//=========================================== // Lumina Desktop source code // Copyright (c) 2017, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #include "RootSubWindow.h" #include QStringList RootSubWindow::validAnimations(NativeWindow::Property prop){ QStringList valid; if(prop == NativeWindow::Visible){ valid << "zoom" << "wipe-center-vertical" << "wipe-center-horizontal" << "shade-top" << "shade-right" << "shade-left" << "shade-bottom"; }else if(prop == NativeWindow::Size){ //Note: this is used for pretty much all geometry changes to the window where it is visible both before/after animation valid << "direct"; } return valid; } void RootSubWindow::loadAnimation(QString name, NativeWindow::Property prop, QVariant nval){ if(anim->state()==QAbstractAnimation::Running){ return; } //already running animResetProp.clear(); //Special case - random animation each time if(name=="random"){ QStringList valid = validAnimations(prop); if(!valid.isEmpty()){ name = valid.at(qrand()%valid.length()); } } //Now setup the animation if(prop == NativeWindow::Visible){ //NOTE: Assigns values for "invisible->visible" animation: will reverse it afterwards as needed anim->setPropertyName("geometry"); QRect geom = this->geometry(); if(name == "zoom"){ //Zoom to/from the center point anim->setStartValue( QRect(geom.center(), QSize(0,0)) ); anim->setEndValue(geom); }else if(name == "wipe-center-vertical"){ anim->setStartValue( QRect( geom.center().x(), geom.y(), 0, geom.height()) ); anim->setEndValue( geom ); }else if(name == "wipe-center-horizontal"){ anim->setStartValue( QRect( geom.x(), geom.center().y(), geom.width(), 0) ); anim->setEndValue( geom ); }else if(name == "shade-top"){ anim->setStartValue( QRect( geom.x(), geom.y(), geom.width(), 0) ); anim->setEndValue( geom ); }else if(name == "shade-bottom"){ anim->setStartValue( QRect( geom.x(), geom.y()+geom.height(), geom.width(), 0) ); anim->setEndValue( geom ); }else if(name == "shade-left"){ anim->setStartValue( QRect( geom.x(), geom.y(), 0, geom.height()) ); anim->setEndValue( geom ); }else if(name == "shade-right"){ anim->setStartValue( QRect( geom.x()+geom.width(), geom.y(), 0, geom.height()) ); anim->setEndValue( geom ); }else{ //Invalid/None animation if(nval.toBool()){ this->show(); } else{ this->hide(); } return; } if(nval.toBool()){ this->setGeometry( anim->startValue().toRect() ); //ensure the window is the initial geom before it becomes visible }else{ QVariant tmp = anim->startValue(); anim->setStartValue(anim->endValue()); anim->setEndValue(tmp); animResetProp = anim->startValue(); QTimer::singleShot(anim->duration(), this, SLOT(hide()) ); } WinWidget->pause(); anim->start(); this->show(); } //end of Visibility animation else if(prop == NativeWindow::Size){ //This is pretty much all geometry animations where the window is visible->visible anim->setPropertyName("geometry"); anim->setStartValue(this->geometry()); anim->setEndValue(nval.toRect()); /*if(name==""){ // TO-DO modify the path from beginning->end somehow }*/ // Now start the animation WinWidget->pause(); anim->start(); this->show(); } } void RootSubWindow::animFinished(){ if(closing){ this->close(); return;} else if(anim->propertyName()=="geometry"){ if(!animResetProp.isNull()){ /*qDebug() << "Animation Finished, Reset Geometry:" << animResetProp.toRect(); qDebug() << " - Starting Value:" << anim->startValue().toRect(); qDebug() << " - Ending Value:" << anim->endValue().toRect();*/ this->setGeometry( animResetProp.toRect() ); //Also ensure that the proper geometry is saved to the window structure QRect curg = this->geometry(); QRect wing = WIN->geometry(); //qDebug() << " - After Animation Reset:" << curg << wing; if(curg!=wing){ QRect clientg = clientGlobalGeom(); //qDebug() << "Sub Window geometry:" << clientg; WIN->setProperties(QList< NativeWindow::Property>() << NativeWindow::Size << NativeWindow::GlobalPos, QList() << clientg.size() << clientg.topLeft() ); } } WinWidget->resyncWindow(); //also let the window know about the current geometry } animResetProp = QVariant(); //clear the variable //QTimer::singleShot(10, WinWidget, SLOT(resume()) ); WinWidget->resume(); }