#since this is the most common of the include files - make sure it only gets added once !contains( HEADERS, $${PWD}/LUtils.h ){ include("$${PWD}/../../OS-detect.pri") QT *= concurrent network #Setup any special defines (qmake -> C++) GIT_VERSION=$$system(git describe --always) !isEmpty(GIT_VERSION){ DEFINES += GIT_VERSION='"\\\"$${GIT_VERSION}\\\""' } #Note: Saving the build date will break reproducible builds (time stamp always different) # Disable this by default, but leave it possible to re-enable this as needed by user #DEFINES += BUILD_DATE='"\\\"$$system(date)\\\""' #LuminaOS files HEADERS *= $${PWD}/LuminaOS.h # LuminaOS support functions (or fall back to generic one) exists($${PWD}/LuminaOS-$${LINUX_DISTRO}.cpp){ SOURCES *= $${PWD}/LuminaOS-$${LINUX_DISTRO}.cpp }else:exists($${PWD}/LuminaOS-$${OS}.cpp){ SOURCES *= $${PWD}/LuminaOS-$${OS}.cpp }else{ SOURCES *= $${PWD}/LuminaOS-template.cpp } #LUtils Files SOURCES *= $${PWD}/LUtils.cpp HEADERS *= $${PWD}/LUtils.h INCLUDEPATH *= ${PWD} }