//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2015, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #ifndef _LUMINA_DESKTOP_LDESKTOP_PLUGIN_SPACE_H #define _LUMINA_DESKTOP_LDESKTOP_PLUGIN_SPACE_H #include #include #include //includes all the QDrag*Event classes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "desktop-plugins/LDPlugin.h" #define MIMETYPE QString("x-special/lumina-desktop-plugin") class LDesktopPluginSpace : public QWidget{ Q_OBJECT signals: void PluginRemovedByUser(QString ID); void IncreaseIcons(); //increase default icon sizes void DecreaseIcons(); //decrease default icon sizes public: LDesktopPluginSpace(QWidget *parent = 0); ~LDesktopPluginSpace(); void LoadItems(QStringList plugs, QStringList files); //void setShowGrid(bool show); This is already implemented in QTableView (inherited) void SetIconSize(int size); void ArrangeTopToBottom(bool ttb); //if false, will arrange left->right void cleanup(); public slots: void UpdateGeom(int oldgrid = -1); private: QSettings *plugsettings; QStringList plugins, deskitems; QList ITEMS; bool TopToBottom; float GRIDSIZE; int RoundUp(double num){ int out = num; //This will truncate the number if(out < num){ out++; } //need to increase by 1 return out; } void addDesktopItem(QString filepath); //This will convert it into a valid Plugin ID automatically void addDesktopPlugin(QString plugID); QRect findOpenSpot(int gridwidth = 1, int gridheight = 1, int startRow = 0, int startCol = 0, bool reversed = false, QString plugID = ""); QRect findOpenSpot(QRect grid, QString plugID, bool recursive = false); QPoint posToGrid(QPoint pos){ //This assumes a point in widget-relative coordinates pos.setX( RoundUp(pos.x()/GRIDSIZE)); pos.setY( RoundUp(pos.y()/GRIDSIZE)); return pos; } QRect geomToGrid(QRect geom, int grid = -1){ if(grid<0){ //use the current grid size return QRect( RoundUp(geom.x()/GRIDSIZE), RoundUp(geom.y()/GRIDSIZE), \ RoundUp(geom.width()/GRIDSIZE), RoundUp(geom.height()/GRIDSIZE) ); }else{ //use the input grid size return QRect( RoundUp(geom.x()/((double) grid)), RoundUp(geom.y()/((double) grid)), \ RoundUp(geom.width()/((double) grid)), RoundUp(geom.height()/((double) grid)) ); } } QRect gridToGeom(QRect grid){ //This function incorporates the bottom/right edge matchins procedures (for incomplete last grid) QRect geom(grid.x()*GRIDSIZE, grid.y()*GRIDSIZE, grid.width()*GRIDSIZE, grid.height()*GRIDSIZE); //Now check the edge conditions (last right/bottom grid points might be smaller than GRIDSIZE) QSize areaSize = this->size(); //use the size of the area instead of the geometry - because we need this in child coordinates like "geom" above //qDebug() << "GridToGeom:" << grid << geom << "Area size:" << areaSize; if(geom.right() > areaSize.width() && (geom.right()-areaSize.width()) areaSize.height() && (geom.bottom() -areaSize.height())setData(MIMETYPE, QString(type+"::::"+id).toLocal8Bit() ); //If this is a desktop file - also add it to the generic URI list mimetype if(id.startsWith("applauncher::")){ QList urilist; urilist << QUrl::fromLocalFile( id.section("---",0,0).section("::",1,50) ); mime->setUrls(urilist); } //Create the drag structure QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); drag->setMimeData(mime); drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction); } bool ValidGrid(QRect grid){ qDebug() << "Check Valid Grid:" << grid << RoundUp(this->width()/GRIDSIZE) << RoundUp(this->height()/GRIDSIZE); //This just checks that the grid coordinates are not out of bounds - should still run ValidGeometry() below with the actual pixel geom if(grid.x()<0 || grid.y()<0 || grid.width()<0 || grid.height()<0){ return false; } else if( (grid.x()+grid.width()) > RoundUp(this->width()/GRIDSIZE) ){ return false; } else if( (grid.y()+grid.height()) > RoundUp(this->height()/GRIDSIZE) ){ return false; } return true; } bool ValidGeometry(QString id, QRect geom){ //First check that it is within the desktop area completely // Note that "this->geometry()" is not in the same coordinate space as the geometry inputs if(!QRect(0,0,this->width(), this->height()).contains(geom)){ return false; } //Now check that it does not collide with any other items for(int i=0; iwhatsThis()==id){ continue; } else if(geom.intersects(ITEMS[i]->geometry())){ return false; } } return true; } LDPlugin* ItemFromID(QString ID){ for(int i=0; iwhatsThis()==ID){ return ITEMS[i]; } } return 0; } private slots: void reloadPlugins(bool ForceIconUpdate = false); void StartItemMove(QString ID){ setupDrag(ID, "move"); } void StartItemResize(QString ID){ setupDrag(ID, "resize"); } void RemoveItem(QString ID){ for(int i=0; iwhatsThis()==ID){ ITEMS[i]->Cleanup(); delete ITEMS.takeAt(i); emit PluginRemovedByUser(ID); return; } } } protected: //Need Drag and Drop functionality (internal movement) void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *ev){ if(ev->mimeData()->hasFormat(MIMETYPE) ){ ev->acceptProposedAction(); //allow this to be dropped here }else if(ev->mimeData()->hasUrls()){ ev->acceptProposedAction(); //allow this to be dropped here }else{ ev->ignore(); } } void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *ev){ if(ev->mimeData()->hasFormat(MIMETYPE) ){ //Internal move/resize - Check for validity QString act = QString( ev->mimeData()->data(MIMETYPE) ); LDPlugin *item = ItemFromID(act.section("::::",1,50)); //qDebug() << "Internal Move Event:" << act << ev->pos(); if(item!=0){ QRect geom = item->geometry(); QPoint grid = posToGrid(ev->pos()); if(act.section("::::",0,0)=="move"){ QPoint diff = grid - posToGrid(geom.center()); //difference in grid coords //qDebug() << "Move Event:" << "Diff:" << diff << "Geom:" << geom << grid << ev->pos(); geom = geomToGrid(geom); //convert to grid coords //qDebug() << "Move Event:" << "Old geom (grid):" << geom; geom.moveTo( (geom.topLeft()+diff) ); //qDebug() << " - After Move:" << geom; bool valid = ValidGrid(geom); if(valid){ //Convert to pixel coordinates and check validity again geom = gridToGeom(geom); //convert back to px coords with edge matching valid = ValidGeometry(act.section("::::",1,50), geom); } if(valid){ item->setGeometry(geom); item->setFixedSize(geom.size()); //needed due to resizing limitations and such for some plugins ev->acceptProposedAction(); item->savePluginGeometry(geom); //save in pixel coords }else{ ev->ignore(); } //invalid location }else{ //Resize operation QPoint diff = ev->pos() - (geom.center()-QPoint(1,1)); //need difference from center (pixels) //Note: Use the 1x1 pixel offset to ensure that the center point is not exactly on a grid point intersection (2x2, 4x4, etc) //qDebug() << "Resize Plugin:" << geom << grid << posToGrid(geom.center()) << diff; geom = geomToGrid(geom); //convert to grid coordinates now //qDebug() << " - Grid Geom:" << geom; if(diff.x()<0){ geom.setLeft(ev->pos().x()/GRIDSIZE); } //expanding to the left (round down) else if(diff.x()>0){ geom.setRight( ev->pos().x()/GRIDSIZE); } //expanding to the right (round down) if(diff.y()<0){ geom.setTop( ev->pos().y()/GRIDSIZE); } //expanding above (round down) else if(diff.y()>0){ geom.setBottom( ev->pos().y()/GRIDSIZE); } //expanding below (round down) //qDebug() << " - Adjusted:" << geom; bool valid = ValidGrid(geom); if(valid){ //Convert to pixel coordinates and check validity again geom = gridToGeom(geom); //convert back to px coords with edge matching valid = ValidGeometry(act.section("::::",1,50), geom); } if(valid){ item->setGeometry(geom); item->setFixedSize(geom.size()); //needed due to resizing limitations and such for some plugins ev->acceptProposedAction(); item->savePluginGeometry(geom); //save in pixel coords }else{ ev->ignore(); } //invalid location } } }else if(ev->mimeData()->hasUrls()){ ev->acceptProposedAction(); //allow this to be dropped here }else{ ev->ignore(); } } void dropEvent(QDropEvent *ev){ //QPoint grid = posToGrid(ev->pos()); if(ev->mimeData()->hasFormat(MIMETYPE)){ //Desktop Items getting moved around - already performed in the dragMoveEvent ev->accept(); }else if(ev->mimeData()->hasUrls()){ ev->accept(); //Files getting dropped here QList urls = ev->mimeData()->urls(); qDebug() << "Desktop Drop Event:" << urls; for(int i=0; iignore(); } } }; #endif