//=========================================== // Lumina Desktop Source Code // Copyright (c) 2016, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #ifndef _LUMINA_CONFIG_PAGE_WIDGET_FETCH_H #define _LUMINA_CONFIG_PAGE_WIDGET_FETCH_H #include "../globals.h" #include "PageWidget.h" //Simplification function for creating a PAGEINFO structure static PAGEINFO PageInfo(QString ID, QString i_name, QString i_title, QString i_icon, QString i_comment, QString i_cat, QStringList i_sys, QStringList i_tags){ PAGEINFO page; page.id = ID; page.name = i_name; page.title = i_title; page.icon = i_icon; page.comment = i_comment; page.category = i_cat; page.req_systems = i_sys; page.search_tags = i_tags; return page; } //List all the known pages // **** Add new page entries here **** static QList<PAGEINFO> KnownPages(){ // Valid Groups: ["appearance", "interface", "session", "user"] QList<PAGEINFO> list; //Reminder: <ID>, <name>, <title>, <icon>, <comment>, <category>, <server subsytem list>, <search tags> list << PageInfo("wallpaper", QObject::tr("Wallpaper"), QObject::tr("Wallpaper Settings"), "preferences-desktop-wallpaper",QObject::tr("Change background image(s)"), "appearance", QStringList(), QStringList() << "background" << "wallpaper" << "color" << "image"); list << PageInfo("theme", QObject::tr("Theme"), QObject::tr("Theme Settings"), "preferences-desktop-theme",QObject::tr("Change interface fonts and colors"), "appearance", QStringList(), QStringList() << "background" << "interface" << "color" << "theme" << "plugins"); list << PageInfo("compton", QObject::tr("Window Effects"), QObject::tr("Window Effects"), "window-duplicate",QObject::tr("Adjust transparency levels and window effects"), "appearance", QStringList(), QStringList() << "background" << "interface" << "color" << "transparency" << "windows" << "compositing"); list << PageInfo("autostart", QObject::tr("Autostart"), QObject::tr("Startup Settings"), "preferences-system-session-services",QObject::tr("Automatically start applications or services"), "session", QStringList(), QStringList() << "apps" << "autostart" << "services" << "xdg" << "startup" << "session"); list << PageInfo("defaultapps", QObject::tr("Applications"), QObject::tr("Mimetype Settings"), "preferences-desktop-default-applications",QObject::tr("Change default applications"), "session", QStringList(), QStringList() << "apps" << "default" << "services" << "xdg" << "session"); list << PageInfo("fluxbox-keys", QObject::tr("Keyboard Shortcuts"), QObject::tr("Keyboard Shortcuts"), "preferences-desktop-keyboard",QObject::tr("Change keyboard shortcuts"), "session", QStringList(), QStringList() << "apps" << "fluxbox" << "keys" << "keyboard" << "session" << "launch"); list << PageInfo("fluxbox-settings", QObject::tr("Window Manager"), QObject::tr("Window Settings"), "preferences-system-windows-actions",QObject::tr("Change window settings and appearances"), "appearance", QStringList(), QStringList() << "window" << "frame" << "border" << "workspace" << "theme" << "fluxbox" << "session"); list << PageInfo("interface-desktop", QObject::tr("Desktop"), QObject::tr("Desktop Plugins"), "preferences-desktop-icons",QObject::tr("Change what icons or tools are embedded on the desktop"), "interface", QStringList(), QStringList() << "desktop" << "plugins" << "embed" << "icons" << "utilities"); list << PageInfo("interface-panel", QObject::tr("Panels"), QObject::tr("Panels and Plugins"), "configure-toolbars",QObject::tr("Change any floating panels and what they show"), "interface", QStringList(), QStringList() << "desktop" << "toolbar" << "panel" << "floating" << "plugins"); list << PageInfo("interface-menu", QObject::tr("Menu"), QObject::tr("Menu Plugins"), "format-list-unordered",QObject::tr("Change what options are shown on the desktop context menu"), "interface", QStringList(), QStringList() << "desktop" << "menu" << "plugins" << "shortcuts"); list << PageInfo("session-locale", QObject::tr("Localization"), QObject::tr("Locale Settings"), "preferences-desktop-locale",QObject::tr("Change the default locale settings for this user"), "user", QStringList(), QStringList() << "user"<<"locale"<<"language"<<"translations"); list << PageInfo("session-options", QObject::tr("General Options"), QObject::tr("User Settings"), "configure",QObject::tr("Change basic user settings such as time/date formats"), "user", QStringList(), QStringList() << "user"<<"settings"<<"time"<<"date"<<"icon"<<"reset"<<"numlock"<<"clock"); #ifndef NO_XINPUT if(LUtils::isValidBinary("xinput")){ list << PageInfo("input-devices", QObject::tr("Input Device Settings"), QObject::tr("Input Device Settings"), "preferences-desktop-peripherals",QObject::tr("Adjust keyboard and mouse devices"), "user", QStringList(), QStringList() << "user"<<"speed"<<"accel"<<"mouse" << "keyboard"); } #endif // list << PageInfo("mouse-settings", QObject::tr("TrueOS Mouse Settings"), QObject::tr("TrueOS Mouse Settings"), "preferences-desktop-mouse",QObject::tr("Adjust mouse devices"), "user", QStringList(), QStringList() << "user"<<"speed"<<"accel"<<"mouse"); // list << PageInfo("bluetooth-settings", QObject::tr("TrueOS Bluetooth Settings"), QObject::tr("TrueOS Bluetooth Settings"), "preferences-desktop-bluetooth",QObject::tr("Setup Bluetooth devices"), "user", QStringList(), QStringList() << "user"<<"bluetooth"<<"audio"); return list; } //Add any sub-pages here #include "page_main.h" #include "page_wallpaper.h" #include "page_theme.h" #include "page_autostart.h" #include "page_defaultapps.h" #include "page_fluxbox_keys.h" #include "page_fluxbox_settings.h" #include "page_interface_desktop.h" #include "page_interface_panels.h" #include "page_interface_menu.h" #include "page_session_locale.h" #include "page_session_options.h" #include "page_compton.h" #ifndef NO_XINPUT #include "page_mouse.h" #endif // #include "page_mouse_trueos.h" // #include "page_bluetooth_trueos.h" static PageWidget* GetNewPage(QString id, QWidget *parent){ //Find the page that matches this "id" PageWidget* page = 0; if(id=="wallpaper"){ page = new page_wallpaper(parent); } else if(id=="theme"){ page = new page_theme(parent); } else if(id=="autostart"){ page = new page_autostart(parent); } else if(id=="defaultapps"){ page = new page_defaultapps(parent); } else if(id=="fluxbox-keys"){ page = new page_fluxbox_keys(parent); } else if(id=="fluxbox-settings"){ page = new page_fluxbox_settings(parent); } else if(id=="interface-desktop"){ page = new page_interface_desktop(parent); } else if(id=="interface-panel"){ page = new page_interface_panels(parent); } else if(id=="interface-menu"){ page = new page_interface_menu(parent); } else if(id=="session-locale"){ page = new page_session_locale(parent); } else if(id=="session-options"){ page = new page_session_options(parent); } else if(id=="compton"){ page = new page_compton(parent); } #ifndef NO_XINPUT else if(id=="input-devices"){ page = new page_mouse(parent); } #endif // else if(id=="mouse-settings"){ page = new page_mouse_trueos(parent); } // else if(id=="bluetooth-settings"){ page = new page_bluetooth_trueos(parent); } //Return the main control_panel page as the fallback/default if(page==0){ id.clear(); page = new page_main(parent); } page->setWhatsThis(id); return page; } #endif