#!/bin/bash CURDIR="${PWD}" LNGDIR="${PWD}/lumina-i18n/ts" git clone https://github.com/pcbsd/lumina-i18n.git [[ ! -d "${LNGDIR}" ]] && (echo "something went wrong!" && exit 1) LANGS=("${LNGDIR}"/*) LANGS=(${LANGS[@]/*\/ts\/}) UTILS=( config desktop fileinfo fm info open screenshot search textedit xconfig ) for lng in ${LANGS[@]}; do for utl in ${UTILS[@]}; do if [[ -e "${LNGDIR}"/${lng}/lumina-${utl}.ts ]]; then if [[ -d "${CURDIR}"/src-qt5/core/lumina-${utl} ]]; then cp "${LNGDIR}"/${lng}/lumina-${utl}.ts \ "${CURDIR}"/src-qt5/core/lumina-${utl}/i18n/lumina-${utl}_${lng}.ts elif [[ -d "${CURDIR}"/src-qt5/core-utils/lumina-${utl} ]]; then cp "${LNGDIR}"/${lng}/lumina-${utl}.ts \ "${CURDIR}"/src-qt5/core-utils/lumina-${utl}/i18n/lumina-${utl}_${lng}.ts elif [[ -d "${CURDIR}"/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-${utl} ]]; then cp "${LNGDIR}"/${lng}/lumina-${utl}.ts \ "${CURDIR}"/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-${utl}/i18n/lumina-${utl}_${lng}.ts fi fi done done echo "updated lumina translations." # satisfy dpkg-source when building a GIT snapshot # first ensure all translations are known to GIT # then create a commit using only the translation files # other changes to the source will still be tracked by dpkg-source [[ -d "${CURDIR}"/.git ]] && ( git add src-qt5/*/*/i18n/*.ts && git commit src-qt5/*/*/i18n/*.ts \ -m "merge latest translations from https://github.com/pcbsd/lumina-i18n.git" ) rm -rf lumina-i18n