Lumina Desktop default icon theme Requirements 1) White foreground (primarily), with black shadow/outline. The shadow/outline ensures that the icon will still be completely visible on a pure white background (allowing it to be used on any background color/type). 2) Colors may be used (and are recommended) for additional icon overlays/additions as needed. Example: the "folder.svg" icon is plain white/black, while the "folder-video.svg" icon will use the same base folder image, but might overlay a small colorized emblem somewhere on it. 3) All icons need be to be svg formatted, with a base/default size of 128x128 and usable by the stock/generic SVG library . Note: Adobe applications tend to use a customized version of the svg library, so make sure to verify the icon with some other SVG application such as inkscape. 4) All icons will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. Basically, the icons can be used any anyone, anywhere, in anything, as long as the original author still gets attributed for his work. This license is comparable to the BSD license for source code. Sample icons to show kind of what I was thinking of: (shadowing) (General icon style) Total count: ~1249 icons total ~300 are mimetype icons (extremely low priority) Many icons are slight variations of each other (arrows pointing different directions, alternate colors/emblems, etc..)