//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2016, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #include "RootWindow.h" #include #include #include #define DEBUG 0 // === PUBLIC === RootWindow::RootWindow() : QWidget(0, Qt::Window | Qt::BypassWindowManagerHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnBottomHint){ qRegisterMetaType("WId"); autoResizeTimer = 0; lastActiveMouse = 0; mouseFocusTimer = 0; this->setMouseTracking(true); } RootWindow::~RootWindow(){ } void RootWindow::start(){ if(autoResizeTimer==0){ autoResizeTimer = new QTimer(this); autoResizeTimer->setInterval(100); //1/10 second (collect all nearly-simultaneous signals and compress into a single update) autoResizeTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(autoResizeTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(ResizeRoot()) ); connect(QApplication::desktop(), SIGNAL(resized(int)), autoResizeTimer, SLOT(start()) ); connect(QApplication::desktop(), SIGNAL(screenCountChanged(int)), autoResizeTimer, SLOT(start()) ); } if(mouseFocusTimer==0){ mouseFocusTimer = new QTimer(this); mouseFocusTimer->setInterval(100); connect(mouseFocusTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkMouseFocus()) ); } this->show(); ResizeRoot(); emit RegisterVirtualRoot(this->winId()); } // === PRIVATE === void RootWindow::updateScreenPixmap(screeninfo *info){ QPixmap pix(info->area.size()); if(info->scale == RootWindow::SolidColor){ QColor color; if(info->file.startsWith("rgb(")){ QStringList colors = info->file.section(")",0,0).section("(",1,1).split(","); color = QColor(colors[0].toInt(), colors[1].toInt(), colors[2].toInt()); }else{ color = QColor(info->file); } pix.fill(color); }else{ QPixmap raw(info->file); //load the image from file //Now apply the proper aspect ratio as needed if(info->scale == RootWindow::Stretch || info->scale == RootWindow::Full || info->scale == RootWindow::Fit){ Qt::AspectRatioMode armode = Qt::KeepAspectRatio; if(info->scale == RootWindow::Stretch ){ armode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio; } else if(info->scale == RootWindow::Full ){ armode = Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding; } if(raw.height()!=info->area.height() && raw.width() !=info->area.width()){ raw = raw.scaled(info->area.size(), armode); } } //Now calculate offset and draw width/height QRect drawRect(0,0, raw.width(), raw.height()); if(info->scale == RootWindow::Full ){ drawRect.moveTo( (info->area.width() - raw.width())/2, (info->area.height() - raw.height())/2 ); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::Fit ){ drawRect.moveTo( (info->area.width() - raw.width())/2, (info->area.height() - raw.height())/2 ); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::Center ){ drawRect.moveTo( (info->area.width() - raw.width())/2, (info->area.height() - raw.height())/2 ); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::Tile ){ //Draw the entire area - no offset drawRect.setHeight(info->area.height()); drawRect.setWidth(info->area.width()); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::BottomLeft ){ drawRect.moveTo( 0 , info->area.height() - raw.height() ); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::BottomRight ){ drawRect.moveTo( (info->area.width() - raw.width()), (info->area.height() - raw.height()) ); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::BottomCenter ){ drawRect.moveTo( (info->area.width() - raw.width())/2, info->area.height() - raw.height() ); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::TopLeft ){ drawRect.moveTo( 0, 0 ); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::TopRight ){ drawRect.moveTo( (info->area.width() - raw.width()), 0); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::TopCenter ){ drawRect.moveTo( (info->area.width() - raw.width())/2, 0); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::CenterLeft ){ drawRect.moveTo( 0, (info->area.height() - raw.height())/2 ); }else if(info->scale == RootWindow::CenterRight ){ drawRect.moveTo( (info->area.width() - raw.width()), (info->area.height() - raw.height())/2 ); } QPainter P(&pix); P.setBrush(raw); P.setBrushOrigin( drawRect.x(), drawRect.y() ); P.drawRect( drawRect ); } //end SolidColor Check info->wallpaper = pix; } RootSubWindow* RootWindow::windowForId(WId id){ RootSubWindow *tmp = 0; for(int i=0; iid() == id){ tmp = WINDOWS[i]; } } return tmp; } QScreen* RootWindow::screenUnderMouse(){ QPoint mpos = QCursor::pos(); QList scrns = QApplication::screens(); for(int i=0; igeometry().contains(mpos)){ return scrns[i]; } } //Could not find an exact match - just return the first one return scrns.first(); } // === PUBLIC SLOTS === void RootWindow::ResizeRoot(){ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Resize Root..."; } QList scrns = QApplication::screens(); //Update all the screen locations and ID's in the WALLPAPERS list QRect fullscreen; QStringList valid; //Update the size of the rootWindow itself for(int i=0; iname() << scrns[i]->geometry(); } fullscreen = fullscreen.united(scrns[i]->geometry()); valid << scrns[i]->name(); for(int j=0; jname()){ QSize oldsize = WALLPAPERS[j].area.size(); WALLPAPERS[j].area = scrns[i]->geometry(); if(oldsize != WALLPAPERS[j].area.size()){ updateScreenPixmap(&WALLPAPERS[j]); } break; } } } //Now clean up any invalid screen info in the WALLPAPERS List QStringList invalid; for(int i=0; isetGeometry(fullscreen); this->update(); emit RootResized(fullscreen); if(!valid.isEmpty()){ emit NewScreens(valid); } if(!invalid.isEmpty()){ emit RemovedScreens(invalid); } if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Geom after change:" << this->geometry(); } } void RootWindow::ChangeWallpaper(QString id, RootWindow::ScaleType scale, QString file){ bool found = false; for(int i=0; i scrns = QApplication::screens(); for(int i=0; iname()==id){ screeninfo info; info.id = id; info.file = file; info.scale = scale; info.area = scrns[i]->geometry(); updateScreenPixmap(&info); //qDebug() << " --- Loaded Wallpaper:" << info.id << info.file << info.area; WALLPAPERS << info; break; } } } //end check for a new id } void RootWindow::checkMouseFocus(){ QPoint cpos = QCursor::pos(); if(lastCursorPos != cpos){ emit MouseMoved(); } lastCursorPos = cpos; QWidget *child = this->childAt(QCursor::pos()); while(child!=0 && child->whatsThis()!="RootSubWindow"){ child = child->parentWidget(); if(child==this){ child = 0;} //end of the line } if(child==lastActiveMouse){ return; } //nothing new to do //Make sure the child is actually a RootSubWindow if(lastActiveMouse!=0){ lastActiveMouse->removeMouseFocus(); lastActiveMouse = 0; } if(child!=0){ lastActiveMouse = static_cast(child); if(DesktopSettings::instance()->value(DesktopSettings::WM, "focusFollowsMouse", true).toBool()){ lastActiveMouse->giveKeyboardFocus(); if(DesktopSettings::instance()->value(DesktopSettings::WM, "raiseOnFocus", false).toBool()){ lastActiveMouse->raise(); } } lastActiveMouse->giveMouseFocus(); //always give mouse focus on mouseover } } void RootWindow::NewWindow(NativeWindow *win){ RootSubWindow *subwin = 0; //qDebug() << "Got New Window:" << win->property(NativeWindow::Title); for(int i=0; iid() == win->id()){ subwin = WINDOWS[i]; } } if(subwin==0){ subwin = new RootSubWindow(this, win); subwin->setWhatsThis("RootSubWindow"); connect(win, SIGNAL(WindowClosed(WId)), this, SLOT(CloseWindow(WId)) ); WINDOWS << subwin; } CheckWindowPosition(win->id(), true); //first-time run win->setProperty(NativeWindow::Visible, true); win->requestProperty( NativeWindow::Active, true); //win->requestProperties(QList() << NativeWindow::Visible << NativeWindow::Active, QList() << true << true, true); if(!mouseFocusTimer->isActive()){ mouseFocusTimer->start(); } } void RootWindow::CloseWindow(WId win){ for(int i=0; iid() == win){ if(lastActiveMouse==WINDOWS[i]){ lastActiveMouse = 0; } //no longer valid WINDOWS.takeAt(i)->clientClosed(); break; } } if(WINDOWS.isEmpty()){ mouseFocusTimer->stop(); } //no windows to look for } // === PRIVATE SLOTS === // === PROTECTED === void RootWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *ev){ //qDebug() << "RootWindow: PaintEvent:" << ev->rect(); //<< QDateTime::currentDateTime()->toString(QDateTime::ShortDate); //QWidget::paintEvent(ev); bool found = false; QPainter painter(this); QRect geom = ev->rect(); geom.adjust(-100,-100,100,100); //give it a few more pixels in each direction to repaint (noticing some issues in Qt 5.7.1) for(int i=0; i