//=========================================== // Lumina Desktop Source Code // Copyright (c) 2016, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #include "page_mouse.h" #include "ui_page_mouse.h" #include "getPage.h" #include #include //========== // PUBLIC //========== page_mouse::page_mouse(QWidget *parent) : PageWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::page_mouse()){ ui->setupUi(this); devices = LInput::listDevices(); //DEBUG Code /*qDebug() << "List Devices:"; for(int i=0; iisPointer()){ ::free( devices.takeAt(i)); i--; }else{ qDebug() << "Found Pointer:" << devices[i]->devNumber(); qDebug() << " - isExtension:" << devices[i]->isExtension(); QList props = devices[i]->listProperties(); qDebug() << " - Properties:"; for(int j=0; jpropertyName(props[j])+" ("+QString::number(props[j])+")" <<" = " << devices[i]->getPropertyValue(props[j]); } } }*/ generateUI(); } page_mouse::~page_mouse(){ for(int i=0; itabWidget->count(); i++){ ui->tabWidget->setTabIcon( i, LXDG::findIcon( "input-"+ui->tabWidget->tabWhatsThis(i).section(":",0,0), "" ) ); } } //================= // PRIVATE //================= void page_mouse::generateUI(){ ui->tabWidget->clear(); //remove all tabs (just in case) int mouse = 1; int keyboard = 1; qDebug() << "Devices Found:" << devices.length(); for(int i=0; iisExtension() || devices[i]->isPointer()){ if(devices[i]->isPointer() && devices[i]->listProperties().count() <4){ continue; } //filter out all the trivial/static mouse devices //Make a new tab for this device tree = new QTreeWidget(this); tree->setHeaderHidden(true); tree->setColumnCount(2); connect(tree, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)) ); if(devices[i]->isPointer()){ int tab = ui->tabWidget->addTab(tree, LXDG::findIcon("input-mouse",""), QString(tr("Mouse #%1")).arg(QString::number(mouse)) ); ui->tabWidget->setTabWhatsThis(tab, "mouse:"+QString::number(devices[i]->devNumber())); mouse++; }else{ int tab = ui->tabWidget->addTab(tree, LXDG::findIcon("input-keyboard",""), QString(tr("Keyboard #%1")).arg(QString::number(keyboard)) ); ui->tabWidget->setTabWhatsThis(tab, "keyboard:"+QString::number(devices[i]->devNumber()) ); keyboard++; } }else{ //Find the associated tab for this extension device int tab = 0; QString type = devices[i]->isPointer() ? "mouse" : "keyboard"; int num = devices[i]->devNumber(); for(int t=ui->tabWidget->count()-1; t>0; t--){ if(ui->tabWidget->tabWhatsThis(t).startsWith(type) && ui->tabWidget->tabWhatsThis(t).section(":",-1).toInt() < num ){ tab = t; break; } } tree = static_cast( ui->tabWidget->widget(tab) ); } if(tree!=0){ populateDeviceTree(tree, devices[i]); } } } void page_mouse::populateDeviceTree(QTreeWidget *tree, LInputDevice *device){ QTreeWidgetItem *top = new QTreeWidgetItem(tree); if(device->isExtension()){ top->setText( 0, QString(tr("Extension Device #%1")).arg(QString::number(tree->topLevelItemCount())) ); }else{ top->setText(0, tr("Master Device")); } top->setWhatsThis(0, QString(device->isPointer() ? "mouse" : "keyboard")+":"+QString::number(device->devNumber()) ); //save this for later top->setFirstColumnSpanned(true); top->setExpanded(true); tree->addTopLevelItem(top); //Now add all the child properties to this item QList props = device->listProperties(); for(int i=0; ipropertyName(props[i]).toLower().contains("matrix")){ continue; } //skip this one - can not change from UI and most people will never want to anyway QTreeWidgetItem *tmp = new QTreeWidgetItem(top); tmp->setWhatsThis(0, QString::number(props[i]) ); tmp->setText(0, device->propertyName(props[i])); top->addChild(tmp); populateDeviceItemValue(tree, tmp, device->getPropertyValue(props[i]), QString::number(device->devNumber())+":"+QString::number(props[i]) ); } //Clean up the tree widget as needed top->sortChildren(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); tree->resizeColumnToContents(0); } void page_mouse::populateDeviceItemValue(QTreeWidget *tree, QTreeWidgetItem *it, QVariant value, QString id){ if(value.type()==QVariant::Int){ //Could be a boolian - check the name for known "enable" states if(value.toInt() < 2 && (it->text(0).toLower().contains("enable") || it->text(0).toLower().contains("emulation") || it->text(0)==("XTEST Device") ) ){ //Just use a checkable column within the item bool enabled = (value.toInt()==1); it->setText(1,""); it->setWhatsThis(1, "bool:"+id); it->setCheckState(1, enabled ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); }else{ //Use a QSpinBox QSpinBox *box = new QSpinBox(); box->setRange(0,100); box->setValue( value.toInt() ); box->setWhatsThis("int:"+id); tree->setItemWidget(it, 1, box); connect(box, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(valueChanged()) ); } }else if(value.type()==QVariant::Double){ //Use a QDoubleSpinBox QDoubleSpinBox *box = new QDoubleSpinBox(); box->setRange(0,1000); box->setValue( value.toInt() ); box->setWhatsThis("double:"+id); tree->setItemWidget(it, 1, box); connect(box, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(valueChanged()) ); }else if(value.canConvert< QList >()){ //Not Modifiable - just use the label in the item QList list = value.toList(); QStringList txtList; for(int i=0; isetText(1, txtList.join(", ") ); it->setToolTip(1, txtList.join(", ")); }else if( value.canConvert() ){ //Not Modifiable - just use the label in the item it->setText(1, value.toString()); } } //================= // PRIVATE SLOTS //================= void page_mouse::valueChanged(){ //Now get the currently focused widget QWidget *foc = this->focusWidget(); if(foc==0){ return; } //qDebug() << "Focus Widget:" << foc->whatsThis(); //Now pull out the value and device/property numbers unsigned int dev = foc->whatsThis().section(":",1,1).toInt(); int prop = foc->whatsThis().section(":",2,2).toInt(); QVariant value; if(foc->whatsThis().startsWith("int:")){ value.setValue( static_cast(foc)->value() ); } else if(foc->whatsThis().startsWith("double:")){ value.setValue( static_cast(foc)->value() ); } //Now change the property for the device qDebug() << " - Device:" <devNumber() == dev){ bool ok = devices[i]->setPropertyValue(prop, value); if(ok){ foc->setStyleSheet(""); } else{ foc->setStyleSheet("background: red"); } //qDebug() << " - Changed property:" << (ok ? "success" : "failure"); break; } } } void page_mouse::itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *it, int col){ if(col!=1){ return; } //only care about value changes if(it->whatsThis(1).isEmpty()){ return; }//not a checkable item qDebug() << "item Clicked:" << it->whatsThis(1) << it->text(0); //Now pull out the value and device/property numbers unsigned int dev = it->whatsThis(1).section(":",1,1).toInt(); int prop = it->whatsThis(1).section(":",2,2).toInt(); QVariant value( (it->checkState(1)==Qt::Checked) ? 1 : 0 ); //Now change the property for the device qDebug() << " - Device:" <devNumber() == dev){ //Since this "clicked" signal can get sent out even if the value has not changed, go ahead and make sure we have a different value first QVariant current = devices[i]->getPropertyValue(prop); //qDebug() << " - Current Value:" << current; if(value.toInt()!=current.toInt()){ bool ok = devices[i]->setPropertyValue(prop, value); //if(ok){ foc->setStyleSheet(""); } //else{ foc->setStyleSheet("background: red"); } qDebug() << " - Changed property:" << (ok ? "success" : "failure"); } break; } } }