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2 files changed, 47 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LUtils.cpp b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LUtils.cpp
index 491778ca..820b55e8 100644
--- a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LUtils.cpp
+++ b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LUtils.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include <unistd.h>
-inline QStringList ProcessRun(QString cmd, QStringList args){
+/*inline QStringList ProcessRun(QString cmd, QStringList args){
//Assemble outputs
QStringList out; out << "1" << ""; //error code, string output
QProcess proc;
@@ -38,50 +38,58 @@ inline QStringList ProcessRun(QString cmd, QStringList args){
out[0] = QString::number(proc.exitCode());
out[1] = info+QString(proc.readAllStandardOutput());
return out;
// LUtils Functions
-int LUtils::runCmd(QString cmd, QStringList args){
- /*QProcess proc;
- proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels);
- if(args.isEmpty()){
- proc.start(cmd);
- }else{
- proc.start(cmd, args);
+QString LUtils::runCommand(bool &success, QString command, QStringList arguments, QString workdir, QStringList env){
+ QProcess proc;
+ proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); //need output
+ //First setup the process environment as necessary
+ QProcessEnvironment PE = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment();
+ if(!env.isEmpty()){
+ for(int i=0; i<env.length(); i++){
+ if(!env[i].contains("=")){ continue; }
+ PE.insert(env[i].section("=",0,0), env[i].section("=",1,100));
+ }
+ }
+ proc.setProcessEnvironment(PE);
+ //if a working directory is specified, check it and use it
+ if(!workdir.isEmpty()){
+ proc.setWorkingDirectory(workdir);
- //if(!proc.waitForStarted(30000)){ return 1; } //process never started - max wait of 30 seconds
- while(!proc.waitForFinished(300)){
+ //Now run the command (with any optional arguments)
+ if(arguments.isEmpty()){ proc.start(command); }
+ else{ proc.start(command, arguments); }
+ //Wait for the process to finish (but don't block the event loop)
+ QString info;
+ while(!proc.waitForFinished(1000)){
if(proc.state() == QProcess::NotRunning){ break; } //somehow missed the finished signal
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
+ QString tmp = proc.readAllStandardOutput();
+ if(tmp.isEmpty()){ proc.terminate(); }
+ else{ info.append(tmp); }
- int ret = proc.exitCode();
- return ret;*/
- QFuture<QStringList> future = QtConcurrent::run(ProcessRun, cmd, args);
- return future.result()[0].toInt(); //turn it back into an integer return code
+ info.append(proc.readAllStandardOutput()); //make sure we don't miss anything in the output
+ success = (proc.exitCode()==0); //return success/failure
+ return info;
+int LUtils::runCmd(QString cmd, QStringList args){
+ bool success;
+ LUtils::runCommand(success, cmd, args);
+ return success;
+ /*QFuture<QStringList> future = QtConcurrent::run(ProcessRun, cmd, args);
+ return future.result()[0].toInt(); //turn it back into an integer return code*/
QStringList LUtils::getCmdOutput(QString cmd, QStringList args){
- /*QProcess proc;
- QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment();
- env.insert("LANG", "C");
- env.insert("LC_MESSAGES", "C");
- proc.setProcessEnvironment(env);
- proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels);
- if(args.isEmpty()){
- proc.start(cmd);
- }else{
- proc.start(cmd,args);
- }
- //if(!proc.waitForStarted(30000)){ return QStringList(); } //process never started - max wait of 30 seconds
- while(!proc.waitForFinished(300)){
- if(proc.state() == QProcess::NotRunning){ break; } //somehow missed the finished signal
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- }
- QStringList out = QString(proc.readAllStandardOutput()).split("\n");
- return out;*/
- QFuture<QStringList> future = QtConcurrent::run(ProcessRun, cmd, args);
- return future.result()[1].split("\n"); //Split the return message into lines
+ bool success;
+ QString log = LUtils::runCommand(success, cmd, args);
+ return log.split("\n");
+ /*QFuture<QStringList> future = QtConcurrent::run(ProcessRun, cmd, args);
+ return future.result()[1].split("\n"); //Split the return message into lines*/
QStringList LUtils::readFile(QString filepath){
diff --git a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LUtils.h b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LUtils.h
index a494d4da..ee04c023 100644
--- a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LUtils.h
+++ b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LUtils.h
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
class LUtils{
+ //Run an external command and return output & exit code
+ static QString runCommand(bool &success, QString command, QStringList arguments = QStringList(), QString workdir = "", QStringList env = QStringList());
//Run an external command and return the exit code
static int runCmd(QString cmd, QStringList args = QStringList());
//Run an external command and return any text output (one line per entry)