//=========================================== // Lumina Desktop Source Code // Copyright (c) 2016, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #include "mainWindow.h" #include "ui_mainWindow.h" #include "globals.h" #include "pages/getPage.h" #include "pages/page_main.h" //============= // PUBLIC //============= mainWindow::mainWindow() : QMainWindow(), ui(new Ui::mainWindow()){ ui->setupUi(this); APPSLIST = new XDGDesktopList(this, true); //keep this up to date while the app is open QTimer::singleShot(100, APPSLIST, SLOT(updateList())); //don't let this hold up the initial application loading cpage = "somerandomjunktostartwith"; //Need to insert a spacer action in the toolbar QWidget *tmp = new QWidget(this); tmp->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred); ui->toolBar->insertWidget(ui->actionSave, tmp); //after the save button backShortcut = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_Escape, this); connect(backShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(on_actionBack_triggered()) ); setupIcons(); loadMonitors(); changePage(""); //load the default main page } mainWindow::~mainWindow(){ } //============== // PUBLIC SLOTS //============== void mainWindow::slotSingleInstance(){ this->showNormal(); //just in case it is hidden/minimized } void mainWindow::setupIcons(){ this->setWindowIcon( LXDG::findIcon("preferences-desktop") ); ui->actionSave->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("document-save","") ); ui->actionBack->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-previous-view","") ); ui->actionMonitor->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("preferences-desktop-display","") ); } void mainWindow::loadMonitors(){ if(ui->actionMonitor->menu()==0){ ui->actionMonitor->setMenu( new QMenu(this) ); ui->actionMonitor->setWhatsThis("0"); connect( ui->actionMonitor->menu(), SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(changeMonitor(QAction*)) ); QToolButton *b = static_cast(ui->toolBar->widgetForAction(ui->actionMonitor)); b->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); } int cnum = ui->actionMonitor->whatsThis().toInt(); ui->actionMonitor->menu()->clear(); QList SL = QApplication::screens(); for(int i=0; iactionMonitor->menu()->addAction( QString("%1: %2").arg(QString::number(i), SL[i]->name()) ); tmp->setWhatsThis(QString::number(i)); if(i==cnum || (i==0 && cnum>= SL.length()) ){ ui->actionMonitor->setText( tmp->text() ); ui->actionMonitor->setWhatsThis(tmp->whatsThis() ); } } } //============= // PRIVATE //============= void mainWindow::changePage(QString id){ PageWidget *page = 0; QString oldpage = this->centralWidget()->whatsThis(); if(id!=cpage || cpage!=oldpage){ page = GetNewPage(id, this); if(page==0){ return; } qDebug() << "Changing page:" << id; cpage = id; QWidget *old = this->centralWidget(); this->setCentralWidget(page); if(old!=0 && old!=ui->centralwidget){ old->disconnect(); old->deleteLater(); } //Connect the new page connect(page, SIGNAL(HasPendingChanges(bool)), this, SLOT(pageCanSave(bool)) ); connect(page, SIGNAL(ChangePageTitle(QString)), this, SLOT(pageSetTitle(QString)) ); connect(page, SIGNAL(ChangePage(QString)), this, SLOT(page_change(QString)) ); page->setFocus(); ui->toolBar->setVisible( !cpage.isEmpty() ); }else{ //No change in page (some other refresh) // just re-use the current widget page = static_cast(this->centralWidget()); } //Now load the new page page->LoadSettings(ui->actionMonitor->whatsThis().toInt()); //need to make this show the current screen as needed page->setPreviousPage(oldpage); //Now update this UI a bit based on page settings ui->actionMonitor->setVisible( page->needsScreenSelector() && ui->actionMonitor->menu()->actions().length()>1 ); this->showNormal(); } //================ // PRIVATE SLOTS //================ //Page signal handling void mainWindow::pageCanSave(bool save){ ui->actionSave->setVisible(save); ui->actionSave->setEnabled(save); } void mainWindow::pageSetTitle(QString title){ this->setWindowTitle(title); } bool mainWindow::page_change(QString id){ if(ui->actionSave->isEnabled()){ //unsaved changed available - prompt to save first QMessageBox::StandardButton result = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Unsaved Changes"), tr("This page currently has unsaved changes, do you wish to save them now?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::No); if(result == QMessageBox::Yes){ on_actionSave_triggered(); } else if(result == QMessageBox::Cancel){ return false; } //stop now } changePage(id); return true; } void mainWindow::on_actionSave_triggered(){ pageCanSave(false); //disable for the moment (page might re-enable later) static_cast(this->centralWidget())->SaveSettings(); } void mainWindow::on_actionBack_triggered(){ if(cpage.isEmpty()){ }// page_main::clearlineEdit(); } //since ESC doesnt close any other Lumina Appliction by default, I've commented this out for the time being. else{ page_change(""); } //Use the interactive wrapper (check for save state, etc). } void mainWindow::changeMonitor(QAction *act){ QString oldWT = ui->actionMonitor->whatsThis(); //Update the current selection shown on the button ui->actionMonitor->setWhatsThis( act->whatsThis() ); //Now prompt the current page to re-load settings if( page_change(cpage) ){ ui->actionMonitor->setText(act->text()); } else{ ui->actionMonitor->setWhatsThis(oldWT); } //cancelled - go back to old setting }