//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #include "LDesktop.h" #include "LSession.h" #include #include #include "LWinInfo.h" #define DEBUG 1 LDesktop::LDesktop(int deskNum, bool setdefault) : QObject(){ DPREFIX = "desktop-"+QString::number(deskNum)+"/"; desktopnumber = deskNum; desktop = QApplication::desktop(); defaultdesktop = setdefault; //(desktop->screenGeometry(desktopnumber).x()==0); desktoplocked = true; issyncing = bgupdating = false; usewinmenu=false; //Setup the internal variables settings = new QSettings(QSettings::UserScope, "LuminaDE","desktopsettings", this); //qDebug() << " - Desktop Settings File:" << settings->fileName(); if(!QFile::exists(settings->fileName())){ settings->setValue(DPREFIX+"background/filelist",QStringList()<<"default"); settings->sync(); } bgWindow = 0; bgDesktop = 0; QTimer::singleShot(1,this, SLOT(InitDesktop()) ); } LDesktop::~LDesktop(){ delete deskMenu; //delete appmenu; delete winMenu; delete bgWindow; delete workspacelabel; delete wkspaceact; } int LDesktop::Screen(){ return desktopnumber; } void LDesktop::show(){ if(bgWindow!=0){ bgWindow->show(); } if(bgDesktop!=0){ bgDesktop->show(); } for(int i=0; ishow(); } } /*void LDesktop::hide(){ if(bgWindow!=0){ bgWindow->hide(); } if(bgDesktop!=0){ bgDesktop->hide(); } for(int i=0; ihide(); } }*/ void LDesktop::prepareToClose(){ //Get any panels ready to close issyncing = true; //Stop handling any watcher events for(int i=0; iprepareToClose(); delete PANELS.takeAt(i); i--; } //Now close down any desktop plugins desktoplocked = true; //make sure that plugin settings are preserved during removal for(int i=0; iwinId(); } else{ return QX11Info::appRootWindow(); } } QRect LDesktop::availableScreenGeom(){ //Return a QRect containing the (global) screen area that is available (not under any panels) if(bgDesktop!=0){ return globalWorkRect; //saved from previous calculations }else{ return desktop->screenGeometry(desktopnumber); } } void LDesktop::SystemLogout(){ LSession::handle()->systemWindow(); } void LDesktop::SystemTerminal(){ LSession::handle()->sessionSettings()->sync(); //make sure it is up to date QString term = LSession::handle()->sessionSettings()->value("default-terminal","xterm").toString(); if(term.endsWith(".desktop")){ term = "lumina-open \""+term+"\""; } LSession::LaunchApplication(term); } void LDesktop::SystemFileManager(){ //Just open the home directory QString fm = "lumina-open \""+QDir::homePath()+"\""; //QString fm = LSession::handle()->sessionSettings()->value("default-filemanager","lumina-fm").toString(); //if(fm.endsWith(".desktop")){ fm = "lumina-open \""+fm+"\""; } LSession::LaunchApplication(fm); } void LDesktop::SystemApplication(QAction* act){ if(!act->whatsThis().isEmpty() && act->parent()==deskMenu){ LSession::LaunchApplication("lumina-open \""+act->whatsThis()+"\""); } } void LDesktop::checkResolution(){ //Compare the current screen resolution with the last one used/saved //NOTE: This should only be performed after all the elements have been initialized/created. int oldWidth = settings->value(DPREFIX+"screen/lastWidth",-1).toInt(); int oldHeight = settings->value(DPREFIX+"screen/lastHeight",-1).toInt(); QRect scrn = LSession::desktop()->screenGeometry(desktopnumber); issyncing = true; settings->setValue(DPREFIX+"screen/lastWidth",scrn.width()); settings->setValue(DPREFIX+"screen/lastHeight",scrn.height()); if(oldWidth<1 || oldHeight<1 || scrn.width()<1 || scrn.height()<1){ //nothing to do - something invalid }else if(scrn.width()==oldWidth && scrn.height()==oldHeight){ //nothing to do - same as before }else{ //Calculate the scale factor between the old/new sizes in each dimension // and forward that on to all the interface elements double xscale = scrn.width()/((double) oldWidth); double yscale = scrn.height()/((double) oldHeight); //Update any panels for(int i=0; iscalePanel(xscale, yscale); } //Update any desktop plugins for(int i=0; iscalePlugin(xscale, yscale); } //QTimer::singleShot(1,this, SLOT(UpdateDesktop()) ); //QTimer::singleShot(2,this, SLOT(UpdatePanels()) ); } LSession::processEvents(); issyncing = false; } void LDesktop::CreateDesktopPluginContainer(LDPlugin *plug){ //Verify that a container does not already exist for this plugin QList wins = bgDesktop->subWindowList(); for(int i=0; iwhatsThis()==plug->ID()){ return; } } //Create a new plugin container LDPluginContainer *win = new LDPluginContainer(plug, desktoplocked); if(desktoplocked){ bgDesktop->addSubWindow(win, Qt::FramelessWindowHint); } else{ bgDesktop->addSubWindow(win, Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint); } win->adjustSize(); win->loadInitialPosition(); win->show(); win->update(); connect(win, SIGNAL(PluginRemoved(QString)), this, SLOT(DesktopPluginRemoved(QString)) ); } // ===================== // PRIVATE SLOTS // ===================== void LDesktop::InitDesktop(){ //This is called *once* during the main initialization routines if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Init Desktop:" << desktopnumber; } connect(desktop, SIGNAL(resized(int)), this, SLOT(UpdateGeometry(int))); if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Desktop #"< "<< desktop->screenGeometry(desktopnumber).x() << desktop->screenGeometry(desktopnumber).y() << desktop->screenGeometry(desktopnumber).width() << desktop->screenGeometry(desktopnumber).height(); } deskMenu = new QMenu(0); connect(deskMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(SystemApplication(QAction*)) ); winMenu = new QMenu(0); winMenu->setTitle(tr("Window List")); winMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("preferences-system-windows","") ); connect(winMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(winClicked(QAction*)) ); workspacelabel = new QLabel(0); workspacelabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); wkspaceact = new QWidgetAction(0); wkspaceact->setDefaultWidget(workspacelabel); bgtimer = new QTimer(this); bgtimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(bgtimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(UpdateBackground()) ); //watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this); connect(QApplication::instance(), SIGNAL(DesktopConfigChanged()), this, SLOT(SettingsChanged()) ); //watcher->addPath(settings->fileName()); //connect(watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(SettingsChanged()) ); if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Create bgWindow"; } bgWindow = new QWidget(); bgWindow->setObjectName("bgWindow"); bgWindow->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); bgWindow->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); LX11::SetAsDesktop(bgWindow->winId()); bgWindow->setGeometry(desktop->screenGeometry(desktopnumber)); connect(bgWindow, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(ShowMenu()) ); if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Create bgDesktop"; } bgDesktop = new QMdiArea(bgWindow); //Make sure the desktop area is transparent to show the background bgDesktop->setBackground( QBrush(Qt::NoBrush) ); bgDesktop->setStyleSheet( "QMdiArea{ border: none; background: transparent;}" ); if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Desktop Init Done:" << desktopnumber; } //Start the update processes QTimer::singleShot(10,this, SLOT(UpdateMenu()) ); QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(UpdateBackground()) ); //QTimer::singleShot(1,this, SLOT(UpdateDesktop()) ); //QTimer::singleShot(2,this, SLOT(UpdatePanels()) ); UpdatePanels(); UpdateDesktop(); //checkResolution(); } void LDesktop::SettingsChanged(){ if(issyncing){ return; } //don't refresh for internal modifications to the issyncing = true; qDebug() << "Found Settings Change:" << desktopnumber; settings->sync(); //make sure to sync with external settings changes UpdateBackground(); UpdateDesktop(); UpdatePanels(); UpdateMenu(); issyncing = false; QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(UnlockSettings()) ); //give it a few moments to settle before performing another sync } void LDesktop::UpdateMenu(bool fast){ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Update Menu:" << desktopnumber; } //Put a label at the top int num = LX11::GetCurrentDesktop(); if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Found workspace number:" << num; } if(num < 0){ workspacelabel->setText( ""+tr("Lumina Desktop")+""); } else{ workspacelabel->setText( ""+QString(tr("Workspace %1")).arg(QString::number(num+1))+""); } if(fast && usewinmenu){ UpdateWinMenu(); } if(fast){ return; } //already done deskMenu->clear(); //clear it for refresh deskMenu->addAction(wkspaceact); deskMenu->addSeparator(); //Now load the user's menu setup and fill the menu QStringList items = settings->value("menu/itemlist", QStringList()<< "terminal" << "filemanager" <<"applications" << "line" << "settings" ).toStringList(); usewinmenu=false; for(int i=0; iaddAction(LXDG::findIcon("utilities-terminal",""), tr("Terminal"), this, SLOT(SystemTerminal()) ); } else if(items[i]=="filemanager"){ deskMenu->addAction( LXDG::findIcon("Insight-FileManager",""), tr("Browse System"), this, SLOT(SystemFileManager()) ); } else if(items[i]=="applications"){ deskMenu->addMenu( LSession::handle()->applicationMenu() ); } else if(items[i]=="line"){ deskMenu->addSeparator(); } else if(items[i]=="settings"){ deskMenu->addMenu( LSession::handle()->settingsMenu() ); } else if(items[i]=="windowlist"){ deskMenu->addMenu( winMenu); usewinmenu=true;} else if(items[i].startsWith("app::::") && items[i].endsWith(".desktop")){ //Custom *.desktop application QString file = items[i].section("::::",1,1).simplified(); bool ok = false; XDGDesktop xdgf = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(file, ok); if(ok){ deskMenu->addAction( LXDG::findIcon(xdgf.icon,""), xdgf.name)->setWhatsThis(file); }else{ qDebug() << "Could not load application file:" << file; } } } //Now add the system quit options deskMenu->addSeparator(); if(!desktoplocked){ deskMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("document-encrypt",""),tr("Lock Desktop"), this, SLOT(ToggleDesktopLock()) ); deskMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("snap-orthogonal",""),tr("Snap Plugins to Grid"), this, SLOT(AlignDesktopPlugins()) ); }else{ deskMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("document-decrypt",""),tr("Unlock Desktop"), this, SLOT(ToggleDesktopLock()) ); } deskMenu->addSeparator(); deskMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("system-log-out",""), tr("Log Out"), this, SLOT(SystemLogout()) ); } void LDesktop::UpdateWinMenu(){ winMenu->clear(); //Get the current list of windows QList wins = LX11::WindowList(); //Now add them to the menu for(int i=0; iaddAction( info.icon(junk), info.text() ); act->setData( QString::number(wins[i]) ); } } void LDesktop::winClicked(QAction* act){ LX11::ActivateWindow( act->data().toString().toULong() ); } void LDesktop::UpdateDesktop(){ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Update Desktop Plugins for screen:" << desktopnumber; } QStringList plugins = settings->value(DPREFIX+"pluginlist", QStringList()).toStringList(); if(defaultdesktop && plugins.isEmpty()){ //plugins << "sample" << "sample" << "sample"; } bool changed=false; //in case the plugin list needs to be changed //First make sure all the plugin names are unique for(int i=0; iID())){ //Remove this plugin (with settings) - is not currently listed DesktopPluginRemoved(PLUGINS[i]->ID()); i--; } } //Now add/update plugins for(int i=0; iID() << p << PLUGINS.length(); if(PLUGINS[p]->ID()==plugins[i]){ //qDebug() << " -- Found Plugin"; plug = PLUGINS[p]; break; } } if(plug==0){ //New Plugin if(DEBUG){qDebug() << " -- New Plugin:" << plugins[i];} plug = NewDP::createPlugin(plugins[i], bgDesktop); if(plug != 0){ connect(plug, SIGNAL(OpenDesktopMenu()), this, SLOT(ShowMenu()) ); //qDebug() << " -- Show Plugin"; PLUGINS << plug; CreateDesktopPluginContainer(plug); } } } if(changed){ //save the modified plugin list to file (so per-plugin settings are preserved) issyncing=true; //don't let the change cause a refresh settings->setValue(DPREFIX+"pluginlist", plugins); settings->sync(); QTimer::singleShot(200, this, SLOT(UnlockSettings()) ); } } void LDesktop::ToggleDesktopLock(){ desktoplocked = !desktoplocked; //flip to other value //Remove all the current containers QList wins = bgDesktop->subWindowList(); for(int i=0; isetWhatsThis(""); //clear this so it knows it is being temporarily removed bgDesktop->removeSubWindow(wins[i]->widget()); //unhook plugin from container bgDesktop->removeSubWindow(wins[i]); //remove container from screen delete wins[i]; //delete old container } //Now recreate all the containers on the screen for(int i=0; iupdate(); //refresh visuals UpdateMenu(false); } void LDesktop::AlignDesktopPlugins(){ QList wins = bgDesktop->subWindowList(); QSize fit = bgDesktop->size(); //Auto-determine the best grid sizing // It will try to exactly fit the desktop plugin area, with at least 10-20 grid points int xgrid, ygrid; xgrid = ygrid = 32; //while(fit.width()%xgrid != 0){ xgrid = xgrid-1; } //while(fit.height()%ygrid != 0){ ygrid = ygrid-1; } //qDebug() << "Grid:" << xgrid << ygrid << fit.width() << fit.height(); //Make sure there are at least 10 points. It will not fit the area exactly, but should be very close //while(xgrid < 10){ xgrid = xgrid*2; } //while(ygrid < 10){ ygrid = ygrid*2; } //qDebug() << "Grid (adjusted):" << xgrid << ygrid; // xgrid = int(fit.width()/xgrid); //now get the exact pixel size of the grid //ygrid = int(fit.height()/ygrid); //now get the exact pixel size of the grid //qDebug() << "Grid (pixel):" << xgrid << ygrid; //qDebug() << " X-Grid:" << xgrid << "("+QString::number(fit.width()/xgrid)+" points)"; //qDebug() << " Y-Grid:" << ygrid << "("+QString::number(fit.height()/ygrid)+" points)"; for(int i=0; igeometry(); int x, y; if(geom.x()<0){ x=0; } else{ x = qRound(geom.x()/float(xgrid)) * xgrid; } if(x>= fit.width()){ x = fit.width()-xgrid; geom.setWidth(xgrid); } if(geom.y()<0){ y=0; } else{ y = qRound(geom.y()/float(ygrid)) * ygrid; } if(y>= fit.height()){ y = fit.height()-ygrid; geom.setHeight(ygrid); } geom.moveTo(x,y); //Now adjust the size to also be the appropriate grid multiple geom.setWidth( qRound(geom.width()/float(xgrid))*xgrid ); geom.setHeight( qRound(geom.height()/float(ygrid))*ygrid ); //Now check for edge spillover and adjust accordingly int diff = (geom.x()+geom.width()) - bgDesktop->size().width(); if( diff > 0 ){ geom.moveTo( geom.x() - diff, geom.y() ); } else if( diff > -11 ){ geom.setWidth( geom.width()-diff ); } diff = (geom.y()+geom.height()) - bgDesktop->size().height(); if( diff > 0 ){ geom.moveTo( geom.x(), geom.y() - diff ); } else if( diff > -11 ){ geom.setHeight( geom.height()-diff ); } //Now move the plugin wins[i]->setGeometry(geom); } } void LDesktop::DesktopPluginRemoved(QString ID){ //Close down that plugin instance (NOTE: the container was already closed by the user) //qDebug() << "PLUGINS:" << PLUGINS.length() << ID; for(int i=0; iID() == ID){ //qDebug() << "- found ID"; if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Deleting Desktop Plugin:" << ID; } delete PLUGINS.takeAt(i); break; } } //Now remove that plugin from the internal list (then let the plugin system remove the actual plugin) QStringList plugins = settings->value(DPREFIX+"pluginlist",QStringList()).toStringList(); if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Also removing plugin from future list"; } plugins.removeAll(ID); issyncing = true; settings->setValue(DPREFIX+"pluginlist", plugins); settings->sync(); QTimer::singleShot(200, this, SLOT(UnlockSettings()) ); } void LDesktop::UpdatePanels(){ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Update Panels For Screen:" << desktopnumber; } int panels = settings->value(DPREFIX+"panels", -1).toInt(); if(panels==-1 && defaultdesktop){ panels=1; } //need at least 1 panel on the primary desktop //Remove all extra panels for(int i=0; inumber()){ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " -- Remove Panel:" << PANELS[i]->number(); } PANELS[i]->prepareToClose(); delete PANELS.takeAt(i); i--; } } for(int i=0; inumber() == i){ found = true; if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " -- Update panel "<< i; } //panel already exists - just update it QTimer::singleShot(0, PANELS[p], SLOT(UpdatePanel()) ); } } if(!found){ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " -- Create panel "<< i; } //New panel LPanel *pan = new LPanel(settings, desktopnumber, i, bgWindow); PANELS << pan; pan->show(); } } //Give it a 1/2 second before ensuring that the visible desktop area is correct QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(UpdateDesktopPluginArea()) ); } void LDesktop::UpdateDesktopPluginArea(){ QRegion visReg( bgWindow->geometry() ); //visible region (not hidden behind a panel) for(int i=0; igeometry()) ); } //Now make sure the desktop plugin area is only the visible area QRect rec = visReg.boundingRect(); //LSession::handle()->XCB->SetScreenWorkArea((unsigned int) desktopnumber, rec); //Now remove the X offset to place it on the current screen (needs widget-coords, not global) globalWorkRect = rec; //save this for later rec.moveTopLeft( QPoint( rec.x()-desktop->screenGeometry(desktopnumber).x() , rec.y() ) ); //qDebug() << "DPlug Area:" << rec.x() << rec.y() << rec.width() << rec.height(); bgDesktop->setGeometry( rec ); bgDesktop->setBackground( QBrush(Qt::NoBrush) ); bgDesktop->update(); //Re-paint the panels (just in case a plugin was underneath it and the panel is transparent) for(int i=0; iupdate(); } } void LDesktop::UpdateBackground(){ //Get the current Background if(bgupdating || bgWindow==0){ return; } //prevent multiple calls to this at the same time bgupdating = true; if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Update Desktop Background for screen:" << desktopnumber; } //Get the list of background(s) to show QStringList bgL = settings->value(DPREFIX+"background/filelist", QStringList()).toStringList(); //qDebug() << " - List:" << bgL << CBG; //Remove any invalid files for(int i=0; iisActive(); if(bgL==oldBGL && !CBG.isEmpty() && bgtimer->isActive()){ //No background change scheduled - just update the widget bgWindow->update(); bgupdating=false; return; } oldBGL = bgL; //save this for later //Determine which background to use next int index; if(CBG.isEmpty()){ index = ( qrand() % bgL.length() ); } //random first wallpaper else{ //Go to the next in the list index = bgL.indexOf(CBG); if(index < 0 || index >= bgL.length()-1){ index = 0; } //if invalid or last item in the list - go to first else{ index++; } //go to next } QString bgFile = bgL[index]; //Save this file as the current background CBG = bgFile; //qDebug() << " - Set Background to:" << CBG << index << bgL; if( (bgFile.toLower()=="default")){ bgFile = LOS::LuminaShare()+"desktop-background.jpg"; } //Now set this file as the current background QString style = "QWidget#bgWindow{ border-image:url(%1) stretch;}"; style = style.arg(bgFile); bgWindow->setStyleSheet(style); bgWindow->show(); //Now reset the timer for the next change (if appropriate) if(bgtimer->isActive()){ bgtimer->stop(); } if(bgL.length() > 1){ //get the length of the timer (in minutes) int min = settings->value(DPREFIX+"background/minutesToChange",5).toInt(); //restart the internal timer if(min > 0){ bgtimer->start(min*60000); //convert from minutes to milliseconds } } //Now update the panel backgrounds for(int i=0; iupdate(); PANELS[i]->show(); } bgupdating=false; }