//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2015, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #include "SSBaseWidget.h" #define DEBUG 1 static QStringList validPlugs; // ======== // PUBLIC // ======== SSBaseWidget::SSBaseWidget(QWidget *parent, QSettings *set) : QWidget(parent){ if(validPlugs.isEmpty()){ validPlugs << "none"; } //add more later settings = set; //needed to pass along for plugins to read any special options/settings this->setObjectName("LuminaBaseSSWidget"); ANIM = 0; this->setMouseTracking(true); plugType="none"; } SSBaseWidget::~SSBaseWidget(){ if(ANIM!=0){ this->stopPainting(); } } void SSBaseWidget::setPlugin(QString plug){ plug = plug.toLower(); if(validPlugs.contains(plug) || plug=="random"){ plugType = plug; } else{ plugType = "none"; } } // ============= // PUBLIC SLOTS // ============= void SSBaseWidget::startPainting(){ cplug = plugType; //free up any old animation instance if(ANIM!=0){ ANIM->stop(); ANIM->clear(); delete ANIM; ANIM = 0; } //If a random plugin - grab one of the known plugins if(cplug=="random"){ QStringList valid = BaseAnimGroup::KnownAnimations(); valid.removeAll("none"); //they want a screensaver - remove the "none" option from the valid list if(valid.isEmpty()){ cplug = "none"; } //no known plugins else{ cplug = valid[ qrand()%valid.length() ]; } //grab a random plugin } if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Screen Saver:" << cplug; } //Now list all the various plugins and start them appropriately QString style; if(cplug=="none"){ style = "background: black;"; //show the underlying black parent widget }else{ style = "background: black;"; } this->setStyleSheet("QWidget#LuminaBaseSSWidget{ "+style+"}"); this->repaint(); //If not a stylesheet-based plugin - set it here if(cplug!="none"){ ANIM = BaseAnimGroup::NewAnimation(cplug, this, settings); connect(ANIM, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(startPainting()) ); //repeat the plugin as needed ANIM->LoadAnimations(); } //Now start the animation(s) if(ANIM!=0){ if(ANIM->animationCount()>0){ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Starting SS Plugin:" << cplug << ANIM->animationCount() << ANIM->duration() << ANIM->loopCount(); } ANIM->start(); } } } void SSBaseWidget::stopPainting(){ if(ANIM!=0){ qDebug() << "Stopping Animation!!"; ANIM->stop(); //ANIM->clear(); ANIM->deleteLater(); ANIM = 0; } }