#include "BootSplash.h" #include "ui_BootSplash.h" #include <LuminaXDG.h> #include <LUtils.h> #include <LDesktopUtils.h> BootSplash::BootSplash() : QWidget(0, Qt::SplashScreen | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus), ui(new Ui::BootSplash){ ui->setupUi(this); this->setObjectName("LuminaBootSplash"); //for theme styling //Center the window on the primary screen QPoint ctr = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().center(); this->move( ctr.x()-(this->width()/2), ctr.y()-(this->height()/2) ); generateTipOfTheDay(); ui->label_version->setText( QString(tr("Version %1")).arg(LDesktopUtils::LuminaDesktopVersion()) ); } void BootSplash::generateTipOfTheDay(){ //Try to find a system-defined message of the day for lumina QStringList dirs; dirs << LOS::AppPrefix()+"/etc/" << LOS::SysPrefix()+"/etc/" << L_ETCDIR+"/"; QString sysMOTD = "lumina-motd"; for(int i=0; i<dirs.length(); i++){ if(QFile::exists(dirs[i]+sysMOTD)){ sysMOTD.prepend(dirs[i]); break; } } QString tip; if(sysMOTD.contains("/") && LUtils::isValidBinary(sysMOTD)){ //is binary - run it to generate text tip = LUtils::getCmdOutput(sysMOTD).join("\n"); }else if(QFile::exists(sysMOTD)){ //text file - read it to generate text tip = LUtils::readFile(sysMOTD).join("\n"); }else{ int index = qrand()%46; //Make sure this number matches the length of the case below (max value +1) switch(index){ case 0: tip = tr("This desktop is powered by coffee, coffee, and more coffee."); break; case 1: tip = tr("Keep up with desktop news!")+"\n\nwww.lumina-desktop.org"; break; case 2: tip = tr("There is a full handbook of information about the desktop available online.")+"\n\nwww.lumina-desktop.org/handbook"; break; case 3: tip = tr("Want to change the interface? Everything is customizable in the desktop configuration!"); break; case 4: tip = tr("Lumina can easily reproduce the interface from most other desktop environments."); break; case 5: tip = tr("This desktop is generously sponsored by iXsystems")+"\n\nwww.ixsystems.com"; break; case 6: tip = "\""+tr("I have never been hurt by what I have not said")+"\"\n\n- Calvin Coolidge -"; break; case 7: tip = "\""+tr("Gotta have more cowbell!")+"\"\n\n- Christopher Walken (SNL) -"; break; case 8: tip = "\""+tr("Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.")+"\"\n\n- Confucius -"; break; case 9: tip = "\""+tr("Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.")+"\"\n\n- Albert Einstein -"; break; case 10: tip = "\""+tr("We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once.")+"\"\n\n- Calvin Coolidge -"; break; case 11: tip = "\""+tr("One with the law is a majority.")+"\"\n\n- Calvin Coolidge -"; break; case 12: tip = "\""+tr("Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.")+"\"\n\n- Calvin Coolidge -"; break; case 13: tip = "\""+tr("You can't know too much, but you can say too much.")+"\"\n\n- Calvin Coolidge -"; break; case 14: tip = "\""+tr("Duty is not collective; it is personal.")+"\"\n\n- Calvin Coolidge -"; break; case 15: tip = "\""+tr("Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.")+"\"\n\n- Benjamin Franklin -"; break; case 16: tip = "\""+tr("Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window.")+"\"\n\n- Steve Wozniak -"; break; case 17: tip = "\""+tr("Study the past if you would define the future.")+"\"\n\n- Confucius -"; break; case 18: tip = "\""+tr("The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.")+"\"\n\n- Walt Disney -"; break; case 19: tip = "\""+tr("Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.")+"\"\n\n- Jesus Christ -"; break; case 20: tip = "\""+tr("Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.")+"\"\n\n- Arthur Ashe -"; break; case 21: tip = "\""+tr("A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.")+"\"\n\n- Albert Einstein -"; break; case 22: tip = "\""+tr("It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.")+"\"\n\n- Confucius -"; break; case 23: tip = "\""+tr("Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.")+"\"\n\n- Theodore Roosevelt -"; break; case 24: tip = "\""+tr("Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.")+"\"\n\n- Eleanor Roosevelt -"; break; case 25: tip = "\""+tr("It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.")+"\"\n\n- Abraham Lincoln -"; break; case 26: tip = "\""+tr("Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.")+"\"\n\n- Benjamin Franklin -"; break; case 27: tip = "\""+tr("The only way to do great work is to love what you do.")+"\"\n\n- Steve Jobs -"; break; case 28: tip = "\""+tr("Political correctness is tyranny with manners.")+"\"\n\n- Charlton Heston -"; break; case 29: tip = "\""+tr("Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.")+"\"\n\n- Albert Einstein -"; break; case 30: tip = "\""+tr("I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.")+"\"\n\n- Thomas Jefferson -"; break; case 31: tip = "\""+tr("Do, or do not. There is no 'try'.")+"\"\n\n- Yoda -"; break; case 32: tip = "\""+tr("A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems.")+"\"\n\n- Paul Erdos -"; break; case 33: tip = "\""+tr("Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.")+"\"\n\n- Plato -"; break; case 34: tip = "\""+tr("Black holes are where God divided by zero.")+"\"\n\n- Steven Wright -"; break; case 35: tip = "\""+tr("It's kind of fun to do the impossible.")+"\"\n\n- Walt Disney -"; break; case 36: tip = "\""+tr("Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.")+"\"\n\n- Jimi Hendrix -"; break; case 37: tip = "\""+tr("A witty saying proves nothing.")+"\"\n\n- Voltaire -"; break; case 38: tip = "\""+tr("Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.")+"\"\n\n- Henry David Thoreau -"; break; case 39: tip = "\""+tr("Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech.")+"\"\n\n- Martin Fraquhar Tupper -"; break; case 40: tip = "\""+tr("I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.")+"\"\n\n- Mark Twain -"; break; case 41: tip = "\""+tr("The best way to predict the future is to invent it.")+"\"\n\n- Alan Kay -"; break; case 42: tip = "\""+tr("Well done is better than well said.")+"\"\n\n- Benjamin Franklin -"; break; case 43: tip = "\""+tr("Sometimes it is not enough that we do our best; we must do what is required.")+"\"\n\n- Sir Winston Churchill -"; break; case 44: tip = "\""+tr("The truth is more important than the facts.")+"\"\n\n- Frank Lloyd Wright -"; break; case 45: tip = "\""+tr("Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.")+"\"\n\n- Abraham Lincoln -"; break; } //end of switch for tips } //end of fallback tip generation ui->label_welcome->setText( tip); } void BootSplash::showScreen(QString loading){ //update icon, text, and progress QString txt, icon; int per = 0; if(loading=="init"){ txt = tr("Initializing Session …"); per = 10; icon = "preferences-system-login"; }else if(loading=="settings"){ txt = tr("Loading System Settings …"); per = 20; icon = "user-home"; }else if(loading=="user"){ txt = tr("Loading User Preferences …"); per = 30; icon = "preferences-desktop-user"; }else if(loading=="systray"){ txt = tr("Preparing System Tray …"); per = 40; icon = "preferences-plugin"; }else if(loading=="wm"){ txt = tr("Starting Window Manager …"); per = 50; icon = "preferences-system-windows-actions"; }else if(loading=="apps"){ txt = tr("Detecting Applications …"); per = 60; icon = "preferences-desktop-icons"; }else if(loading=="menus"){ txt = tr("Preparing Menus …"); per = 70; icon = "preferences-system-windows"; }else if(loading=="desktop"){ txt = tr("Preparing Workspace …"); per = 80; icon = "preferences-desktop-wallpaper"; }else if(loading=="final"){ txt = tr("Finalizing …"); per = 90; icon = "start-here-lumina"; }else if(loading.startsWith("app::")){ txt = QString(tr("Starting App: %1")).arg(loading.section("::",1,50)); per = -1; } if(per>0){ ui->progressBar->setValue(per); } else{ ui->progressBar->setRange(0,0); } //loading indicator ui->label_text->setText(txt); if(!icon.isEmpty()){ui->label_icon->setPixmap( LXDG::findIcon(icon, "Lumina-DE").pixmap(64,64) ); } this->raise(); this->show(); this->update(); QApplication::processEvents(); } void BootSplash::showText(QString txt){ //will only update the text, not the icon/progress ui->label_text->setText(txt); this->show(); this->update(); QApplication::processEvents(); }