//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2014, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== // This class governs all the XLib usage and interactions // and provides simpler Qt-based functions for use elsewhere //=========================================== #ifndef _LUMINA_LIBRARY_X11_H #define _LUMINA_LIBRARY_X11_H //Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Addition includes for compilations (cause issues with X11 libs later) //#include //#include //#include #include //SYSTEM TRAY STANDARD DEFINITIONS #define _NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_ORIENTATION_HORZ 0 #define _NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_ORIENTATION_VERT 1 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK 0 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_BEGIN_MESSAGE 1 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_CANCEL_MESSAGE 2 #define URGENCYHINT (1L << 8) //For window urgency detection //XCB Library replacement for LX11 (Qt5 uses XCB instead of XLib) class LXCB{ public: enum WINDOWSTATE {IGNORE, INVISIBLE, VISIBLE, ACTIVE, ATTENTION}; //note that this in order of priority enum ICCCM_STATE {WITHDRAWN, NORMAL, ICONIC}; //Now enums which can have multiple values at once enum ICCCM_PROTOCOL {TAKE_FOCUS = 0x0, DELETE_WINDOW = 0x1}; //any combination Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ICCCM_PROTOCOLS, ICCCM_PROTOCOL); xcb_ewmh_connection_t EWMH; //This is where all the screen info and atoms are located LXCB(); ~LXCB(); //== Main Interface functions == // General Information QList WindowList(bool rawlist = false); //list all non-Lumina windows (rawlist -> all workspaces) unsigned int CurrentWorkspace(); unsigned int NumberOfWorkspaces(); WId ActiveWindow(); //fetch the ID for the currently active window //Session Modification bool CheckDisableXinerama(); //returns true if Xinerama was initially set but now disabled void RegisterVirtualRoots(QList roots); void SetCurrentWorkspace(int); //Window Information QString WindowClass(WId); unsigned int WindowWorkspace(WId); //The workspace the window is on QRect WindowGeometry(WId win, bool includeFrame = true); //the geometry of the window (frame excluded) QList WindowFrameGeometry(WId win); //Returns: [top,bottom,left,right] sizes of the frame WINDOWSTATE WindowState(WId win); //Visible state of window QString WindowVisibleIconName(WId win); //_NET_WM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME QString WindowIconName(WId win); //_NET_WM_ICON_NAME QString WindowVisibleName(WId win); //_NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME QString WindowName(WId win); //_NET_WM_NAME QString OldWindowName(WId win); //WM_NAME (old standard) QString OldWindowIconName(WId win); //WM_ICON_NAME (old standard) bool WindowIsMaximized(WId win); int WindowIsFullscreen(WId win); //Returns the screen number if the window is fullscreen (or -1) QIcon WindowIcon(WId win); //_NET_WM_ICON //Window Modification // - SubStructure simplifications (not commonly used) void SelectInput(WId); //XSelectInput replacement (to see window events) uint GenerateDamageID(WId); // - General Window Modifications void SetAsSticky(WId); //Stick to all workspaces void SetDisableWMActions(WId); //Disable WM control (shortcuts/automatic functions) void SetAsPanel(WId); //Adjust all the window flags for a proper panel (cannot be done through Qt) void SetAsDesktop(WId); //Adjust window flags to set as the desktop void CloseWindow(WId); //request that the window be closed void KillClient(WId); //Force the application that created the window to close void MinimizeWindow(WId); //request that the window be unmapped/minimized void ActivateWindow(WId); //request that the window become active void RestoreWindow(WId); //Re-map/raise the window void MaximizeWindow(WId win, bool flagsonly = false); //request that the window become maximized void MoveResizeWindow(WId win, QRect geom); void ResizeWindow(WId win, int width, int height); void ResizeWindow(WId win, QSize sz){ ResizeWindow(win, sz.width(), sz.height()); } //overload for simplicity void ReserveLocation(WId win, QRect geom, QString loc); //Window Embedding/Detaching (for system tray) //void SetWindowBackground(QWidget *parent, QRect area, WId client); uint EmbedWindow(WId win, WId container); //returns the damage ID (or 0 for an error) bool UnembedWindow(WId win); QPixmap TrayImage(WId win); //System Tray Management WId startSystemTray(int screen = 0); //Startup the system tray (returns window ID for tray) void closeSystemTray(WId); //Close the system tray //============ // WM Functions (directly changing properties/settings) // - Using these directly may prevent the WM from seeing the change //============ void WM_CloseWindow(WId win); // ICCCM Standards (older standards) // -- WM_NAME QString WM_ICCCM_GetName(WId win); void WM_ICCCM_SetName(WId win, QString name); // -- WM_ICON_NAME QString WM_ICCCM_GetIconName(WId win); void WM_ICCCM_SetIconName(WId win, QString name); // --- WM_CLIENT_MACHINE QString WM_ICCCM_GetClientMachine(WId win); void WM_ICCCM_SetClientMachine(WId win, QString name); // -- WM_CLASS QString WM_ICCCM_GetClass(WId win); //Returns: "::::" void WM_ICCCM_SetClass(WId win, QString name); // -- WM_TRANSIENT_FOR WId WM_ICCCM_GetTransientFor(WId win); //Returns "win" for errors or no transient void WM_ICCCM_SetTransientFor(WId win, WId transient); // -- WM_SIZE_HINTS // -- WM_NORMAL_HINTS // -- WM_HINTS // -- WM_PROTOCOLS //NET_WM Standards (newer standards) void WM_Set_Root_Supported(); //set the atom list of supported features on the root window void WM_Set_Window_Supported(WId win); //set the atom list of supported features on the given window private: QList ATOMS; QStringList atoms; void createWMAtoms(); //fill the private lists above }; #endif