# README for `library_info` project # Usage Because this does not need to be a complex flask web app, it is designed as a cli tool. Run it in cron no more often than once a day. ./library_info_cli.py --output html > /var/www/html/library.html ## Serving with DataTables To take advantage of [DataTables JS library](https://datatables.net/), you need to serve files in this directory layout: . * library.html | -- DataTables |-- datatables.min.css `-- datatables.min.js # Design notes Columns for items checked out: * title * format * picture * barcode * due date * possible renewal date * how many times renewed already * when checked out plugin-based, so I can write a plugins/aspen.py with some standard format output. # Improvements I still need to implement these features. * add reservations for each library