/* Krb5 Auth Applet -- Acquire and release kerberos tickets * * (C) 2008 Guido Guenther * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include "krb5-auth-applet.h" #include "krb5-auth-gconf.h" #define KA_GCONF_PATH "/apps/" PACKAGE #define KA_GCONF_KEY_PRINCIPAL KA_GCONF_PATH "/principal" #define KA_GCONF_KEY_PROMPT_MINS KA_GCONF_PATH "/prompt_minutes" #define KA_GCONF_KEY_SHOW_TRAYICON KA_GCONF_PATH "/show_trayicon" static gboolean ka_gconf_get_string(GConfClient* client, const char* key, char** value) { GError* error = NULL; gboolean success = FALSE; GConfValue* gc_value; g_return_val_if_fail (key != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (*value == NULL, FALSE); if ((gc_value = gconf_client_get (client, key, &error))) { if (gc_value->type == GCONF_VALUE_STRING) { *value = g_strdup (gconf_value_get_string (gc_value)); success = TRUE; } else if (error) { g_print (error->message); g_error_free (error); } gconf_value_free (gc_value); } return success; } static gboolean ka_gconf_get_int(GConfClient* client, const char* key, int* value) { GError* error = NULL; gboolean success = FALSE; GConfValue* gc_value; g_return_val_if_fail (key != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (value != NULL, FALSE); if ((gc_value = gconf_client_get (client, key, &error))) { if (gc_value->type == GCONF_VALUE_INT) { *value = gconf_value_get_int (gc_value); success = TRUE; } else if (error) { g_print (error->message); g_error_free (error); } gconf_value_free (gc_value); } return success; } static gboolean ka_gconf_get_bool(GConfClient* client, const char* key, gboolean* value) { GError* error = NULL; gboolean success = FALSE; GConfValue* gc_value; g_return_val_if_fail (key != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (value != NULL, FALSE); if ((gc_value = gconf_client_get (client, key, &error))) { if (gc_value->type == GCONF_VALUE_BOOL) { *value = gconf_value_get_bool (gc_value); success = TRUE; } else if (error) { g_print (error->message); g_error_free (error); } gconf_value_free (gc_value); } return success; } static gboolean ka_gconf_set_principal(GConfClient* client, Krb5AuthApplet* applet) { g_free(applet->principal); applet->principal = NULL; if(!ka_gconf_get_string(client, KA_GCONF_KEY_PRINCIPAL, &applet->principal)) { applet->principal = g_strdup(g_get_user_name()); } KA_DEBUG("Setting principal to %s", applet->principal); // FIXME: need to send set-principal signal return TRUE; } static gboolean ka_gconf_set_prompt_mins(GConfClient* client, Krb5AuthApplet* applet) { if(!ka_gconf_get_int(client, KA_GCONF_KEY_PROMPT_MINS, &applet->pw_prompt_secs)) { applet->pw_prompt_secs = MINUTES_BEFORE_PROMPTING; } applet->pw_prompt_secs *= 60; KA_DEBUG("Setting prompting timer to %d seconds", applet->pw_prompt_secs); return TRUE; } static gboolean ka_gconf_set_show_trayicon(GConfClient* client, Krb5AuthApplet* applet) { if(!ka_gconf_get_bool(client, KA_GCONF_KEY_SHOW_TRAYICON, &applet->show_trayicon)) { applet->show_trayicon = TRUE; } KA_DEBUG("Show trayicon: %s", (applet->show_trayicon ? "yes" : "no" )); // FIXME: send show trayicon signal ka_show_tray_icon(applet); return TRUE; } static void ka_gconf_key_changed_callback (GConfClient* client, guint cnxn_id, GConfEntry* entry, gpointer user_data) { const char* key; Krb5AuthApplet* applet = (Krb5AuthApplet*)user_data; key = gconf_entry_get_key (entry); if (!key) return; KA_DEBUG("Key %s changed", key); if (g_strcmp0(key, KA_GCONF_KEY_PRINCIPAL) == 0) { ka_gconf_set_principal(client, applet); } else if (g_strcmp0(key, KA_GCONF_KEY_PROMPT_MINS) == 0) { ka_gconf_set_prompt_mins(client, applet); } else if (g_strcmp0(key, KA_GCONF_KEY_SHOW_TRAYICON) == 0) { ka_gconf_set_show_trayicon(client, applet); } else g_warning("Received notification for unknown gconf key %s", key); return; } gboolean ka_gconf_init (Krb5AuthApplet* applet, int argc, char* argv[]) { GError *error = NULL; GConfClient* client; gboolean success = FALSE; client = gconf_client_get_default(); gconf_client_add_dir(client, KA_GCONF_PATH, GCONF_CLIENT_PRELOAD_ONELEVEL, &error); if (error) goto out; gconf_client_notify_add(client, KA_GCONF_PATH, ka_gconf_key_changed_callback, applet, NULL, &error); if (error) goto out; /* setup defaults */ ka_gconf_set_principal(client, applet); ka_gconf_set_prompt_mins(client, applet); ka_gconf_set_show_trayicon(client, applet); success = TRUE; out: if(error) { g_print (error->message); g_error_free (error); } return success; }