//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #ifndef _LUMINA_LIBRARY_UTILS_H #define _LUMINA_LIBRARY_UTILS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include class LUtils{ public: //Get the current version/build of the Lumina desktop static QString LuminaDesktopVersion(); static QString LuminaDesktopBuildDate(); //Run an external command and return the exit code static int runCmd(QString cmd, QStringList args = QStringList()); //Run an external command and return any text output (one line per entry) static QStringList getCmdOutput(QString cmd, QStringList args = QStringList()); //Read a text file static QStringList readFile(QString filepath); //Write a text file static bool writeFile(QString filepath, QStringList contents, bool overwrite=false); //Check whether a file/path is a valid binary static bool isValidBinary(QString& bin); //full path or name only static bool isValidBinary(const char *bin){ QString bins(bin); return isValidBinary(bins); //overload for a "junk" binary variable input } //Create the exec string to open a terminal in a particular directory static QString GenerateOpenTerminalExec(QString term, QString dirpath); //List all the sub-directories of a parent dir (recursive) static QStringList listSubDirectories(QString dir, bool recursive = true); //Convert an input file/dir path to an absolute file path static QString PathToAbsolute(QString path); //This is primarily for CLI usage (relative paths) static QString AppToAbsolute(QString path); //This is for looking up a binary/ *.desktop path //Get the list of all file extensions which Qt can read (lowercase) static QStringList imageExtensions(bool wildcards = false); //Load a translation file for a Lumina Project static QTranslator* LoadTranslation(QApplication *app, QString appname, QString locale = "", QTranslator *cTrans = 0); //Other localization shortcuts static QStringList knownLocales(); //Note: This only lists locales known to Lumina (so the i18n files need to be installed) static void setLocaleEnv(QString lang, QString msg="", QString time="", QString num="" ,QString money="",QString collate="", QString ctype=""); static QString currentLocale(); //Number format conversions static double DisplaySizeToBytes(QString num); //Turn a display size (like 50M or 50KB) into a double for calculations (bytes) static QString BytesToDisplaySize(qint64 bytes); //convert into a readable size (like 50M or 50KB) static QString SecondsToDisplay(int secs); //convert into a readable time //Various function for finding valid QtQuick plugins on the system static bool validQuickPlugin(QString ID); static QString findQuickPluginFile(QString ID); static QStringList listQuickPlugins(); //List of valid ID's static QStringList infoQuickPlugin(QString ID); //Returns: [Name, Description, Icon] //Various functions for the favorites sub-system // Formatting Note: "::::[dir/app/]::::" // the field might not be used for "app" flagged entries static QStringList listFavorites(); static bool saveFavorites(QStringList); static bool isFavorite(QString path); static bool addFavorite(QString path, QString name = ""); static void removeFavorite(QString path); static void upgradeFavorites(int fromoldversionnumber); //Load the default setup for the system static void LoadSystemDefaults(bool skipOS = false); static bool checkUserFiles(QString lastversion); //returns true if something changed static int VersionStringToNumber(QString version); //convert the lumina version string to a number for comparisons }; //Special subclass for a menu which the user can grab the edges and resize as necessary // Note: Make sure that you don't set 0pixel contents margins on this menu // - it needs at least 1 pixel margins for the user to be able to grab it /*class ResizeMenu : public QMenu{ Q_OBJECT public: ResizeMenu(QWidget *parent = 0); virtual ~ResizeMenu(); void setContents(QWidget *con); private: enum SideFlag{NONE, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT}; SideFlag resizeSide; QWidget *contents; QWidgetAction *cAct; private slots: void clearFlags(){ resizeSide=NONE; } protected: virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev); virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev); virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev); signals: void MenuResized(QSize); //Emitted when the menu is manually resized by the user };*/ #endif