path: root/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-xdg-entry/mainwindow.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-xdg-entry/mainwindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-xdg-entry/mainwindow.cpp b/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-xdg-entry/mainwindow.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ad6edcd..00000000
--- a/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-xdg-entry/mainwindow.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2017, q5sys (JT)
-// Available under the MIT license
-// See the LICENSE file for full details
-#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
-#include "QDir"
-#include "QFile"
-#include "QTextStream"
-#include "QImageReader"
-#include "QFileDialog"
-#include "QMessageBox"
-MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
- QMainWindow(parent),
- ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
- ui->setupUi(this);
- connect(ui->pushButton_executable, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setExec()) );
- connect(ui->pushButton_icon, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setIcon()) );
- connect(ui->pushButton_save, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(save()) );
- connect(ui->actionSave, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save()) );
- connect(ui->actionClose, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()) );
- delete ui;
-void MainWindow::setIcon(){
- //Prompt for a new image file
- QStringList imgformats;
- QList<QByteArray> fmts = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats();
- for(int i=0; i<fmts.length(); i++){
- imgformats << "*."+QString(fmts[i]);
- }
- QString iconpath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select an image"), QDir::homePath(), \
- tr("Images")+" ("+imgformats.join(" ")+")");
- ui->lineEdit_icon->setText(iconpath);
- icon = ui->lineEdit_icon->text();
- }
-void MainWindow::setExec(){
- //Prompt for a new executable file
- QString execpath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select File"), QDir::homePath(), tr("All Files (*)") );
- ui->lineEdit_executable->setText(execpath);
- executable = ui->lineEdit_executable->text();
- }
-void MainWindow::setCategories(){
-catList = catList + "Audio;";}
-catList = catList + "Video;";}
-catList = catList + "Development;";}
-catList = catList + "Education;";}
-catList = catList + "Game;";}
-catList = catList + "Graphics;";}
-catList = catList + "Network;";}
-catList = catList + "Office;";}
-catList = catList + "Science;";}
-catList = catList + "Settings;";}
-catList = catList + "System;";}
-catList = catList + "Utility;";}
-categories = catList;
-void MainWindow::setOtherValues(){
-name = ui->lineEdit_name->text();
-genericname = ui->lineEdit_genericname->text();
-keywords = ui->lineEdit_keywords->text();
-comment = ui->lineEdit_comment->text();
-terminal = "true";} else{terminal = "false";};
-void MainWindow::setDesktopFields(){
-namefield = "Name=" + name;
-genericnamefield = "GenericName=" + genericname;
-commentfield = "Comment=" + comment;
-iconfield = "Icon=" + icon;
-terminalfield = "Terminal=" + terminal;
-execfield = "Exec=" + executable;
-categoriesfield = "Categories=" + categories;
-keywordfield = "Keywords=" + keywords;
-void MainWindow::save(){
-QString path = QDir::homePath();
-QString filename;
-filename = path + "/" + name + ".desktop";
-QFile file(filename);
-file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text);
-QTextStream stream(&file);
-stream << "[Desktop Entry]" << endl;
-stream << "Type=Application" << endl;
-stream << "Version=1.0" << endl;
-stream << namefield << endl;
-stream << genericnamefield << endl;
-stream << commentfield << endl;
-stream << iconfield << endl;
-stream << terminalfield << endl;
-stream << execfield << endl;
-stream << categoriesfield << endl;
-stream << keywordfield << endl;
- QMessageBox *messageBox = new QMessageBox;
- messageBox->setText(tr("File Saved"));
- QPushButton *pushButtonOk = messageBox->addButton(tr("Ok"), QMessageBox::YesRole);
- messageBox->QDialog::setWindowTitle(tr("Successful"));
- messageBox->show();}
-else{ QMessageBox *messageBox = new QMessageBox;
- messageBox->setText(tr("File Not Saved"));
- QPushButton *pushButtonOk = messageBox->addButton(tr("Ok"), QMessageBox::YesRole);
- messageBox->QDialog::setWindowTitle(tr("Unsuccessful"));