path: root/src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-WM/LWindowManager.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-WM/LWindowManager.cpp')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-WM/LWindowManager.cpp b/src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-WM/LWindowManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14ce6897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-WM/LWindowManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Lumina-DE source code
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Ken Moore
+// Available under the 3-clause BSD license
+// See the LICENSE file for full details
+#include "LWindowManager.h"
+#define DEBUG 1
+bool LWindowManager::start(){
+ //Setup the initial screen/session values
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Root_Supported();
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_SetNumber_Desktops(1);
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Current_Desktop(0);
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Desktop_Names(QStringList() << "one");
+ QRect totgeom;
+ QList<QPoint> viewports;
+ QList<QRect> geoms;
+ for(int i=0; i<QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); i++){
+ geoms << QApplication::desktop()->screen(i)->geometry();
+ viewports << QPoint(0,0);
+ totgeom = QApplication::desktop()->screen(i)->geometry();
+ }
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Desktop_Geometry(totgeom.size());
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Desktop_Viewport(viewports);
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Workarea(geoms);
+ //Should probably do a quick loop over any existing windows with the root as parent (just in case)
+ QList<WId> initial = LWM::SYSTEM->WM_RootWindows();
+ for(int i=0; i<initial.length(); i++){
+ NewWindow(initial[i], false); //These ones did not explicitly request to be mapped
+ }
+ RestackWindows();
+ return true;
+void LWindowManager::stop(){
+ for(int i=0; i<WINS.length(); i++){
+ if(WINS[i]->hasFrame()){
+ LWM::SYSTEM->UnembedWindow(WINS[i]->clientID());
+ WINS[i]->frame()->close();
+ }
+ }
+void LWindowManager::NewWindow(WId win, bool requested){
+ //Verify that this window can/should be managed first
+ //if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "New Window:" << LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ICCCM_GetClass(win); }
+ QString wclass = LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ICCCM_GetClass(win);
+ if( wclass.contains("lumina-wm",Qt::CaseInsensitive) ){ return; } //just in case: prevent recursion
+ else{
+ bool ok = (wclass.isEmpty() ? false : LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ManageWindow(win, requested) );
+ if(!ok){
+ //See if this window is just a transient pointing to some other window
+ WId tran = LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ICCCM_GetTransientFor(win);
+ if(tran!=win && tran!=0){
+ win = tran;
+ ok = LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ManageWindow(win);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!ok){ return; }
+ }
+ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "New Managed Window:" << LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ICCCM_GetClass(win); }
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Active_Window(win);
+ LWindow *lwin = new LWindow(win);
+ connect(lwin, SIGNAL(Finished(WId)), this, SLOT(FinishedWindow(WId)) );
+ WINS << lwin;
+ if(lwin->hasFrame()){
+ lwin->frame()->windowChanged(LWM::Show); //Make sure to show it right away
+ }else{
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ShowWindow(win); //just map the window right now
+ }
+void LWindowManager::ClosedWindow(WId win){
+ for(int i=0; i<WINS.length(); i++){
+ if(WINS[i]->clientID()==win){
+ qDebug() << " - Closed Window";
+ if(WINS[i]->hasFrame()){ WINS[i]->frame()->windowChanged(LWM::Closed); } //do any animations/cleanup
+ else{ FinishedWindow(win); }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void LWindowManager::ModifyWindow(WId win, LWM::WindowAction act){
+ for(int i=0; i<WINS.length(); i++){
+ if(WINS[i]->clientID()==win){
+ if(WINS[i]->hasFrame()){ WINS[i]->frame()->windowChanged(act); }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //If it gets this far - it is an unmanaged window
+ if(act==LWM::Show){
+ NewWindow(win);
+ }
+ RestackWindows();
+void LWindowManager::RestackWindows(){
+ Stack_Desktop.clear(); Stack_Below.clear(); Stack_Normal.clear(); Stack_Above.clear(); Stack_Fullscreen.clear();
+ QList<WId> currwins;
+ int cwork = LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Get_Current_Desktop();
+ int winwork = -1;
+ QList<LXCB::WINDOWSTATE> states;
+ QList<LXCB::WINDOWTYPE> types;
+ for(int i=0; i<WINS.length(); i++){
+ //Only show windows on the current desktop
+ winwork = LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Get_Desktop(WINS[i]->clientID());
+ states = LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Get_Window_States(WINS[i]->clientID());
+ types = LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Get_Window_Type(WINS[i]->clientID());
+ WId id = WINS[i]->clientID();
+ if(WINS[i]->hasFrame()){ id = WINS[i]->frame()->winId(); }
+ if(winwork<0 || winwork == cwork || states.contains(LXCB::S_STICKY) ){
+ //Now check the state/type and put it in the proper stack
+ currwins << WINS[i]->clientID(); //add this to the overall "age" list
+ //Now add it to the proper stack
+ if(types.contains(LXCB::T_DESKTOP)){ Stack_Desktop << id; }
+ else if(states.contains(LXCB::S_BELOW)){ Stack_Below << id; }
+ else if(types.contains(LXCB::T_DOCK) || states.contains(LXCB::S_ABOVE) ){ Stack_Above << id; }
+ else if(states.contains(LXCB::S_FULLSCREEN)){ Stack_Fullscreen << id; }
+ else{ Stack_Normal << id; }
+ }
+ }
+ //Active Window management
+ WId active = LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Get_Active_Window();
+ if(Stack_Desktop.contains(active)){ Stack_Desktop.removeAll(active); Stack_Desktop << active; }
+ else if(Stack_Below.contains(active)){ Stack_Below.removeAll(active); Stack_Below << active; }
+ else if(Stack_Normal.contains(active)){ Stack_Normal.removeAll(active); Stack_Normal << active; }
+ else if(Stack_Above.contains(active)){ Stack_Above.removeAll(active); Stack_Above << active; }
+ else if(Stack_Fullscreen.contains(active)){ Stack_Fullscreen.removeAll(active); Stack_Fullscreen << active; }
+ //Now set the root properties for these lists
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Client_List(currwins, false); //age-ordered version
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Client_List(QList<WId>() << Stack_Desktop << Stack_Below << Stack_Normal << Stack_Above << Stack_Fullscreen, true); //stacking order version
+ //Now re-paint (in order) the windows
+ RepaintWindows();
+void LWindowManager::RepaintWindows(){
+ //Go through all the current windows (in stacking order) and re-paint them
+ for(int i=0; i<Stack_Desktop.length(); i++){
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ShowWindow(Stack_Desktop[i]);
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<Stack_Below.length(); i++){
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ShowWindow(Stack_Below[i]);
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<Stack_Normal.length(); i++){
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ShowWindow(Stack_Normal[i]);
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<Stack_Above.length(); i++){
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ShowWindow(Stack_Above[i]);
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<Stack_Fullscreen.length(); i++){
+ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_ShowWindow(Stack_Fullscreen[i]);
+ }
+void LWindowManager::FinishedWindow(WId win){
+ for(int i=0; i<WINS.length(); i++){
+ if(WINS[i]->clientID() == win){
+ qDebug() << " - Finished Window";
+ if(win == LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Get_Active_Window()){
+ if(i==0 && WINS.length()>1){ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Active_Window(WINS[i+1]->clientID()); }
+ else if(i>0){ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Active_Window(WINS[i-1]->clientID()); }
+ else{ LWM::SYSTEM->WM_Set_Active_Window( QX11Info::appRootWindow()); }
+ }
+ delete WINS.takeAt(i); break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Now update the list of clients
+ RestackWindows();