path: root/src-qt5/src-cpp/framework-OSInterface-template.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src-qt5/src-cpp/framework-OSInterface-template.cpp')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/src-qt5/src-cpp/framework-OSInterface-template.cpp b/src-qt5/src-cpp/framework-OSInterface-template.cpp
index 972e02e0..c9c7775a 100644
--- a/src-qt5/src-cpp/framework-OSInterface-template.cpp
+++ b/src-qt5/src-cpp/framework-OSInterface-template.cpp
@@ -4,147 +4,95 @@
// Available under the 3-clause BSD license
// See the LICENSE file for full details
+// USEFUL INTERNAL FUNCTIONS: (See framework-OSInterface.h for all possibilities);
+// bool verifyAppOrBin(QString chk) : Returns true is the check is a valid binary or application (*.desktop)
+// int runCmd(QString command, QStringList arguments) : return code of command is returned
+// QStringList getCmdOutput(QString command, QStringList arguments) : returns standard output of command
#include <framework-OSInterface.h>
-#include <QNetworkConfiguration>
-#include <QNetworkInterface>
-//Start/stop interface watchers/notifications
-void OSInterface::start(){
- setupMediaWatcher(); //will create/connect the filesystem watcher automatically
- setupNetworkManager();
-void OSInterface::stop(){
- if(isRunning()){
- watcher->deleteLater();
- watcher = 0;
- }
-bool OSInterface::isRunning(){ return (watcher!=0); } //status of the object - whether it has been started yet
// = Battery =
-bool OSInterface::batteryAvailable(){ return false; }
-float OSInterface::batteryCharge(){ return -1; }
-bool OSInterface::batteryCharging(){ return false; }
-double OSInterface::batterySecondsLeft(){ return -1; }
+bool OSInterface::OS_batteryAvailable(){ return false; }
+float OSInterface::OS_batteryCharge(){ return -1; }
+bool OSInterface::OS_batteryCharging(){ return false; }
+double OSInterface::OS_batterySecondsLeft(){ return -1; }
// = Volume =
-bool OSInterface::volumeAvailable(){ return false; }
-int OSInterface::volume(){ return -1; }
-void OSInterface::setVolume(int){}
+bool OSInterface::OS_volumeSupported(){ return false; }
+int OSInterface::OS_volume(){ return -1; }
+bool OSInterface::OS_setVolume(int){ return false;}
// = Network Information =
-bool OSInterface::networkAvailable(){
- if(INFO.contains("netaccess/available")){ return INFO.value("netaccess/available").toBool(); }
- return false;
-QString OSInterface::networkType(){
- if(INFO.contains("netaccess/type")){ return INFO.value("netaccess/type").toString(); } //"wifi", "wired", or "cell"
+QString OSInterface::OS_networkTypeFromDeviceName(QString name){
+ //Return options: wifi, wired, cell, cell-2G, cell-3G, cell-4G
return "";
-float OSInterface::networkStrength(){ return -1; } //percentage. ("wired" type should always be 100%)
-QString OSInterface::networkHostname(){
- return QHostInfo::localHostName();
-QHostAddress OSInterface::networkAddress(){
- QString addr;
- if(INFO.contains("netaccess/address")){ addr = INFO.value("netaccess/address").toString(); }
- return QHostAddress(addr);
+float OSInterface::OS_networkStrengthFromDeviceName(QString name){
+ //NOTE: This will only run for non-wired devices (wifi, cell[-*])
+ return -1; //percentage
-// = Network Modification =
// = Media Shortcuts =
-QStringList OSInterface::mediaDirectories(){ return QStringList() << "/media"; } //directory where XDG shortcuts are placed for interacting with media (local/remote)
-QStringList OSInterface::mediaShortcuts(){ return autoHandledMediaFiles(); } //List of currently-available XDG shortcut file paths
+QStringList OSInterface::OS_mediaDirectories(){ return QStringList() << "/media"; } //directory where XDG shortcuts are placed for interacting with media (local/remote)
// = Updates =
-bool OSInterface::updatesAvailable(){ return false; }
-QString OSInterface::updateDetails(){ return QString(); } //Information about any available updates
-bool OSInterface::updatesRunning(){ return false; }
-QString OSInterface::updateLog(){ return QString(); } //Information about any currently-running update
-bool OSInterface::updatesFinished(){ return false; }
-QString OSInterface::updateResults(){ return QString(); } //Information about any finished update
-void OSInterface::startUpdates(){}
-bool OSInterface::updateOnlyOnReboot(){ return false; } //Should the startUpdates function be called only when rebooting the system?
-QDateTime OSInterface::lastUpdate(){ return QDateTime(); } //The date/time of the previous updates
-QString OSInterface::lastUpdateResults(){ return QString(); } //Information about the previously-finished update
+bool OSInterface::OS_updatesSupported(){ return false; }
+bool OSInterface::OS_updatesAvailable(){ return false; }
+QString OSInterface::OS_updateDetails(){ return QString(); } //Information about any available updates
+bool OSInterface::OS_updatesRunning(){ return false; }
+QString OSInterface::OS_updateLog(){ return QString(); } //Information about any currently-running update
+bool OSInterface::OS_updatesFinished(){ return false; }
+QString OSInterface::OS_updateResults(){ return QString(); } //Information about any finished update
+void OSInterface::OS_startUpdates(){}
+bool OSInterface::OS_updateOnlyOnReboot(){ return false; } //Should the startUpdates function be called only when rebooting the system?
+bool OSInterface::OS_updateCausesReboot(){ return false; }
+QDateTime OSInterface::OS_lastUpdate(){ return QDateTime(); } //The date/time of the previous updates
+QString OSInterface::OS_lastUpdateResults(){ return QString(); } //Information about the previously-finished update
// = System Power =
-bool OSInterface::canReboot(){ return false; }
-void OSInterface::startReboot(){}
-bool OSInterface::canShutdown(){ return false; }
-void OSInterface::startShutdown(){}
-bool OSInterface::canSuspend(){ return false; }
-void OSInterface::startSuspend(){}
+bool OSInterface::OS_canReboot(){ return false; }
+void OSInterface::OS_startReboot(){}
+bool OSInterface::OS_canShutdown(){ return false; }
+void OSInterface::OS_startShutdown(){}
+bool OSInterface::OS_canSuspend(){ return false; }
+void OSInterface::OS_startSuspend(){}
// = Screen Brightness =
-int OSInterface::brightness(){ return -1; } //percentage: 0-100 with -1 for errors
-void OSInterface::setBrightness(int){}
+bool OSInterface::OS_brightnessSupported(){ return false; }
+int OSInterface::OS_brightness(){ return -1; } //percentage: 0-100 with -1 for errors
+bool OSInterface::OS_setBrightness(int){ return false; }
// = System Status Monitoring
-QList<int> OSInterface::cpuPercentage(){ return QList<int>(); } // (one per CPU) percentage: 0-100 with empty list for errors
-QStringList OSInterface::cpuTemperatures(){ return QStringList(); } // (one per CPU) Temperature of CPU ("50C" for example)
-int OSInterface::memoryUsedPercentage(){ return -1; } //percentage: 0-100 with -1 for errors
-QString OSInterface::memoryTotal(){ return QString(); } //human-readable form - does not tend to change within a session
-QStringList OSInterface::diskIO(){ return QStringList(); } //Returns list of current read/write stats for each device
-int OSInterface::fileSystemPercentage(QString dir){ return -1; } //percentage of capacity used: 0-100 with -1 for errors
-QString OSInterface::fileSystemCapacity(QString dir){ return QString(); } //human-readable form - total capacity
+bool OSInterface::OS_cpuSupported(){ return false; }
+QList<int> OSInterface::OS_cpuPercentage(){ return QList<int>(); } // (one per CPU) percentage: 0-100 with empty list for errors
+QStringList OSInterface::OS_cpuTemperatures(){ return QStringList(); } // (one per CPU) Temperature of CPU ("50C" for example)
+bool OSInterface::OS_memorySupported(){ return false; }
+int OSInterface::OS_memoryUsedPercentage(){ return -1; } //percentage: 0-100 with -1 for errors
+QString OSInterface::OS_memoryTotal(){ return QString(); } //human-readable form - does not tend to change within a session
+QStringList OSInterface::OS_diskIO(){ return QStringList(); } //Returns list of current read/write stats for each device
+bool OSInterface::OS_diskSupported(){ return false; }
+int OSInterface::OS_fileSystemPercentage(QString dir){ return -1; } //percentage of capacity used: 0-100 with -1 for errors
+QString OSInterface::OS_fileSystemCapacity(QString dir){ return QString(); } //human-readable form - total capacity
// = OS-Specific Utilities =
-bool OSInterface::hasControlPanel(){ return false; }
QString OSInterface::controlPanelShortcut(){ return QString(); } //relative *.desktop shortcut name (Example: "some_utility.desktop")
-bool OSInterface::hasAudioMixer(){ return false; }
QString OSInterface::audioMixerShortcut(){ return QString(); } //relative *.desktop shortcut name (Example: "some_utility.desktop")
-bool OSInterface::hasAppStore(){ return false; }
QString OSInterface::appStoreShortcut(){ return QString(); } //relative *.desktop shortcut name (Example: "some_utility.desktop")
+QString OSInterface::networkManagerUtility(){ return QString(); } //relative *.desktop shortcut name (Example: "some_utility.desktop")
-//FileSystemWatcher slots
-void OSInterface::watcherFileChanged(QString){}
-void OSInterface::watcherDirChanged(QString dir){
- if(handleMediaDirChange(dir)){ return; }
+//FileSystemWatcher slots (optional - re-implement only if needed/used by this OS)
+void OSInterface::watcherFileChanged(QString){} //any additional parsing for files that are watched
+void OSInterface::watcherDirChanged(QString dir){ //any additional parsing for watched directories
+ if(handleMediaDirChange(dir)){ return; } //auto-handled media directories
-//IO Device slots
+//IO Device slots (optional - implement only if needed/used by this OS)
void OSInterface::iodeviceReadyRead(){}
void OSInterface::iodeviceAboutToClose(){}
-//NetworkAccessManager slots
-void OSInterface::netAccessChanged(QNetworkAccessManager::NetworkAccessibility stat){
- INFO.insert("netaccess/available", stat== QNetworkAccessManager::Accessible);
- //Update all the other network status info at the same time
- QNetworkConfiguration active = netman->activeConfiguration();
- //Type of connection
- QString type;
- switch(active.bearerTypeFamily()){
- case QNetworkConfiguration::BearerEthernet: type="wired"; break;
- case QNetworkConfiguration::BearerWLAN: type="wifi"; break;
- case QNetworkConfiguration::Bearer2G: type="cell-2G"; break;
- case QNetworkConfiguration::Bearer3G: type="cell-3G"; break;
- case QNetworkConfiguration::Bearer4G: type="cell-4G"; break;
- default: type="";
- }
- INFO.insert("netaccess/type", type);
- qDebug() << "Detected Device Status:" << active.identifier() << type << stat;
- QNetworkInterface iface = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(active.name());
- qDebug() << " - Configuration: Name:" << active.name() << active.bearerTypeName() << active.identifier();
- qDebug() << " - Interface: MAC Address:" << iface.hardwareAddress() << "Name:" << iface.name() << iface.humanReadableName() << iface.isValid();
- QList<QNetworkAddressEntry> addressList = iface.addressEntries();
- QStringList address;
- //NOTE: There are often 2 addresses, IPv4 and IPv6
- for(int i=0; i<addressList.length(); i++){
- address << addressList[i].ip().toString();
- }
- qDebug() << " - IP Address:" << address;
- qDebug() << " - Hostname:" << networkHostname();
- INFO.insert("netaccess/address", address.join(", "));
- emit networkStatusChanged();
void OSInterface::netRequestFinished(QNetworkReply*){}
void OSInterface::netSslErrors(QNetworkReply*, const QList<QSslError>&){}
-void OSInterface::timerUpdate(){}