//=========================================== // Lumina desktop source code // Copyright (c) 2017, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #include //=========== // PUBLIC //=========== //Simple functions used to determine if the current OS supports using this class, and what levels of support QList OSInterface::supportedNotifications(){ //Which interfaces provide change notifications return QList< OSInterface::Interface >(); } QList OSInterface::supportedStatus(){ //Which interfaces are available for "status" requests return QList< OSInterface::Interface >(); } QList OSInterface::supportedModify(){ //Which interfaces are available for "modify" requests return QList< OSInterface::Interface >(); } //Start/stop interface watchers/notifications (each only called once per session) void OSInterface::start(){ //nothing to do } void OSInterface::stop(){ //nothing to do } //Generic status update QList OSInterface::status(OSInterface::Interface){ // ==== Interface status output lists ==== // Battery: [ float (percent charge), bool (is Charging), double (seconds remaining) ]; // Volume: [int (percent volume) ] // Devices: [ QStringList[ name, mountpoint, type (optional)] ] (List length depends on number of devices) // Network: [bool (network access available)] // PowerOff: [bool (can power off system)] // Reboot: [bool (can reboot system)] // Suspend: [bool (can suspend system)] // Updates: [bool (is updating), bool (reboot required)] // ========== return QList(); } //Individual Interface interactions bool OSInterface::modify(OSInterface::Interface, QList){ //returns: success/failure // ==== Interface modification argument lists ==== // Battery: // Volume: [int (set percent volume) ] // Devices: // Network: // PowerOff: [bool (skip updates - optional)] // Reboot: [bool (skip updates - optional)] // Suspend: [] (No input arguments) // Updates: // ========== return false; } //================= // PRIVATE SLOTS //================= //FileSystemWatcher slots void OSInterface::watcherFileChanged(QString){ } void OSInterface::watcherDirChanged(QString){ } //IO Device slots void OSInterface::iodeviceReadyRead(){ } void OSInterface::iodeviceAboutToClose(){ } //NetworkAccessManager slots void OSInterface::netAccessChanged(QNetworkAccessManager::NetworkAccessibility){ } void OSInterface::netRequestFinished(QNetworkReply*){ } void OSInterface::netSslErrors(QNetworkReply*, const QList&){ }