#include "BootSplash.h" #include "ui_BootSplash.h" #include <LuminaXDG.h> BootSplash::BootSplash() : QWidget(0, Qt::SplashScreen | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus), ui(new Ui::BootSplash){ ui->setupUi(this); this->setObjectName("LuminaBootSplash"); //for theme styling //Center the window on the primary screen QPoint ctr = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().center(); this->move( ctr.x()-(this->width()/2), ctr.y()-(this->height()/2) ); } void BootSplash::showScreen(QString loading){ //update icon, text, and progress QString txt, icon; int per = 0; if(loading=="init"){ txt = tr("Initializing Session …"); per = 10; icon = "preferences-system-login"; }else if(loading=="settings"){ txt = tr("Loading System Settings …"); per = 20; icon = "user-home"; }else if(loading=="user"){ txt = tr("Loading User Preferences …"); per = 30; icon = "preferences-desktop-user"; }else if(loading=="systray"){ txt = tr("Preparing System Tray …"); per = 40; icon = "preferences-plugin"; }else if(loading=="wm"){ txt = tr("Starting Window Manager …"); per = 50; icon = "preferences-system-windows-actions"; }else if(loading=="apps"){ txt = tr("Detecting Applications …"); per = 60; icon = "preferences-desktop-icons"; }else if(loading=="menus"){ txt = tr("Preparing Menus …"); per = 70; icon = "preferences-system-windows"; }else if(loading=="desktop"){ txt = tr("Preparing Workspace …"); per = 80; icon = "preferences-desktop-wallpaper"; }else if(loading=="final"){ txt = tr("Finalizing …"); per = 90; icon = "pcbsd"; }else if(loading.startsWith("app::")){ txt = QString(tr("Starting App: %1")).arg(loading.section("::",1,50)); per = -1; } if(per>0){ ui->progressBar->setValue(per); } else{ ui->progressBar->setRange(0,0); } //loading indicator ui->label_text->setText(txt); if(!icon.isEmpty()){ui->label_icon->setPixmap( LXDG::findIcon(icon, "Lumina-DE").pixmap(64,64) ); } this->raise(); this->show(); this->update(); QApplication::processEvents(); } void BootSplash::showText(QString txt){ //will only update the text, not the icon/progress ui->label_text->setText(txt); this->show(); this->update(); QApplication::processEvents(); }