDebug() << " - RSS Element (Item):" << rss->name(); if(rss->name()=="title"){ item.title = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="link"){ item.link = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="description"){ item.description = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="comments"){ item.comments_url = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="author"){ //Special handling - this field can contain both email and name QString raw = rss->readElementText(); if(raw.contains("@")){ item.author_email = raw.split(" ").filter("@").first(); item.author = raw.remove(item.author_email).remove("(").remove(")").simplified(); //the name is often put within parentheses after the email }else{ item.author = raw; } } else if(rss->name()=="guid"){ item.guid = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="pubDate"){ item.pubdate = RSSDateTime(rss->readElementText()); } else{ rss->skipCurrentElement(); } } return item; } void RSSReader::readRSSImage(RSSchannel *item, QXmlStreamReader *rss){ while(rss->readNextStartElement()){ //qDebug() << " - RSS Element (Image):" << rss->name(); if(rss->name()=="url"){ item->icon_url = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="title"){ item->icon_title = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="link"){ item->icon_link = rss->readElementText(); } else if(rss->name()=="width"){ item->icon_size.setWidth(rss->readElementText().toInt()); } else if(rss->name()=="height"){ item->icon_size.setHeight(rss->readElementText().toInt()); } else if(rss->name()=="description"){ item->icon_description = rss->readElementText(); } } //Go ahead and kick off the request for the icon if(!item->icon_url.isEmpty()){ requestRSS(item->icon_url); } } QDateTime RSSReader::RSSDateTime(QString datetime){ return QDateTime::fromString(datetime, Qt::RFC2822Date); } QDateTime RSSReader::ATOMDateTime(QString datetime){ return QDateTime::fromString(datetime, Qt::ISODate); } //================= // PRIVATE SLOTS //================= void RSSReader::replyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply){ QString url = reply->request().url().toString(); qDebug() << "Got Reply:" << url; QString key = keyForUrl(url); //current hash key for this URL QByteArray data = reply->readAll(); outstandingURLS.removeAll(url); if(data.isEmpty()){ qDebug() << "No data returned:" << url; //see if the URL can be adjusted for known issues bool handled = false; QUrl redirecturl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl(); if(redirecturl.isValid() && (redirecturl.toString() != url )){ //New URL redirect - make the change and send a new request QString newurl = redirecturl.toString(); //qDebug() << " - Redirect to:" << newurl; if(hash.contains(key) && !hash.contains(newurl)){ hash.insert(newurl, hash.take(key) ); //just move the data over to the new url requestRSS(newurl); emit newChannelsAvailable(); handled = true; } } if(!handled && hash.contains(key) ){ emit rssChanged(hash[key].originalURL); } return; } if(!hash.contains(key)){ //qDebug() << " - hash does not contain URL:" << url; //URL removed from list while a request was outstanding? //Could also be an icon fetch response QStringList keys = hash.keys(); for(int i=0; ideleteLater(); }else{ //RSS reply RSSchannel info = readRSS(data); //QNetworkReply can be used as QIODevice reply->deleteLater(); //clean up //Validate the info and announce any changes (4/21/17 - make the description optional even if RSS format requires it - Ken Moore) if(info.title.isEmpty() || info.link.isEmpty() ){ qDebug() << "Missing XML Information:" << url << info.title << info.link; return; } //bad info/read //Update the bookkeeping elements of the info if(info.timetolive<=0){ info.timetolive = LSession::handle()->DesktopPluginSettings()->value(setprefix+"default_interval_minutes", 60).toInt(); } if(info.timetolive <=0){ info.timetolive = 60; } //error in integer conversion from settings? info.lastsync = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); info.nextsync = info.lastsync.addSecs(info.timetolive * 60); //Now see if anything changed and save the info into the hash bool changed = (hash[key].lastBuildDate.isNull() || (hash[key].lastBuildDate < info.lastBuildDate) ); bool newinfo = false; if(changed){ newinfo = hash[key].title.isEmpty(); } //no previous info from this URL info.originalURL = hash[key].originalURL; //make sure this info gets preserved across updates if(!hash[key].icon.isNull()){ info.icon = hash[key].icon; } //copy over the icon from the previous reply hash.insert(key, info); if(newinfo){ emit newChannelsAvailable(); } //new channel else if(changed){ emit rssChanged(info.originalURL); } //update to existing channel } } void RSSReader::sslErrors(QNetworkReply *reply, const QList &errors){ int ok = 0; qDebug() << "SSL Errors Detected (RSS Reader):" << reply->url(); for(int i=0; iurl(); reply->ignoreSslErrors(); } else{ qDebug() << " - Denied:" << reply->url(); } } void RSSReader::checkTimes(){ if(LSession::handle()->DesktopPluginSettings()->value(setprefix+"manual_sync_only", false).toBool()){ return; } QStringList urls = hash.keys(); QDateTime cdt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); for(int i=0; i