#List of known dependencies for the Lumina Desktop (and associated utilities) # FreeBSD port is listed in parentheses after the dependency whenever possible === RUNTIME ONLY === fluxbox (x11-wm/fluxbox) fluxbox styles pack? (x11-themes/fluxbox-tenr-styles-pack) oxygen icon theme (x11-themes/kde4-icons-oxygen) xscreensaver & xscreensaver-demo (x11/xscreensaver) numlockx (x11/numlockx) == FreeBSD (libLumina/LuminaOS-FreeBSD.cpp) == shutdown (/sbin/shutdown - built in) (System restart/poweroff) mount (/sbin/mount - built in) (Device Availability) apm (/usr/sbin/apm - built in) (Advanced Power Management utility) mixer (/usr/sbin/mixer - built in) (Audio System Mixer) xbrightness (x11/xbrightness) (Screen Brightness Control) == Linux == (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint packages required) qt4-qmake libqt4-core libqt4-gui libqt4-network libqt4-svg libxcomposite-dev === BUILD & RUN === Qt 4.8+ (modules: core, gui, network, linguist, svg) also includes: (qt4-qmake, qt4-uic, qt4-moc, qt4-rcc) + devel/qt4-qtsolutions-singleapplication X.org and XLib With extensions: Xrender, Xcomposite, Xdamage