#include("$${PWD}/../../OS-detect.pri") #QT += core network widgets x11extras multimedia concurrent svg #define #Setup any special defines (qmake -> C++) #GIT_VERSION=$$system(git describe --always) #!isEmpty(GIT_VERSION){ # DEFINES += GIT_VERSION='"\\\"$${GIT_VERSION}\\\""' #} #DEFINES += BUILD_DATE='"\\\"$$system(date)\\\""' #TARGET=LuminaUtils #target.path = $${L_LIBDIR} #DESTDIR= $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/ #TEMPLATE = lib #LANGUAGE = C++ #VERSION = 1 #HEADERS += LuminaXDG.h \ # LuminaUtils.h \ # LuminaX11.h \ # LuminaThemes.h \ # LuminaOS.h \ # LuminaSingleApplication.h #SOURCES += LuminaXDG.cpp \ # LuminaUtils.cpp \ # LuminaX11.cpp \ # LuminaThemes.cpp \ # LuminaSingleApplication.cpp # Also load the OS template as available for # LuminaOS support functions (or fall back to generic one) #exists($${PWD}/LuminaOS-$${LINUX_DISTRO}.cpp){ # SOURCES += LuminaOS-$${LINUX_DISTRO}.cpp #}else:exists($${PWD}/LuminaOS-$${OS}.cpp){ # SOURCES += LuminaOS-$${OS}.cpp #}else{ # SOURCES += LuminaOS-template.cpp #} #LIBS += -lc -lxcb -lxcb-ewmh -lxcb-icccm -lxcb-image -lxcb-composite -lxcb-damage -lxcb-util -lXdamage #include.path=$${L_INCLUDEDIR} #include.files=LuminaXDG.h \ # LuminaUtils.h \ # LuminaX11.h \ # LuminaThemes.h \ # LuminaOS.h \ # LuminaSingleApplication.h colors.path=$${L_SHAREDIR}/lumina-desktop/colors colors.files=colors/*.qss.colors themes.path=$${L_SHAREDIR}/lumina-desktop/themes/ themes.files=themes/*.qss.template #quickplugins.path=$${L_SHAREDIR}/lumina-desktop/quickplugins/ #quickplugins.files=quickplugins/* globs.path=$${L_SHAREDIR}/lumina-desktop globs.files=xtrafiles/globs2 INSTALLS += colors themes globs