//=========================================== // Lumina-DE source code // Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Ken Moore // Available under the 3-clause BSD license // See the LICENSE file for full details //=========================================== #include "LuminaUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static QStringList fav; //============= // LUtils Functions //============= QString LUtils::LuminaDesktopVersion(){ return "0.8.6-devel"; } int LUtils::runCmd(QString cmd, QStringList args){ QProcess proc; proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); if(args.isEmpty()){ proc.start(cmd); }else{ proc.start(cmd, args); } while(!proc.waitForFinished(300)){ QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } int ret = proc.exitCode(); return ret; } QStringList LUtils::getCmdOutput(QString cmd, QStringList args){ QProcess proc; QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert("LANG", "C"); env.insert("LC_MESSAGES", "C"); proc.setProcessEnvironment(env); proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); if(args.isEmpty()){ proc.start(cmd); }else{ proc.start(cmd,args); } while(!proc.waitForFinished(500)){ QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } QStringList out = QString(proc.readAllStandardOutput()).split("\n"); return out; } QStringList LUtils::readFile(QString filepath){ QStringList out; QFile file(filepath); if(file.open(QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ QTextStream in(&file); while(!in.atEnd()){ out << in.readLine(); } file.close(); } return out; } bool LUtils::writeFile(QString filepath, QStringList contents, bool overwrite){ QFile file(filepath); if(file.exists() && !overwrite){ return false; } bool ok = false; if(contents.isEmpty()){ contents << "\n"; } if( file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate) ){ QTextStream out(&file); out << contents.join("\n"); if(!contents.last().isEmpty()){ out << "\n"; } //always end with a new line file.close(); ok = true; } return ok; } bool LUtils::isValidBinary(QString& bin){ if(!bin.startsWith("/")){ //Relative path: search for it on the current "PATH" settings QStringList paths = QString(qgetenv("PATH")).split(":"); for(int i=0; i fmt = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); for(int i=0; iremoveTranslator(cTrans); } //Setup the translator cTrans = new QTranslator(); //Use the shortened locale code if specific code does not have a corresponding file if(!QFile::exists(LOS::LuminaShare()+"i18n/"+appname+"_" + langCode + ".qm") && langCode!="en_US" ){ langCode.truncate( langCode.indexOf("_") ); } if( cTrans->load( appname+QString("_") + langCode, LOS::LuminaShare()+"i18n/" ) ){ app->installTranslator( cTrans ); }else{ //Translator could not be loaded for some reason cTrans = 0; if(langCode!="en_US"){ qWarning() << " - Could not load Locale:" << langCode; } } }else{ //Only going to set the encoding since no application given qDebug() << "Loading System Encoding:" << langEnc; } //Load current encoding for this locale QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale( QTextCodec::codecForName(langEnc.toUtf8()) ); return cTrans; } QStringList LUtils::knownLocales(){ QDir i18n = QDir(LOS::LuminaShare()+"i18n"); if( !i18n.exists() ){ return QStringList(); } QStringList files = i18n.entryList(QStringList() << "lumina-desktop_*.qm", QDir::Files, QDir::Name); if(files.isEmpty()){ return QStringList(); } //Now strip off the filename and just leave the locale tag for(int i=0; i, sym-links in the ~/.lumina/favorites dir} //Include 0.8.4-devel versions in this upgrade (need to distinguish b/w devel and release versions later somehow) QDir favdir(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/favorites"); QFileInfoList symlinks = favdir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs | QDir::System | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); QStringList favfile = LUtils::listFavorites(); //just in case some already exist bool newentry = false; for(int i=0; iscreenCount(); i++){ if(desk->screenGeometry(i).x()==0){ screen = QString::number(i); screenGeom = desk->screenGeometry(i); break; } } //Now setup the default "desktopsettings.conf" and "sessionsettings.conf" files QStringList deskset, sesset, lopenset; // -- SESSION SETTINGS -- QStringList tmp = sysDefaults.filter("session_"); if(tmp.isEmpty()){ tmp = sysDefaults.filter("session."); }//for backwards compat sesset << "[General]"; //everything is in this section sesset << "DesktopVersion="+LUtils::LuminaDesktopVersion(); for(int i=0; i