//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2015, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #ifndef _LUMINA_DESKTOP_SCREEN_SAVER_GRAV_ANIMATION_H #define _LUMINA_DESKTOP_SCREEN_SAVER_GRAV_ANIMATION_H //PI is equal to 2*pi #define PI 6.2832 #include "global-includes.h" #include "BaseAnimGroup.h" #include #include class Grav: public QParallelAnimationGroup{ Q_OBJECT private: QWidget *planet; QPropertyAnimation *orbit; QSize range; QList path; double radius; void setupLoop(QPoint start, QPoint *ref){ orbit->setStartValue(start); //Used to find overall speed. Distance from the planet to the sun radius = qSqrt( (qPow(start.x()-ref->x(),2) + qPow(start.y()-ref->y(),2) )); //Number of frames in animation. Increase for smother motion double step = 1000.0; //Random values that give the eliptical pattern to the orbit. Between 0.4 and 2.3 double xrand = (qrand()%20+4)/10.0; double yrand = (qrand()%20+4)/10.0; QPoint firstP = QPoint(ref->x() + xrand*start.x()*(qCos(0/step) -qSin(0/step)), ref->y() + yrand*start.y()*(qCos(0/step) -qSin(0/step))); QPoint lastP = QPoint(ref->x() + xrand*start.x()*(qCos(PI/step) -qSin(PI/step)), ref->y() + yrand*start.y()*(qCos(PI/step) -qSin(PI/step))); //orbit->setKeyValueAt(0, firstP); //orbit->setKeyValueAt(1, lastP); path.push_back(firstP); //Loops through all steps and creates all the points of the orbit for(int i=1; ix() + xrand*start.x()*(qCos((PI*i)/step) -qSin((PI*i)/step)); double newY = ref->y() + yrand*start.y()*(qSin((PI*i)/step) + qCos((PI*i)/step)); //Calculates the radius from the sun as the distance between the points radius = (qSqrt( (qPow(newX-ref->x(),2) + qPow(newY-ref->y(),2) ))); //Creates a new point and creates a key as part of the animation QPoint newLoc = QPoint(newX, newY); //orbit->setKeyValueAt(i/step, newLoc); path.push_back(newLoc); } //Sets the time for a full orbit. Increasing makes the orbit slower. path.push_back(lastP); } private slots: void LoopChanged(int loop){ //Adjust the orbit animation a bit if(loop >= 0) { orbit->setStartValue(orbit->endValue()); //start at the previous end point orbit->setEndValue(path.at(loop%1000)); orbit->setDuration(10); } } void stopped(){ qDebug() << "Planet stopped"; planet->hide();} public: Grav(QWidget *parent) : QParallelAnimationGroup(parent){ planet = new QWidget(parent); range = parent->size(); QPoint center = parent->geometry().center(); //Creates a random planet size. Between 12 and 45 pixels double planet_radius = 1.75* ((qrand()%20)+7); //Creates a random color in RGB, then creates a circular gradient QString color = "rgba(" + QString::number(qrand() % 256) + ", " + QString::number(qrand() % 256) + ", " + QString::number(qrand() % 256); QString style = "background-color: qradialgradient(spread:pad, cx:0.5, cy:0.5, radius:0.5, fx:0.5, fy:0.5, stop:0 " + color+ ", 255)" + " , stop:0.83871 " + color + ", 140)" + " , stop:0.99 rgba(0, 0, 0, 255), stop:1 transparent);"; planet->setStyleSheet(style); //setup the orbit animation orbit = new QPropertyAnimation(planet); orbit->setPropertyName("pos"); orbit->setTargetObject(planet); //Creates the random position of the planet, making sure it isn't too close to the sun QRect invalid = QRect(center+QPoint(-50,-50), center+QPoint(50,50)); QPoint tmp = center; while(invalid.contains(center)){ int randwidth = qrand()%(range.width() - 2*planet_radius) + planet_radius; int randheight= qrand()%(range.height()- 2*planet_radius) + planet_radius; tmp = QPoint(randwidth, randheight); } //Creates all frames for the animation setupLoop(tmp, ¢er); this->addAnimation(orbit); planet->show(); //Ensures the screensaver will not stop until the user wishes to login or it times out this->setLoopCount(2000); //number of orbits orbit->setEndValue(path.at(0)); LoopChanged(0); //load initial values //Sets the initial size and location of the planet planet->setGeometry(QRect(orbit->startValue().toPoint(), QSize(planet_radius, planet_radius))); connect(this, SIGNAL(currentLoopChanged(int)), this, SLOT(LoopChanged(int)) ); connect(this, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(stopped()) ); } ~Grav(){} }; class GravAnimation : public BaseAnimGroup{ Q_OBJECT private: QList planets; QWidget *sun; QPropertyAnimation *wobble; private slots: void checkFinished(){ int running = 0; for(int i=0; ianimationCount(); i++){ if(this->animationAt(i)->state()==QAbstractAnimation::Running){ running++; } } if(running<=1){ wobble->stop(); emit wobble->finished();} } public: GravAnimation(QWidget *parent, QSettings *set) : BaseAnimGroup(parent, set){} ~GravAnimation(){ //this->stop(); } void LoadAnimations(){ //Creates the sun, which is a thin shell with a gradient from green to yellow sun = new QWidget(canvas); QPoint center = canvas->geometry().center(); QString sunstyle = QStringLiteral("background-color:qradialgradient(spread:pad, cx:0.5, cy:0.5, radius:0.5, fx:0.5, fy:0.5, ") + QStringLiteral("stop:0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), stop:0.38 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), stop:0.4 rgba(82, 121, 76, 33), stop:0.5 rgba(159, 235, 148, 64), ") + QStringLiteral("stop:0.6 rgba(255, 238, 150, 129), stop:0.7 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));"); sun->setStyleSheet(sunstyle); //Creates the sun's pulsing animation wobble = new QPropertyAnimation(sun); wobble->setPropertyName("geometry"); wobble->setTargetObject(sun); QRect initgeom = QRect(center-QPoint(12,12), QSize(60, 60)); wobble->setStartValue(initgeom); wobble->setKeyValueAt(0, initgeom ); //starting point wobble->setKeyValueAt(1, initgeom ); //starting point wobble->setKeyValueAt(0.5, QRect(center-QPoint(18,18), QSize(90, 90))); //starting point wobble->setDuration(2000); wobble->setLoopCount(-1); this->addAnimation(wobble); sun->show(); sun->setGeometry(initgeom); while(planets.length()>0){ planets.takeAt(0)->deleteLater(); } //Gives the screensaver a black background canvas->setStyleSheet("background: black;"); //Pulls number of planets from settings, with 10 as default int number = settings->value("planets/number",10).toInt(); //Loops through all planets and sets up the animations, then adds them to the base group and vector, which for(int i=0; iaddAnimation(tmp); connect(tmp, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(checkFinished())); planets << tmp; } } }; #endif