//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #include "LFileInfo.h" #include #include #include LFileInfo::LFileInfo() : QFileInfo(){ desk = 0; c_uid = -1; } LFileInfo::LFileInfo(QString filepath) : QFileInfo(){ //overloaded contructor desk = 0; this->setFile(filepath); loadExtraInfo(); } LFileInfo::LFileInfo(QFileInfo info) : QFileInfo(){ //overloaded contructor desk = 0; this->swap(info); //use the given QFileInfo without re-loading it loadExtraInfo(); } LFileInfo::~LFileInfo(){ if(desk!=0){ desk->deleteLater(); } } //Need some extra information not usually available by a QFileInfo void LFileInfo::loadExtraInfo(){ if(desk!=0){ desk->deleteLater(); } desk = 0; c_uid = geteuid(); //Now load the extra information if(this->absoluteFilePath().startsWith("/net/") || this->isDir() ){ mime = "inode/directory"; //Special directory icons QString name = this->fileName().toLower(); if(name=="desktop"){ iconList << "user-desktop"; } else if(name=="tmp"){ iconList << "folder-temp"; } else if(name=="video" || name=="videos"){ iconList << "folder-video" << "camera-photo-film" ; } else if(name=="music" || name=="audio"){ iconList << "folder-sound" << "media-playlist-audio"; } else if(name=="projects" || name=="devel"){ iconList << "folder-development"; } else if(name=="notes"){ iconList << "folder-txt" << "note-multiple-outline" << "note-multiple"; } else if(name=="downloads"){ iconList << "folder-downloads" << "folder-download"; } else if(name=="documents"){ iconList << "folder-documents"; } else if(name=="images" || name=="pictures"){ iconList << "folder-image"; } else if(this->absoluteFilePath().startsWith("/net/")){ iconList << "folder-remote"; } else if( !this->isReadable() ){ iconList << "folder-locked"<< "folder-lock"; } iconList << "folder"; }else if( this->suffix()=="desktop"){ mime = "application/x-desktop"; iconList << "application-x-desktop"; //default value desk = new XDGDesktop(this->absoluteFilePath(), 0); if(desk->type!=XDGDesktop::BAD){ //use the specific desktop file info (if possible) if(!desk->icon.isEmpty()){ iconList << desk->icon; } } }else{ //Generic file, just determine the mimetype mime = LXDG::findAppMimeForFile(this->fileName()); } //check the mimetype for an icon as needed QString tmp = mime; tmp.replace("/","-"); iconList << tmp; if(this->isExecutable()){ iconList << "application-x-executable"; } } bool LFileInfo::zfsAvailable(){ static unsigned int avail = 2; if(avail == 2){ avail = (LUtils::isValidBinary("zfs") ? 0 : 1); } return (avail == 0); } void LFileInfo::getZfsDataset(){ if(zfs_ds.isEmpty()){ //First run - need to probe the current directory bool ok = false; //Use the "atime" property for this check - been around since the earliest versions of ZFS and should take no time to probe QString out = LUtils::runCommand(ok, "zfs", QStringList() << "get" << "-H" << "atime" << this->canonicalFilePath() ); if(!ok){ zfs_ds = "."; } //just something that is not empty - but is clearly not a valid dataset else{ zfs_ds = out.section("\n",0,0).section("\t",0,0).simplified(); zfs_dspath = this->canonicalFilePath().section(zfs_ds.section("/",1,-1), 1,-1); //relative path if(!zfs_dspath.isEmpty()){ zfs_dspath.prepend(zfs_ds); } else{ zfs_dspath = zfs_ds; } //on the current dataset "root" //qDebug() << "Got ZFS dataset:" << zfs_ds << zfs_dspath; } //qDebug() << "Found Dataset:" << zfs_ds << out << ok; if(ok){ //Also get the list of permissions this user has for modifying the ZFS dataset QStringList perms = LUtils::runCommand(ok, "zfs", QStringList() << "allow" << zfs_ds ).split("\n"); //qDebug() << "Permissions:" << perms; if(!perms.isEmpty() && ok){ //Now need to filter/combine the permissions for all the groups this user is a part of QStringList gplist = LUtils::runCommand(ok, "id", QStringList() << "-np").split("\n").filter("groups"); if(!gplist.isEmpty()){ gplist = gplist.first().replace("\t", " ").split(" ",QString::SkipEmptyParts); gplist.removeAll("groups"); } for(int i=0; ifilePath.isEmpty()); } // -- Allow access to the XDG desktop data structure XDGDesktop* LFileInfo::XDG(){ return desk; } // -- Check if this is a readable video file (for thumbnail support) bool LFileInfo::isVideo(){ if(!mime.startsWith("video/")){ return false; } //Check the hardcoded list of known supported video formats to see if the thumbnail can be generated return ( !LUtils::videoExtensions().filter(this->suffix().toLower()).isEmpty() ); } // -- Check if this is a readable image file bool LFileInfo::isImage(){ if(!mime.startsWith("image/")){ return false; } //quick return for non-image files //Check the Qt subsystems to see if this image file can be read return ( !LUtils::imageExtensions().filter(this->suffix().toLower()).isEmpty() ); } bool LFileInfo::isAVFile(){ return (mime.startsWith("audio/") || mime.startsWith("video/") ); } bool LFileInfo::isZfsDataset(QString path){ if(!path.isEmpty() && zfsAvailable() ){ //manual check of a dir return (0 == LUtils::runCmd("zfs", QStringList() << "get" << "-H" << "atime" << path) ); } if(!goodZfsDataset()){ return false; } return ( ("/"+zfs_ds.section("/",1,-1)) == this->canonicalFilePath()); } QString LFileInfo::zfsPool(){ if(!goodZfsDataset()){ return ""; } return zfs_ds.section("/",0,0); } QStringList LFileInfo::zfsSnapshots(){ if(!goodZfsDataset()){ return QStringList(); } QString relpath = this->canonicalFilePath().remove(0, QString("/"+zfs_ds.section("/",1,-1)).length() ); //qDebug() << "Got Relative path:" << zfs_ds << this->canonicalFilePath() << relpath; QDir dir("/"+zfs_ds.section("/",1,-1)+"/.zfs/snapshot/"); QStringList snaps = dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Time); for(int i=0; icanonicalFilePath()+"/"+subdir) ){ return false; } bool ok = false; QString info = LUtils::runCommand(ok, "zfs", QStringList() << "create" << zfs_dspath+"/"+subdir ); if(!ok){ qDebug() << "Error Creating ZFS Dataset:" << subdir << info; } return ok; } bool LFileInfo::canZFSdestroy(){ if(!goodZfsDataset()){ return false; } return (zfs_perms.contains("destroy") || (c_uid==0) ); } bool LFileInfo::zfsDestroyDataset(QString subdir){ if(!canZFSdestroy()){ return false; } if(!subdir.isEmpty() && !subdir.startsWith("/")){ if( isZfsDataset(this->canonicalFilePath()+"/"+subdir) ){ subdir = zfs_dspath+"/"+subdir; } } else if(subdir.isEmpty() && (zfs_ds == zfs_dspath) ){ subdir = zfs_ds; } else{ qDebug() << "Invalid subdir:" << subdir; return false; } bool ok = false; QString info = LUtils::runCommand(ok, "zfs", QStringList() << "destroy" << subdir); if(!ok){ qDebug() << "Error Destroying ZFS Dataset:" << subdir << info; } return ok; } bool LFileInfo::zfsDestroySnapshot(QString snapshot){ if(!canZFSdestroy()){ return false; } bool ok = false; QString info = LUtils::runCommand(ok, "zfs", QStringList() << "destroy" << zfs_ds+"@"+snapshot); if(!ok){ qDebug() << "Error Destroying ZFS Snapshot:" << snapshot << info; } return ok; } bool LFileInfo::canZFSclone(){ if(!goodZfsDataset()){ return false; } return (zfs_perms.contains("clone") || (c_uid==0) ); } bool LFileInfo::zfsCloneDataset(QString subdir, QString newsubdir){ if(!canZFSclone()){ return false; } return false; } bool LFileInfo::canZFSsnapshot(){ if(!goodZfsDataset()){ return false; } return (zfs_perms.contains("snapshot") || (c_uid==0) ); } bool LFileInfo::zfsSnapshot(QString snapname){ if(!canZFSsnapshot()){ return false; } bool ok = false; QString info = LUtils::runCommand(ok, "zfs", QStringList() << "snapshot" << zfs_ds+"@"+snapname); if(!ok){ qDebug() << "Error Creating ZFS Snapshot:" << snapname << info; } return ok; } bool LFileInfo::canZFSrollback(){ if(!goodZfsDataset()){ return false; } return (zfs_perms.contains("rollback") || (c_uid==0) ); } bool LFileInfo::zfsRollback(QString snapname){ if(!canZFSrollback()){ return false; } bool ok = false; QString info = LUtils::runCommand(ok, "zfs", QStringList() << "rollback" << zfs_ds+"@"+snapname); if(!ok){ qDebug() << "Error Rolling back to ZFS Snapshot:" << snapname << info; } return ok; }