/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald * Copyright (C) 2004 Albrecht Dreß * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* * Modified by the GTK+ Team and others 1997-2000. See the AUTHORS * file for a list of people on the GTK+ Team. See the ChangeLog * files for a list of changes. These files are distributed with * GTK+ at ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/. */ /* * Heavily stripped down for use in pinentry-gtk-2 by Albrecht Dreß * Feb. 2004: * * The entry is now always invisible, uses secure memory methods to * allocate the text memory, and all potentially dangerous methods * (copy & paste, popup, etc.) have been removed. */ #include #include #include #include #include "gtksecentry.h" #include "memory.h" #define MIN_SECURE_ENTRY_WIDTH 150 #define DRAW_TIMEOUT 20 #define INNER_BORDER 2 /* Initial size of buffer, in bytes */ #define MIN_SIZE 16 /* Maximum size of text buffer, in bytes */ #define MAX_SIZE G_MAXUSHORT enum { ACTIVATE, MOVE_CURSOR, INSERT_AT_CURSOR, DELETE_FROM_CURSOR, LAST_SIGNAL }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_CURSOR_POSITION, PROP_SELECTION_BOUND, PROP_MAX_LENGTH, PROP_HAS_FRAME, PROP_INVISIBLE_CHAR, PROP_ACTIVATES_DEFAULT, PROP_WIDTH_CHARS, PROP_SCROLL_OFFSET, PROP_TEXT }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; /* GObject, GtkObject methods */ static void gtk_secure_entry_class_init(GtkSecureEntryClass * klass); static void gtk_secure_entry_editable_init(GtkEditableClass * iface); static void gtk_secure_entry_cell_editable_init(GtkCellEditableIface * iface); static void gtk_secure_entry_init(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static void gtk_secure_entry_set_property(GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static void gtk_secure_entry_get_property(GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static void gtk_secure_entry_finalize(GObject * object); /* GtkWidget methods */ static void gtk_secure_entry_realize(GtkWidget * widget); static void gtk_secure_entry_unrealize(GtkWidget * widget); static void gtk_secure_entry_size_request(GtkWidget * widget, GtkRequisition * requisition); static void gtk_secure_entry_size_allocate(GtkWidget * widget, GtkAllocation * allocation); static void gtk_secure_entry_draw_frame(GtkWidget * widget); static gint gtk_secure_entry_expose(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventExpose * event); static gint gtk_secure_entry_button_press(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * event); static gint gtk_secure_entry_button_release(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * event); static gint gtk_secure_entry_motion_notify(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventMotion * event); static gint gtk_secure_entry_key_press(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventKey * event); static gint gtk_secure_entry_key_release(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventKey * event); static gint gtk_secure_entry_focus_in(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventFocus * event); static gint gtk_secure_entry_focus_out(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventFocus * event); static void gtk_secure_entry_grab_focus(GtkWidget * widget); static void gtk_secure_entry_style_set(GtkWidget * widget, GtkStyle * previous_style); static void gtk_secure_entry_direction_changed(GtkWidget * widget, GtkTextDirection previous_dir); static void gtk_secure_entry_state_changed(GtkWidget * widget, GtkStateType previous_state); static void gtk_secure_entry_screen_changed(GtkWidget * widget, GdkScreen * old_screen); /* GtkEditable method implementations */ static void gtk_secure_entry_insert_text(GtkEditable * editable, const gchar * new_text, gint new_text_length, gint * position); static void gtk_secure_entry_delete_text(GtkEditable * editable, gint start_pos, gint end_pos); static void gtk_secure_entry_real_set_position(GtkEditable * editable, gint position); static gint gtk_secure_entry_get_position(GtkEditable * editable); static void gtk_secure_entry_set_selection_bounds(GtkEditable * editable, gint start, gint end); static gboolean gtk_secure_entry_get_selection_bounds(GtkEditable * editable, gint * start, gint * end); /* GtkCellEditable method implementations */ static void gtk_secure_entry_start_editing(GtkCellEditable * cell_editable, GdkEvent * event); /* Default signal handlers */ static void gtk_secure_entry_real_insert_text(GtkEditable * editable, const gchar * new_text, gint new_text_length, gint * position); static void gtk_secure_entry_real_delete_text(GtkEditable * editable, gint start_pos, gint end_pos); static void gtk_secure_entry_move_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry, GtkMovementStep step, gint count, gboolean extend_selection); static void gtk_secure_entry_insert_at_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry, const gchar * str); static void gtk_secure_entry_delete_from_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry, GtkDeleteType type, gint count); static void gtk_secure_entry_real_activate(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static void gtk_secure_entry_keymap_direction_changed(GdkKeymap * keymap, GtkSecureEntry * entry); /* IM Context Callbacks */ static void gtk_secure_entry_commit_cb(GtkIMContext * context, const gchar * str, GtkSecureEntry * entry); static void gtk_secure_entry_preedit_changed_cb(GtkIMContext * context, GtkSecureEntry * entry); static gboolean gtk_secure_entry_retrieve_surrounding_cb(GtkIMContext * context, GtkSecureEntry * entry); static gboolean gtk_secure_entry_delete_surrounding_cb(GtkIMContext * context, gint offset, gint n_chars, GtkSecureEntry * entry); /* Internal routines */ static void gtk_secure_entry_enter_text(GtkSecureEntry * entry, const gchar * str); static void gtk_secure_entry_set_positions(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint current_pos, gint selection_bound); static void gtk_secure_entry_draw_text(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static void gtk_secure_entry_draw_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static PangoLayout *gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gboolean include_preedit); static void gtk_secure_entry_reset_layout(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static void gtk_secure_entry_queue_draw(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static void gtk_secure_entry_reset_im_context(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static void gtk_secure_entry_recompute(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static gint gtk_secure_entry_find_position(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint x); static void gtk_secure_entry_get_cursor_locations(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint * strong_x, gint * weak_x); static void gtk_secure_entry_adjust_scroll(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static gint gtk_secure_entry_move_visually(GtkSecureEntry * editable, gint start, gint count); static gint gtk_secure_entry_move_logically(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint start, gint count); static gboolean gtk_secure_entry_mnemonic_activate(GtkWidget * widget, gboolean group_cycling); static void gtk_secure_entry_check_cursor_blink(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static void gtk_secure_entry_pend_cursor_blink(GtkSecureEntry * entry); static void get_text_area_size(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint * x, gint * y, gint * width, gint * height); static void get_widget_window_size(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint * x, gint * y, gint * width, gint * height); #define _gtk_marshal_VOID__VOID g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID #define _gtk_marshal_VOID__STRING g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING static void _gtk_marshal_VOID__ENUM_INT_BOOLEAN(GClosure * closure, GValue * return_value, guint n_param_values, const GValue * param_values, gpointer invocation_hint, gpointer marshal_data); static void _gtk_marshal_VOID__ENUM_INT(GClosure * closure, GValue * return_value, guint n_param_values, const GValue * param_values, gpointer invocation_hint, gpointer marshal_data); static GtkWidgetClass *parent_class = NULL; gboolean g_use_secure_mem = FALSE; # define g_sec_new(type, count) \ ((type *) g_sec_malloc ((unsigned) sizeof (type) * (count))) #define WITH_SECURE_MEM(EXP) do { \ gboolean tmp = g_use_secure_mem; \ g_use_secure_mem = TRUE; \ EXP; \ g_use_secure_mem = tmp; \ } while(0) gpointer g_malloc(gsize size) { gpointer p; if (size == 0) return NULL; if (g_use_secure_mem) p = (gpointer) secmem_malloc(size); else p = (gpointer) malloc(size); if (!p) g_error("could not allocate %"G_GSIZE_FORMAT" bytes", size); return p; } gpointer g_malloc0(gsize size) { gpointer p; if (size == 0) return NULL; if (g_use_secure_mem) { p = (gpointer) secmem_malloc(size); if (p) memset(p, 0, size); } else p = (gpointer) calloc(size, 1); if (!p) g_error("could not allocate %"G_GSIZE_FORMAT" bytes", size); return p; } gpointer g_realloc(gpointer mem, gsize size) { gpointer p; if (size == 0) { g_free(mem); return NULL; } if (!mem) { if (g_use_secure_mem) p = (gpointer) secmem_malloc(size); else p = (gpointer) malloc(size); } else { if (g_use_secure_mem) { g_assert(m_is_secure(mem)); p = (gpointer) secmem_realloc(mem, size); } else p = (gpointer) realloc(mem, size); } if (!p) g_error("could not reallocate %lu bytes", (gulong) size); return p; } void g_free(gpointer mem) { if (mem) { if (m_is_secure(mem)) secmem_free(mem); else free(mem); } } GType gtk_secure_entry_get_type(void) { static GType entry_type = 0; if (!entry_type) { static const GTypeInfo entry_info = { sizeof(GtkSecureEntryClass), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc) gtk_secure_entry_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof(GtkSecureEntry), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) gtk_secure_entry_init, NULL, }; static const GInterfaceInfo editable_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) gtk_secure_entry_editable_init, /* interface_init */ NULL, /* interface_finalize */ NULL /* interface_data */ }; static const GInterfaceInfo cell_editable_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) gtk_secure_entry_cell_editable_init, /* interface_init */ NULL, /* interface_finalize */ NULL /* interface_data */ }; entry_type = g_type_register_static(GTK_TYPE_WIDGET, "GtkSecureEntry", &entry_info, 0); g_type_add_interface_static(entry_type, GTK_TYPE_EDITABLE, &editable_info); g_type_add_interface_static(entry_type, GTK_TYPE_CELL_EDITABLE, &cell_editable_info); } return entry_type; } static void add_move_binding(GtkBindingSet * binding_set, guint keyval, guint modmask, GtkMovementStep step, gint count) { g_return_if_fail((modmask & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) == 0); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, keyval, modmask, "move_cursor", 3, G_TYPE_ENUM, step, G_TYPE_INT, count, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE); /* Selection-extending version */ gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, keyval, modmask | GDK_SHIFT_MASK, "move_cursor", 3, G_TYPE_ENUM, step, G_TYPE_INT, count, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE); } static void gtk_secure_entry_class_init(GtkSecureEntryClass * class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(class); GtkWidgetClass *widget_class; GtkBindingSet *binding_set; widget_class = (GtkWidgetClass *) class; parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent(class); gobject_class->finalize = gtk_secure_entry_finalize; gobject_class->set_property = gtk_secure_entry_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = gtk_secure_entry_get_property; widget_class->realize = gtk_secure_entry_realize; widget_class->unrealize = gtk_secure_entry_unrealize; widget_class->size_request = gtk_secure_entry_size_request; widget_class->size_allocate = gtk_secure_entry_size_allocate; widget_class->expose_event = gtk_secure_entry_expose; widget_class->button_press_event = gtk_secure_entry_button_press; widget_class->button_release_event = gtk_secure_entry_button_release; widget_class->motion_notify_event = gtk_secure_entry_motion_notify; widget_class->key_press_event = gtk_secure_entry_key_press; widget_class->key_release_event = gtk_secure_entry_key_release; widget_class->focus_in_event = gtk_secure_entry_focus_in; widget_class->focus_out_event = gtk_secure_entry_focus_out; widget_class->grab_focus = gtk_secure_entry_grab_focus; widget_class->style_set = gtk_secure_entry_style_set; widget_class->direction_changed = gtk_secure_entry_direction_changed; widget_class->state_changed = gtk_secure_entry_state_changed; widget_class->screen_changed = gtk_secure_entry_screen_changed; widget_class->mnemonic_activate = gtk_secure_entry_mnemonic_activate; class->move_cursor = gtk_secure_entry_move_cursor; class->insert_at_cursor = gtk_secure_entry_insert_at_cursor; class->delete_from_cursor = gtk_secure_entry_delete_from_cursor; class->activate = gtk_secure_entry_real_activate; g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_CURSOR_POSITION, g_param_spec_int("cursor_position", "Cursor Position", "The current position of the insertion cursor in chars", 0, MAX_SIZE, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE)); g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_SELECTION_BOUND, g_param_spec_int("selection_bound", "Selection Bound", "The position of the opposite end of the selection from the cursor in chars", 0, MAX_SIZE, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE)); g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_MAX_LENGTH, g_param_spec_int("max_length", "Maximum length", "Maximum number of characters for this entry. Zero if no maximum", 0, MAX_SIZE, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)); g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_HAS_FRAME, g_param_spec_boolean("has_frame", "Has Frame", "FALSE removes outside bevel from entry", TRUE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)); g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_INVISIBLE_CHAR, g_param_spec_unichar("invisible_char", "Invisible character", "The character to use when masking entry contents (in \"password mode\")", '*', G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)); g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_ACTIVATES_DEFAULT, g_param_spec_boolean ("activates_default", "Activates default", "Whether to activate the default widget (such as the default button in a dialog) when Enter is pressed", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)); g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_WIDTH_CHARS, g_param_spec_int("width_chars", "Width in chars", "Number of characters to leave space for in the entry", -1, G_MAXINT, -1, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)); g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_SCROLL_OFFSET, g_param_spec_int("scroll_offset", "Scroll offset", "Number of pixels of the entry scrolled off the screen to the left", 0, G_MAXINT, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE)); g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_TEXT, g_param_spec_string("text", "Text", "The contents of the entry", "", G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)); /* Action signals */ signals[ACTIVATE] = g_signal_new("activate", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkSecureEntryClass, activate), NULL, NULL, _gtk_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); widget_class->activate_signal = signals[ACTIVATE]; signals[MOVE_CURSOR] = g_signal_new("move_cursor", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkSecureEntryClass, move_cursor), NULL, NULL, _gtk_marshal_VOID__ENUM_INT_BOOLEAN, G_TYPE_NONE, 3, GTK_TYPE_MOVEMENT_STEP, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); signals[INSERT_AT_CURSOR] = g_signal_new("insert_at_cursor", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkSecureEntryClass, insert_at_cursor), NULL, NULL, _gtk_marshal_VOID__STRING, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING); signals[DELETE_FROM_CURSOR] = g_signal_new("delete_from_cursor", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkSecureEntryClass, delete_from_cursor), NULL, NULL, _gtk_marshal_VOID__ENUM_INT, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, GTK_TYPE_DELETE_TYPE, G_TYPE_INT); /* * Key bindings */ binding_set = gtk_binding_set_by_class(class); /* Moving the insertion point */ add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_Right, 0, GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS, 1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_Left, 0, GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS, -1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_KP_Right, 0, GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS, 1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_KP_Left, 0, GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS, -1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_Right, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_MOVEMENT_WORDS, 1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_Left, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_MOVEMENT_WORDS, -1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_KP_Right, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_MOVEMENT_WORDS, 1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_KP_Left, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_MOVEMENT_WORDS, -1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_Home, 0, GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS, -1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_End, 0, GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS, 1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_KP_Home, 0, GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS, -1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_KP_End, 0, GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS, 1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_Home, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS, -1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_End, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS, 1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_KP_Home, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS, -1); add_move_binding(binding_set, GDK_KP_End, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS, 1); /* Select all */ gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_a, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, "move_cursor", 3, GTK_TYPE_MOVEMENT_STEP, GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS, G_TYPE_INT, -1, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_a, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, "move_cursor", 3, GTK_TYPE_MOVEMENT_STEP, GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS, G_TYPE_INT, 1, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE); /* Activate */ gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_Return, 0, "activate", 0); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_KP_Enter, 0, "activate", 0); /* Deleting text */ gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_Delete, 0, "delete_from_cursor", 2, G_TYPE_ENUM, GTK_DELETE_CHARS, G_TYPE_INT, 1); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_KP_Delete, 0, "delete_from_cursor", 2, G_TYPE_ENUM, GTK_DELETE_CHARS, G_TYPE_INT, 1); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_BackSpace, 0, "delete_from_cursor", 2, G_TYPE_ENUM, GTK_DELETE_CHARS, G_TYPE_INT, -1); /* Make this do the same as Backspace, to help with mis-typing */ gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_BackSpace, GDK_SHIFT_MASK, "delete_from_cursor", 2, G_TYPE_ENUM, GTK_DELETE_CHARS, G_TYPE_INT, -1); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_Delete, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, "delete_from_cursor", 2, G_TYPE_ENUM, GTK_DELETE_WORD_ENDS, G_TYPE_INT, 1); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_KP_Delete, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, "delete_from_cursor", 2, G_TYPE_ENUM, GTK_DELETE_WORD_ENDS, G_TYPE_INT, 1); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal(binding_set, GDK_BackSpace, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, "delete_from_cursor", 2, G_TYPE_ENUM, GTK_DELETE_WORD_ENDS, G_TYPE_INT, -1); } static void gtk_secure_entry_editable_init(GtkEditableClass * iface) { iface->do_insert_text = gtk_secure_entry_insert_text; iface->do_delete_text = gtk_secure_entry_delete_text; iface->insert_text = gtk_secure_entry_real_insert_text; iface->delete_text = gtk_secure_entry_real_delete_text; iface->set_selection_bounds = gtk_secure_entry_set_selection_bounds; iface->get_selection_bounds = gtk_secure_entry_get_selection_bounds; iface->set_position = gtk_secure_entry_real_set_position; iface->get_position = gtk_secure_entry_get_position; } static void gtk_secure_entry_cell_editable_init(GtkCellEditableIface * iface) { iface->start_editing = gtk_secure_entry_start_editing; } static void gtk_secure_entry_set_property(GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_MAX_LENGTH: gtk_secure_entry_set_max_length(entry, g_value_get_int(value)); break; case PROP_HAS_FRAME: gtk_secure_entry_set_has_frame(entry, g_value_get_boolean(value)); break; case PROP_INVISIBLE_CHAR: gtk_secure_entry_set_invisible_char(entry, g_value_get_uint(value)); break; case PROP_ACTIVATES_DEFAULT: gtk_secure_entry_set_activates_default(entry, g_value_get_boolean(value)); break; case PROP_WIDTH_CHARS: gtk_secure_entry_set_width_chars(entry, g_value_get_int(value)); break; case PROP_TEXT: gtk_secure_entry_set_text(entry, g_value_get_string(value)); break; case PROP_SCROLL_OFFSET: case PROP_CURSOR_POSITION: default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gtk_secure_entry_get_property(GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_CURSOR_POSITION: g_value_set_int(value, entry->current_pos); break; case PROP_SELECTION_BOUND: g_value_set_int(value, entry->selection_bound); break; case PROP_MAX_LENGTH: g_value_set_int(value, entry->text_max_length); break; case PROP_HAS_FRAME: g_value_set_boolean(value, entry->has_frame); break; case PROP_INVISIBLE_CHAR: g_value_set_uint(value, entry->invisible_char); break; case PROP_ACTIVATES_DEFAULT: g_value_set_boolean(value, entry->activates_default); break; case PROP_WIDTH_CHARS: g_value_set_int(value, entry->width_chars); break; case PROP_SCROLL_OFFSET: g_value_set_int(value, entry->scroll_offset); break; case PROP_TEXT: g_value_set_string(value, gtk_secure_entry_get_text(entry)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gtk_secure_entry_init(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { gtk_widget_set_can_focus (GTK_WIDGET(entry), TRUE); entry->text_size = MIN_SIZE; WITH_SECURE_MEM(entry->text = g_malloc(entry->text_size)); entry->text[0] = '\0'; entry->invisible_char = '*'; entry->width_chars = -1; entry->is_cell_renderer = FALSE; entry->editing_canceled = FALSE; entry->has_frame = TRUE; /* This object is completely private. No external entity can gain a reference * to it; so we create it here and destroy it in finalize(). */ entry->im_context = gtk_im_multicontext_new(); g_signal_connect(entry->im_context, "commit", G_CALLBACK(gtk_secure_entry_commit_cb), entry); g_signal_connect(entry->im_context, "preedit_changed", G_CALLBACK(gtk_secure_entry_preedit_changed_cb), entry); g_signal_connect(entry->im_context, "retrieve_surrounding", G_CALLBACK(gtk_secure_entry_retrieve_surrounding_cb), entry); g_signal_connect(entry->im_context, "delete_surrounding", G_CALLBACK(gtk_secure_entry_delete_surrounding_cb), entry); } static void gtk_secure_entry_finalize(GObject * object) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(object); if (entry->cached_layout) g_object_unref(entry->cached_layout); g_object_unref(entry->im_context); if (entry->blink_timeout) g_source_remove(entry->blink_timeout); if (entry->recompute_idle) g_source_remove(entry->recompute_idle); entry->text_size = 0; if (entry->text) WITH_SECURE_MEM(g_free(entry->text)); entry->text = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->finalize(object); } static void gtk_secure_entry_realize(GtkWidget * widget) { GtkSecureEntry *entry; GtkEditable *editable; GdkWindow *window; GtkStyle *style; GdkWindowAttr attributes; gint attributes_mask; gtk_widget_set_realized (widget, TRUE); entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); editable = GTK_EDITABLE(widget); attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD; get_widget_window_size(entry, &attributes.x, &attributes.y, &attributes.width, &attributes.height); attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT; attributes.visual = gtk_widget_get_visual(widget); attributes.colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap(widget); attributes.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events(widget); attributes.event_mask |= (GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON3_MOTION_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK); attributes_mask = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_VISUAL | GDK_WA_COLORMAP; window = gdk_window_new(gtk_widget_get_parent_window(widget), &attributes, attributes_mask); gtk_widget_set_window (widget, window); gdk_window_set_user_data(window, entry); get_text_area_size(entry, &attributes.x, &attributes.y, &attributes.width, &attributes.height); attributes.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display(gtk_widget_get_display(widget), GDK_XTERM); attributes_mask |= GDK_WA_CURSOR; entry->text_area = gdk_window_new(window, &attributes, attributes_mask); gdk_window_set_user_data(entry->text_area, entry); gdk_cursor_unref(attributes.cursor); style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget); style = gtk_style_attach(style, window); gtk_widget_set_style (widget, style); gdk_window_set_background(window, &style->base[gtk_widget_get_state (widget)]); gdk_window_set_background(entry->text_area, &style->base[gtk_widget_get_state (widget)]); gdk_window_show(entry->text_area); gtk_im_context_set_client_window(entry->im_context, entry->text_area); gtk_secure_entry_adjust_scroll(entry); } static void gtk_secure_entry_unrealize(GtkWidget * widget) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); gtk_secure_entry_reset_layout(entry); gtk_im_context_set_client_window(entry->im_context, NULL); if (entry->text_area) { gdk_window_set_user_data(entry->text_area, NULL); gdk_window_destroy(entry->text_area); entry->text_area = NULL; } if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(parent_class)->unrealize) (*GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(parent_class)->unrealize) (widget); } static void get_borders(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint * xborder, gint * yborder) { GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); GtkStyle *style; gint focus_width; gboolean interior_focus; gtk_widget_style_get(widget, "interior-focus", &interior_focus, "focus-line-width", &focus_width, NULL); style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget); if (entry->has_frame) { *xborder = style->xthickness; *yborder = style->ythickness; } else { *xborder = 0; *yborder = 0; } if (!interior_focus) { *xborder += focus_width; *yborder += focus_width; } } static void gtk_secure_entry_size_request(GtkWidget * widget, GtkRequisition * requisition) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); GtkStyle *style; PangoFontMetrics *metrics; gint xborder, yborder; PangoContext *context; style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget); context = gtk_widget_get_pango_context(widget); metrics = pango_context_get_metrics(context, style->font_desc, pango_context_get_language (context)); entry->ascent = pango_font_metrics_get_ascent(metrics); entry->descent = pango_font_metrics_get_descent(metrics); get_borders(entry, &xborder, &yborder); xborder += INNER_BORDER; yborder += INNER_BORDER; if (entry->width_chars < 0) requisition->width = MIN_SECURE_ENTRY_WIDTH + xborder * 2; else { gint char_width = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width(metrics); gint digit_width = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_digit_width(metrics); gint char_pixels = (MAX(char_width, digit_width) + PANGO_SCALE - 1) / PANGO_SCALE; requisition->width = char_pixels * entry->width_chars + xborder * 2; } requisition->height = PANGO_PIXELS(entry->ascent + entry->descent) + yborder * 2; pango_font_metrics_unref(metrics); } static void get_text_area_size(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint * x, gint * y, gint * width, gint * height) { gint xborder, yborder; GtkRequisition requisition; GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_child_requisition(widget, &requisition); gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET(entry), &allocation); get_borders(entry, &xborder, &yborder); if (x) *x = xborder; if (y) *y = yborder; if (width) *width = allocation.width - xborder * 2; if (height) *height = requisition.height - yborder * 2; } static void get_widget_window_size(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint * x, gint * y, gint * width, gint * height) { GtkRequisition requisition; GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_child_requisition(widget, &requisition); gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET(entry), &allocation); if (x) *x = allocation.x; if (y) { if (entry->is_cell_renderer) *y = allocation.y; else *y = allocation.y + (allocation.height - requisition.height) / 2; } if (width) *width = allocation.width; if (height) { if (entry->is_cell_renderer) *height = allocation.height; else *height = requisition.height; } } static void gtk_secure_entry_size_allocate(GtkWidget * widget, GtkAllocation * allocation) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); gtk_widget_set_allocation (widget, allocation); if (gtk_widget_get_realized (widget)) { /* We call gtk_widget_get_child_requisition, since we want (for * backwards compatibility reasons) the realization here to * be affected by the usize of the entry, if set */ gint x, y, width, height; get_widget_window_size(entry, &x, &y, &width, &height); gdk_window_move_resize(gtk_widget_get_window (widget), x, y, width, height); get_text_area_size(entry, &x, &y, &width, &height); gdk_window_move_resize(entry->text_area, x, y, width, height); gtk_secure_entry_recompute(entry); } } static void gtk_secure_entry_draw_frame(GtkWidget * widget) { GtkStyle *style; GdkWindow *window; gint x = 0, y = 0; gint width, height; gboolean interior_focus; gint focus_width; gtk_widget_style_get(widget, "interior-focus", &interior_focus, "focus-line-width", &focus_width, NULL); window = gtk_widget_get_window (widget); gdk_drawable_get_size(window, &width, &height); if (gtk_widget_has_focus (widget) && !interior_focus) { x += focus_width; y += focus_width; width -= 2 * focus_width; height -= 2 * focus_width; } style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget); gtk_paint_shadow(style, window, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_IN, NULL, widget, "entry", x, y, width, height); if (gtk_widget_has_focus (widget) && !interior_focus) { x -= focus_width; y -= focus_width; width += 2 * focus_width; height += 2 * focus_width; gtk_paint_focus(style, window, gtk_widget_get_state (widget), NULL, widget, "entry", 0, 0, width, height); } } static gint gtk_secure_entry_expose(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventExpose * event) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); GtkStyle *style; if (gtk_widget_get_window (widget) == event->window) gtk_secure_entry_draw_frame(widget); else if (entry->text_area == event->window) { gint area_width, area_height; get_text_area_size(entry, NULL, NULL, &area_width, &area_height); style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget); gtk_paint_flat_box(style, entry->text_area, gtk_widget_get_state (widget), GTK_SHADOW_NONE, NULL, widget, "entry_bg", 0, 0, area_width, area_height); if ((entry->invisible_char != 0) && gtk_widget_has_focus (widget) && entry->selection_bound == entry->current_pos && entry->cursor_visible) gtk_secure_entry_draw_cursor(GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget)); gtk_secure_entry_draw_text(GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget)); } return FALSE; } static gint gtk_secure_entry_button_press(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * event) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); gint tmp_pos; if (event->window != entry->text_area || (entry->button && event->button != entry->button)) return FALSE; entry->button = event->button; if (!gtk_widget_has_focus (widget)) { entry->in_click = TRUE; gtk_widget_grab_focus(widget); entry->in_click = FALSE; } tmp_pos = gtk_secure_entry_find_position(entry, event->x + entry->scroll_offset); if (event->button == 1) { switch (event->type) { case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: gtk_secure_entry_set_positions(entry, tmp_pos, tmp_pos); break; default: break; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gint gtk_secure_entry_button_release(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * event) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); if (event->window != entry->text_area || entry->button != event->button) return FALSE; entry->button = 0; return TRUE; } static gint gtk_secure_entry_motion_notify(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventMotion * event) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); gint tmp_pos; if (entry->mouse_cursor_obscured) { GdkCursor *cursor; cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display(gtk_widget_get_display(widget), GDK_XTERM); gdk_window_set_cursor(entry->text_area, cursor); gdk_cursor_unref(cursor); entry->mouse_cursor_obscured = FALSE; } if (event->window != entry->text_area || entry->button != 1) return FALSE; if (event->is_hint || (entry->text_area != event->window)) gdk_window_get_pointer(entry->text_area, NULL, NULL, NULL); { gint height; gdk_drawable_get_size(entry->text_area, NULL, &height); if (event->y < 0) tmp_pos = 0; else if (event->y >= height) tmp_pos = entry->text_length; else tmp_pos = gtk_secure_entry_find_position(entry, event->x + entry->scroll_offset); gtk_secure_entry_set_positions(entry, tmp_pos, -1); } return TRUE; } static void set_invisible_cursor(GdkWindow * window) { GdkBitmap *empty_bitmap; GdkCursor *cursor; GdkColor useless; char invisible_cursor_bits[] = { 0x0 }; useless.red = useless.green = useless.blue = 0; useless.pixel = 0; empty_bitmap = gdk_bitmap_create_from_data(window, invisible_cursor_bits, 1, 1); cursor = gdk_cursor_new_from_pixmap(empty_bitmap, empty_bitmap, &useless, &useless, 0, 0); gdk_window_set_cursor(window, cursor); gdk_cursor_unref(cursor); g_object_unref(empty_bitmap); } static void gtk_secure_entry_obscure_mouse_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { if (entry->mouse_cursor_obscured) return; set_invisible_cursor(entry->text_area); entry->mouse_cursor_obscured = TRUE; } static gint gtk_secure_entry_key_press(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventKey * event) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); gtk_secure_entry_pend_cursor_blink(entry); if (gtk_im_context_filter_keypress(entry->im_context, event)) { gtk_secure_entry_obscure_mouse_cursor(entry); entry->need_im_reset = TRUE; return TRUE; } if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(parent_class)->key_press_event(widget, event)) /* Activate key bindings */ return TRUE; return FALSE; } static gint gtk_secure_entry_key_release(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventKey * event) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); if (gtk_im_context_filter_keypress(entry->im_context, event)) { entry->need_im_reset = TRUE; return TRUE; } return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(parent_class)->key_release_event(widget, event); } static gint gtk_secure_entry_focus_in(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventFocus * event G_GNUC_UNUSED) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); gtk_widget_queue_draw(widget); entry->need_im_reset = TRUE; gtk_im_context_focus_in(entry->im_context); g_signal_connect(gdk_keymap_get_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display(widget)), "direction_changed", G_CALLBACK(gtk_secure_entry_keymap_direction_changed), entry); gtk_secure_entry_check_cursor_blink(entry); return FALSE; } static gint gtk_secure_entry_focus_out(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventFocus * event G_GNUC_UNUSED) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); gtk_widget_queue_draw(widget); entry->need_im_reset = TRUE; gtk_im_context_focus_out(entry->im_context); gtk_secure_entry_check_cursor_blink(entry); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(gdk_keymap_get_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display(widget)), gtk_secure_entry_keymap_direction_changed, entry); return FALSE; } static void gtk_secure_entry_grab_focus(GtkWidget * widget) { GtkWidget *tmp; GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); gboolean select_on_focus; gtk_widget_set_can_default (widget, TRUE); GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(parent_class)->grab_focus(widget); /* read current select on focus setting from GtkEntry */ tmp = gtk_entry_new (); g_object_get(gtk_widget_get_settings(tmp), "gtk-entry-select-on-focus", &select_on_focus, NULL); gtk_widget_destroy (tmp); if (select_on_focus && !entry->in_click) gtk_editable_select_region(GTK_EDITABLE(widget), 0, -1); } static void gtk_secure_entry_direction_changed(GtkWidget * widget, GtkTextDirection previous_dir) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); gtk_secure_entry_recompute(entry); GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(parent_class)->direction_changed(widget, previous_dir); } static void gtk_secure_entry_state_changed(GtkWidget * widget, GtkStateType previous_state G_GNUC_UNUSED) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); GtkStyle *style; style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget); if (gtk_widget_get_realized (widget)) { gdk_window_set_background(gtk_widget_get_window(widget), &style->base[gtk_widget_get_state (widget)]); gdk_window_set_background(entry->text_area, &style->base[gtk_widget_get_state (widget)]); } if (!gtk_widget_is_sensitive (widget)) { /* Clear any selection */ gtk_editable_select_region(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), entry->current_pos, entry->current_pos); } gtk_widget_queue_draw(widget); } static void gtk_secure_entry_screen_changed(GtkWidget * widget, GdkScreen * old_screen G_GNUC_UNUSED) { gtk_secure_entry_recompute(GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget)); } /* GtkEditable method implementations */ static void gtk_secure_entry_insert_text(GtkEditable * editable, const gchar * new_text, gint new_text_length, gint * position) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(editable); gchar *text; if (*position < 0 || *position > entry->text_length) *position = entry->text_length; g_object_ref(editable); WITH_SECURE_MEM(text = g_new(gchar, new_text_length + 1)); text[new_text_length] = '\0'; strncpy(text, new_text, new_text_length); g_signal_emit_by_name(editable, "insert_text", text, new_text_length, position); WITH_SECURE_MEM(g_free(text)); g_object_unref(editable); } static void gtk_secure_entry_delete_text(GtkEditable * editable, gint start_pos, gint end_pos) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(editable); if (end_pos < 0 || end_pos > entry->text_length) end_pos = entry->text_length; if (start_pos < 0) start_pos = 0; if (start_pos > end_pos) start_pos = end_pos; g_object_ref(editable); g_signal_emit_by_name(editable, "delete_text", start_pos, end_pos); g_object_unref(editable); } static void gtk_secure_entry_set_position_internal(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint position, gboolean reset_im) { if (position < 0 || position > entry->text_length) position = entry->text_length; if (position != entry->current_pos || position != entry->selection_bound) { if (reset_im) gtk_secure_entry_reset_im_context(entry); gtk_secure_entry_set_positions(entry, position, position); } } static void gtk_secure_entry_real_set_position(GtkEditable * editable, gint position) { gtk_secure_entry_set_position_internal(GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(editable), position, TRUE); } static gint gtk_secure_entry_get_position(GtkEditable * editable) { return GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(editable)->current_pos; } static void gtk_secure_entry_set_selection_bounds(GtkEditable * editable, gint start, gint end) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(editable); if (start < 0) start = entry->text_length; if (end < 0) end = entry->text_length; gtk_secure_entry_reset_im_context(entry); gtk_secure_entry_set_positions(entry, MIN(end, entry->text_length), MIN(start, entry->text_length)); } static gboolean gtk_secure_entry_get_selection_bounds(GtkEditable * editable, gint * start, gint * end) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(editable); *start = entry->selection_bound; *end = entry->current_pos; return (entry->selection_bound != entry->current_pos); } static void gtk_secure_entry_style_set(GtkWidget * widget, GtkStyle * previous_style) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(widget); GtkStyle *style; gtk_secure_entry_recompute(entry); style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget); if (previous_style && gtk_widget_get_realized (widget)) { gdk_window_set_background(gtk_widget_get_window (widget), &style->base[gtk_widget_get_state (widget)]); gdk_window_set_background(entry->text_area, &style->base[gtk_widget_get_state (widget)]); } } /* GtkCellEditable method implementations */ static void gtk_cell_editable_secure_entry_activated(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gpointer data G_GNUC_UNUSED) { gtk_cell_editable_editing_done(GTK_CELL_EDITABLE(entry)); gtk_cell_editable_remove_widget(GTK_CELL_EDITABLE(entry)); } static gboolean gtk_cell_editable_key_press_event(GtkSecureEntry * entry, GdkEventKey * key_event, gpointer data G_GNUC_UNUSED) { if (key_event->keyval == GDK_Escape) { entry->editing_canceled = TRUE; gtk_cell_editable_editing_done(GTK_CELL_EDITABLE(entry)); gtk_cell_editable_remove_widget(GTK_CELL_EDITABLE(entry)); return TRUE; } /* override focus */ if (key_event->keyval == GDK_Up || key_event->keyval == GDK_Down) { gtk_cell_editable_editing_done(GTK_CELL_EDITABLE(entry)); gtk_cell_editable_remove_widget(GTK_CELL_EDITABLE(entry)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void gtk_secure_entry_start_editing(GtkCellEditable * cell_editable, GdkEvent * event G_GNUC_UNUSED) { GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(cell_editable)->is_cell_renderer = TRUE; g_signal_connect(cell_editable, "activate", G_CALLBACK(gtk_cell_editable_secure_entry_activated), NULL); g_signal_connect(cell_editable, "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK(gtk_cell_editable_key_press_event), NULL); } /* Default signal handlers */ static void gtk_secure_entry_real_insert_text(GtkEditable * editable, const gchar * new_text, gint new_text_length, gint * position) { gint _index; gint n_chars; GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(editable); if (new_text_length < 0) new_text_length = strlen(new_text); n_chars = g_utf8_strlen(new_text, new_text_length); if (entry->text_max_length > 0 && n_chars + entry->text_length > entry->text_max_length) { gdk_display_beep(gtk_widget_get_display(GTK_WIDGET(entry))); n_chars = entry->text_max_length - entry->text_length; new_text_length = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(new_text, n_chars) - new_text; } if (new_text_length + entry->n_bytes + 1 > entry->text_size) { while (new_text_length + entry->n_bytes + 1 > entry->text_size) { if (entry->text_size == 0) entry->text_size = MIN_SIZE; else { if (2 * (guint) entry->text_size < MAX_SIZE && 2 * (guint) entry->text_size > entry->text_size) entry->text_size *= 2; else { entry->text_size = MAX_SIZE; if (new_text_length > (gint) entry->text_size - (gint) entry->n_bytes - 1) { new_text_length = (gint) entry->text_size - (gint) entry->n_bytes - 1; new_text_length = g_utf8_find_prev_char(new_text, new_text + new_text_length + 1) - new_text; n_chars = g_utf8_strlen(new_text, new_text_length); } break; } } } WITH_SECURE_MEM(entry->text = g_realloc(entry->text, entry->text_size)); } _index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(entry->text, *position) - entry->text; g_memmove(entry->text + _index + new_text_length, entry->text + _index, entry->n_bytes - _index); memcpy(entry->text + _index, new_text, new_text_length); entry->n_bytes += new_text_length; entry->text_length += n_chars; /* NUL terminate for safety and convenience */ entry->text[entry->n_bytes] = '\0'; if (entry->current_pos > *position) entry->current_pos += n_chars; if (entry->selection_bound > *position) entry->selection_bound += n_chars; *position += n_chars; gtk_secure_entry_recompute(entry); g_signal_emit_by_name(editable, "changed"); g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(editable), "text"); } static void gtk_secure_entry_real_delete_text(GtkEditable * editable, gint start_pos, gint end_pos) { GtkSecureEntry *entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(editable); if (start_pos < 0) start_pos = 0; if (end_pos < 0 || end_pos > entry->text_length) end_pos = entry->text_length; if (start_pos < end_pos) { gint start_index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(entry->text, start_pos) - entry->text; gint end_index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(entry->text, end_pos) - entry->text; gint current_pos; gint selection_bound; g_memmove(entry->text + start_index, entry->text + end_index, entry->n_bytes + 1 - end_index); entry->text_length -= (end_pos - start_pos); entry->n_bytes -= (end_index - start_index); current_pos = entry->current_pos; if (current_pos > start_pos) current_pos -= MIN(current_pos, end_pos) - start_pos; selection_bound = entry->selection_bound; if (selection_bound > start_pos) selection_bound -= MIN(selection_bound, end_pos) - start_pos; gtk_secure_entry_set_positions(entry, current_pos, selection_bound); gtk_secure_entry_recompute(entry); g_signal_emit_by_name(editable, "changed"); g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(editable), "text"); } } /* Compute the X position for an offset that corresponds to the "more important * cursor position for that offset. We use this when trying to guess to which * end of the selection we should go to when the user hits the left or * right arrow key. */ static gint get_better_cursor_x(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint offset) { GdkKeymap *keymap = gdk_keymap_get_for_display(gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET(entry))); PangoDirection keymap_direction = gdk_keymap_get_direction(keymap); gboolean split_cursor; PangoLayout *layout = gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(entry, TRUE); const gchar *text = pango_layout_get_text(layout); gint _index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(text, offset) - text; PangoRectangle strong_pos, weak_pos; g_object_get(gtk_widget_get_settings(GTK_WIDGET(entry)), "gtk-split-cursor", &split_cursor, NULL); pango_layout_get_cursor_pos(layout, _index, &strong_pos, &weak_pos); if (split_cursor) return strong_pos.x / PANGO_SCALE; else return (keymap_direction == entry->resolved_dir) ? strong_pos.x / PANGO_SCALE : weak_pos.x / PANGO_SCALE; } static void gtk_secure_entry_move_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry, GtkMovementStep step, gint count, gboolean extend_selection) { gint new_pos = entry->current_pos; gtk_secure_entry_reset_im_context(entry); if (entry->current_pos != entry->selection_bound && !extend_selection) { /* If we have a current selection and aren't extending it, move to the * start/or end of the selection as appropriate */ switch (step) { case GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS: { gint current_x = get_better_cursor_x(entry, entry->current_pos); gint bound_x = get_better_cursor_x(entry, entry->selection_bound); if (count < 0) new_pos = current_x < bound_x ? entry->current_pos : entry-> selection_bound; else new_pos = current_x > bound_x ? entry->current_pos : entry-> selection_bound; break; } case GTK_MOVEMENT_LOGICAL_POSITIONS: case GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS: case GTK_MOVEMENT_PARAGRAPH_ENDS: case GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS: new_pos = count < 0 ? 0 : entry->text_length; break; case GTK_MOVEMENT_WORDS: case GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINES: case GTK_MOVEMENT_PARAGRAPHS: case GTK_MOVEMENT_PAGES: case GTK_MOVEMENT_HORIZONTAL_PAGES: break; } } else { switch (step) { case GTK_MOVEMENT_LOGICAL_POSITIONS: new_pos = gtk_secure_entry_move_logically(entry, new_pos, count); break; case GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS: new_pos = gtk_secure_entry_move_visually(entry, new_pos, count); break; case GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS: case GTK_MOVEMENT_PARAGRAPH_ENDS: case GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS: new_pos = count < 0 ? 0 : entry->text_length; break; case GTK_MOVEMENT_WORDS: case GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINES: case GTK_MOVEMENT_PARAGRAPHS: case GTK_MOVEMENT_PAGES: case GTK_MOVEMENT_HORIZONTAL_PAGES: break; } } if (extend_selection) gtk_editable_select_region(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), entry->selection_bound, new_pos); else gtk_editable_set_position(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), new_pos); gtk_secure_entry_pend_cursor_blink(entry); } static void gtk_secure_entry_insert_at_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry, const gchar * str) { GtkEditable *editable = GTK_EDITABLE(entry); gint pos = entry->current_pos; gtk_secure_entry_reset_im_context(entry); gtk_editable_insert_text(editable, str, -1, &pos); gtk_editable_set_position(editable, pos); } static void gtk_secure_entry_delete_from_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry, GtkDeleteType type, gint count) { GtkEditable *editable = GTK_EDITABLE(entry); gint start_pos = entry->current_pos; gint end_pos = entry->current_pos; gtk_secure_entry_reset_im_context(entry); if (entry->selection_bound != entry->current_pos) { gtk_editable_delete_selection(editable); return; } switch (type) { case GTK_DELETE_CHARS: end_pos = gtk_secure_entry_move_logically(entry, entry->current_pos, count); gtk_editable_delete_text(editable, MIN(start_pos, end_pos), MAX(start_pos, end_pos)); break; case GTK_DELETE_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS: case GTK_DELETE_PARAGRAPH_ENDS: if (count < 0) gtk_editable_delete_text(editable, 0, entry->current_pos); else gtk_editable_delete_text(editable, entry->current_pos, -1); break; case GTK_DELETE_DISPLAY_LINES: case GTK_DELETE_PARAGRAPHS: gtk_editable_delete_text(editable, 0, -1); break; default: break; } gtk_secure_entry_pend_cursor_blink(entry); } static void gtk_secure_entry_real_activate(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { GtkWindow *window; GtkWidget *toplevel; GtkWidget *widget; widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); if (entry->activates_default) { toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(widget); if (GTK_IS_WINDOW(toplevel)) { GtkWidget *default_widget; window = GTK_WINDOW(toplevel); if (window) default_widget = gtk_window_get_default_widget (window); else return; if (widget != default_widget && !(widget == gtk_window_get_focus (window) && (!default_widget || !gtk_widget_get_sensitive (default_widget)))) gtk_window_activate_default(window); } } } static void gtk_secure_entry_keymap_direction_changed(GdkKeymap * keymap G_GNUC_UNUSED, GtkSecureEntry * entry) { gtk_secure_entry_recompute(entry); } /* IM Context Callbacks */ static void gtk_secure_entry_commit_cb(GtkIMContext * context G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar * str, GtkSecureEntry * entry) { gtk_secure_entry_enter_text(entry, str); } static void gtk_secure_entry_preedit_changed_cb(GtkIMContext * context G_GNUC_UNUSED, GtkSecureEntry * entry) { gchar *preedit_string; gint cursor_pos; gtk_im_context_get_preedit_string(entry->im_context, &preedit_string, NULL, &cursor_pos); entry->preedit_length = strlen(preedit_string); cursor_pos = CLAMP(cursor_pos, 0, g_utf8_strlen(preedit_string, -1)); entry->preedit_cursor = cursor_pos; g_free(preedit_string); gtk_secure_entry_recompute(entry); } static gboolean gtk_secure_entry_retrieve_surrounding_cb(GtkIMContext * context, GtkSecureEntry * entry) { gtk_im_context_set_surrounding(context, entry->text, entry->n_bytes, g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(entry->text, entry-> current_pos) - entry->text); return TRUE; } static gboolean gtk_secure_entry_delete_surrounding_cb(GtkIMContext * slave G_GNUC_UNUSED, gint offset, gint n_chars, GtkSecureEntry * entry) { gtk_editable_delete_text(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), entry->current_pos + offset, entry->current_pos + offset + n_chars); return TRUE; } /* Internal functions */ /* Used for im_commit_cb and inserting Unicode chars */ static void gtk_secure_entry_enter_text(GtkSecureEntry * entry, const gchar * str) { GtkEditable *editable = GTK_EDITABLE(entry); gint tmp_pos; if (gtk_editable_get_selection_bounds(editable, NULL, NULL)) gtk_editable_delete_selection(editable); else { if (entry->overwrite_mode) gtk_secure_entry_delete_from_cursor(entry, GTK_DELETE_CHARS, 1); } tmp_pos = entry->current_pos; gtk_editable_insert_text(editable, str, strlen(str), &tmp_pos); gtk_secure_entry_set_position_internal(entry, tmp_pos, FALSE); } /* All changes to entry->current_pos and entry->selection_bound * should go through this function. */ static void gtk_secure_entry_set_positions(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint current_pos, gint selection_bound) { gboolean changed = FALSE; g_object_freeze_notify(G_OBJECT(entry)); if (current_pos != -1 && entry->current_pos != current_pos) { entry->current_pos = current_pos; changed = TRUE; g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(entry), "cursor_position"); } if (selection_bound != -1 && entry->selection_bound != selection_bound) { entry->selection_bound = selection_bound; changed = TRUE; g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(entry), "selection_bound"); } g_object_thaw_notify(G_OBJECT(entry)); if (changed) gtk_secure_entry_recompute(entry); } static void gtk_secure_entry_reset_layout(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { if (entry->cached_layout) { g_object_unref(entry->cached_layout); entry->cached_layout = NULL; } } static void update_im_cursor_location(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { GdkRectangle area; gint strong_x; gint strong_xoffset; gint area_width, area_height; gtk_secure_entry_get_cursor_locations(entry, &strong_x, NULL); get_text_area_size(entry, NULL, NULL, &area_width, &area_height); strong_xoffset = strong_x - entry->scroll_offset; if (strong_xoffset < 0) { strong_xoffset = 0; } else if (strong_xoffset > area_width) { strong_xoffset = area_width; } area.x = strong_xoffset; area.y = 0; area.width = 0; area.height = area_height; gtk_im_context_set_cursor_location(entry->im_context, &area); } static gboolean recompute_idle_func(gpointer data) { GtkSecureEntry *entry; GDK_THREADS_ENTER(); entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(data); entry->recompute_idle = 0; if (gtk_widget_has_screen(GTK_WIDGET(entry))) { gtk_secure_entry_adjust_scroll(entry); gtk_secure_entry_queue_draw(entry); update_im_cursor_location(entry); } GDK_THREADS_LEAVE(); return FALSE; } static void gtk_secure_entry_recompute(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { gtk_secure_entry_reset_layout(entry); gtk_secure_entry_check_cursor_blink(entry); if (!entry->recompute_idle) { entry->recompute_idle = g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE + 15, /* between resize and redraw */ recompute_idle_func, entry, NULL); } } static void append_char(GString * str, gunichar ch, gint count) { gint i; gint char_len; gchar buf[7]; char_len = g_unichar_to_utf8(ch, buf); i = 0; while (i < count) { g_string_append_len(str, buf, char_len); ++i; } } static PangoLayout * gtk_secure_entry_create_layout(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gboolean include_preedit) { GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); PangoLayout *layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(widget, NULL); PangoAttrList *tmp_attrs = pango_attr_list_new(); gchar *preedit_string = NULL; gint preedit_length = 0; PangoAttrList *preedit_attrs = NULL; pango_layout_set_single_paragraph_mode(layout, TRUE); if (include_preedit) { gtk_im_context_get_preedit_string(entry->im_context, &preedit_string, &preedit_attrs, NULL); preedit_length = entry->preedit_length; } if (preedit_length) { GString *tmp_string = g_string_new(NULL); gint cursor_index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(entry->text, entry->current_pos) - entry->text; gint ch_len; gint preedit_len_chars; gunichar invisible_char; ch_len = g_utf8_strlen(entry->text, entry->n_bytes); preedit_len_chars = g_utf8_strlen(preedit_string, -1); ch_len += preedit_len_chars; if (entry->invisible_char != 0) invisible_char = entry->invisible_char; else invisible_char = ' '; /* just pick a char */ append_char(tmp_string, invisible_char, ch_len); /* Fix cursor index to point to invisible char corresponding * to the preedit, fix preedit_length to be the length of * the invisible chars representing the preedit */ cursor_index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(tmp_string->str, entry->current_pos) - tmp_string->str; preedit_length = preedit_len_chars * g_unichar_to_utf8(invisible_char, NULL); pango_layout_set_text(layout, tmp_string->str, tmp_string->len); pango_attr_list_splice(tmp_attrs, preedit_attrs, cursor_index, preedit_length); g_string_free(tmp_string, TRUE); } else { PangoDirection pango_dir; pango_dir = pango_find_base_dir(entry->text, entry->n_bytes); if (pango_dir == PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL) { if (gtk_widget_has_focus (widget)) { GdkDisplay *display = gtk_widget_get_display(widget); GdkKeymap *keymap = gdk_keymap_get_for_display(display); pango_dir = gdk_keymap_get_direction(keymap); } else { if (gtk_widget_get_direction(widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR) pango_dir = PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR; else pango_dir = PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL; } } pango_context_set_base_dir(gtk_widget_get_pango_context(widget), pango_dir); pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, pango_dir); entry->resolved_dir = pango_dir; { GString *str = g_string_new(NULL); gunichar invisible_char; if (entry->invisible_char != 0) invisible_char = entry->invisible_char; else invisible_char = ' '; /* just pick a char */ append_char(str, invisible_char, entry->text_length); pango_layout_set_text(layout, str->str, str->len); g_string_free(str, TRUE); } } pango_layout_set_attributes(layout, tmp_attrs); if (preedit_string) g_free(preedit_string); if (preedit_attrs) pango_attr_list_unref(preedit_attrs); pango_attr_list_unref(tmp_attrs); return layout; } static PangoLayout * gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gboolean include_preedit) { if (entry->preedit_length > 0 && !include_preedit != !entry->cache_includes_preedit) gtk_secure_entry_reset_layout(entry); if (!entry->cached_layout) { entry->cached_layout = gtk_secure_entry_create_layout(entry, include_preedit); entry->cache_includes_preedit = include_preedit; } return entry->cached_layout; } static void get_layout_position(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint * x, gint * y) { PangoLayout *layout; PangoRectangle logical_rect; gint area_width, area_height; gint y_pos; PangoLayoutLine *line; layout = gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(entry, TRUE); get_text_area_size(entry, NULL, NULL, &area_width, &area_height); area_height = PANGO_SCALE * (area_height - 2 * INNER_BORDER); line = pango_layout_get_lines(layout)->data; pango_layout_line_get_extents(line, NULL, &logical_rect); /* Align primarily for locale's ascent/descent */ y_pos = ((area_height - entry->ascent - entry->descent) / 2 + entry->ascent + logical_rect.y); /* Now see if we need to adjust to fit in actual drawn string */ if (logical_rect.height > area_height) y_pos = (area_height - logical_rect.height) / 2; else if (y_pos < 0) y_pos = 0; else if (y_pos + logical_rect.height > area_height) y_pos = area_height - logical_rect.height; y_pos = INNER_BORDER + y_pos / PANGO_SCALE; if (x) *x = INNER_BORDER - entry->scroll_offset; if (y) *y = y_pos; } static void gtk_secure_entry_draw_text(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); PangoLayoutLine *line; GtkStyle *style; if (entry->invisible_char == 0) return; if (gtk_widget_is_drawable (widget)) { PangoLayout *layout = gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(entry, TRUE); gint x, y; gint start_pos, end_pos; get_layout_position(entry, &x, &y); style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget); gdk_draw_layout(entry->text_area, style->text_gc[gtk_widget_get_state (widget)], x, y, layout); if (gtk_editable_get_selection_bounds (GTK_EDITABLE(entry), &start_pos, &end_pos)) { gint *ranges; gint n_ranges, i; PangoRectangle logical_rect; const gchar *text = pango_layout_get_text(layout); gint start_index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(text, start_pos) - text; gint end_index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(text, end_pos) - text; GdkRegion *clip_region = gdk_region_new(); GdkGC *text_gc; GdkGC *selection_gc; line = pango_layout_get_lines(layout)->data; pango_layout_line_get_x_ranges(line, start_index, end_index, &ranges, &n_ranges); pango_layout_get_extents(layout, NULL, &logical_rect); if (gtk_widget_has_focus (widget)) { selection_gc = style->base_gc[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]; text_gc = style->text_gc[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]; } else { selection_gc = style->base_gc[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE]; text_gc = style->text_gc[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE]; } for (i = 0; i < n_ranges; i++) { GdkRectangle rect; rect.x = INNER_BORDER - entry->scroll_offset + ranges[2 * i] / PANGO_SCALE; rect.y = y; rect.width = (ranges[2 * i + 1] - ranges[2 * i]) / PANGO_SCALE; rect.height = logical_rect.height / PANGO_SCALE; gdk_draw_rectangle(entry->text_area, selection_gc, TRUE, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); gdk_region_union_with_rect(clip_region, &rect); } gdk_gc_set_clip_region(text_gc, clip_region); gdk_draw_layout(entry->text_area, text_gc, x, y, layout); gdk_gc_set_clip_region(text_gc, NULL); gdk_region_destroy(clip_region); g_free(ranges); } } } static void draw_insertion_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry, GdkRectangle * cursor_location, gboolean is_primary, PangoDirection direction, gboolean draw_arrow) { GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); GtkTextDirection text_dir; if (direction == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR) text_dir = GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR; else text_dir = GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL; gtk_draw_insertion_cursor(widget, entry->text_area, NULL, cursor_location, is_primary, text_dir, draw_arrow); } static void gtk_secure_entry_draw_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); GdkKeymap *keymap = gdk_keymap_get_for_display(gtk_widget_get_display (widget)); PangoDirection keymap_direction = gdk_keymap_get_direction(keymap); if (gtk_widget_is_drawable (widget)) { GdkRectangle cursor_location; gboolean split_cursor; gint xoffset = INNER_BORDER - entry->scroll_offset; gint strong_x, weak_x; gint text_area_height; PangoDirection dir1 = PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL; PangoDirection dir2 = PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL; gint x1 = 0; gint x2 = 0; gdk_drawable_get_size(entry->text_area, NULL, &text_area_height); gtk_secure_entry_get_cursor_locations(entry, &strong_x, &weak_x); g_object_get(gtk_widget_get_settings(widget), "gtk-split-cursor", &split_cursor, NULL); dir1 = entry->resolved_dir; if (split_cursor) { x1 = strong_x; if (weak_x != strong_x) { dir2 = (entry->resolved_dir == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR) ? PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL : PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR; x2 = weak_x; } } else { if (keymap_direction == entry->resolved_dir) x1 = strong_x; else x1 = weak_x; } cursor_location.x = xoffset + x1; cursor_location.y = INNER_BORDER; cursor_location.width = 0; cursor_location.height = text_area_height - 2 * INNER_BORDER; draw_insertion_cursor(entry, &cursor_location, TRUE, dir1, dir2 != PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL); if (dir2 != PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL) { cursor_location.x = xoffset + x2; draw_insertion_cursor(entry, &cursor_location, FALSE, dir2, TRUE); } } } static void gtk_secure_entry_queue_draw(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { if (gtk_widget_get_realized (GTK_WIDGET(entry))) gdk_window_invalidate_rect(entry->text_area, NULL, FALSE); } static void gtk_secure_entry_reset_im_context(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { if (entry->need_im_reset) { entry->need_im_reset = 0; gtk_im_context_reset(entry->im_context); } } static gint gtk_secure_entry_find_position(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint x) { PangoLayout *layout; PangoLayoutLine *line; gint _index; gint pos; gboolean trailing; const gchar *text; gint cursor_index; layout = gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(entry, TRUE); text = pango_layout_get_text(layout); cursor_index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(text, entry->current_pos) - text; line = pango_layout_get_lines(layout)->data; pango_layout_line_x_to_index(line, x * PANGO_SCALE, &_index, &trailing); if (_index >= cursor_index && entry->preedit_length) { if (_index >= cursor_index + entry->preedit_length) _index -= entry->preedit_length; else { _index = cursor_index; trailing = 0; } } pos = g_utf8_pointer_to_offset(text, text + _index); pos += trailing; return pos; } static void gtk_secure_entry_get_cursor_locations(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint * strong_x, gint * weak_x) { if (!entry->invisible_char) { if (strong_x) *strong_x = 0; if (weak_x) *weak_x = 0; } else { PangoLayout *layout = gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(entry, TRUE); const gchar *text = pango_layout_get_text(layout); PangoRectangle strong_pos, weak_pos; gint _index; _index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(text, entry->current_pos + entry->preedit_cursor) - text; pango_layout_get_cursor_pos(layout, _index, &strong_pos, &weak_pos); if (strong_x) *strong_x = strong_pos.x / PANGO_SCALE; if (weak_x) *weak_x = weak_pos.x / PANGO_SCALE; } } static void gtk_secure_entry_adjust_scroll(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { gint min_offset, max_offset; gint text_area_width, text_width; gint strong_x, weak_x; gint strong_xoffset, weak_xoffset; PangoLayout *layout; PangoLayoutLine *line; PangoRectangle logical_rect; if (!gtk_widget_get_realized (GTK_WIDGET(entry))) return; gdk_drawable_get_size(entry->text_area, &text_area_width, NULL); text_area_width -= 2 * INNER_BORDER; layout = gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(entry, TRUE); line = pango_layout_get_lines(layout)->data; pango_layout_line_get_extents(line, NULL, &logical_rect); /* Display as much text as we can */ text_width = PANGO_PIXELS(logical_rect.width); if (text_width > text_area_width) { min_offset = 0; max_offset = text_width - text_area_width; } else { min_offset = 0; max_offset = min_offset; } entry->scroll_offset = CLAMP(entry->scroll_offset, min_offset, max_offset); /* And make sure cursors are on screen. Note that the cursor is * actually drawn one pixel into the INNER_BORDER space on * the right, when the scroll is at the utmost right. This * looks better to to me than confining the cursor inside the * border entirely, though it means that the cursor gets one * pixel closer to the the edge of the widget on the right than * on the left. This might need changing if one changed * INNER_BORDER from 2 to 1, as one would do on a * small-screen-real-estate display. * * We always make sure that the strong cursor is on screen, and * put the weak cursor on screen if possible. */ gtk_secure_entry_get_cursor_locations(entry, &strong_x, &weak_x); strong_xoffset = strong_x - entry->scroll_offset; if (strong_xoffset < 0) { entry->scroll_offset += strong_xoffset; strong_xoffset = 0; } else if (strong_xoffset > text_area_width) { entry->scroll_offset += strong_xoffset - text_area_width; strong_xoffset = text_area_width; } weak_xoffset = weak_x - entry->scroll_offset; if (weak_xoffset < 0 && strong_xoffset - weak_xoffset <= text_area_width) { entry->scroll_offset += weak_xoffset; } else if (weak_xoffset > text_area_width && strong_xoffset - (weak_xoffset - text_area_width) >= 0) { entry->scroll_offset += weak_xoffset - text_area_width; } g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(entry), "scroll_offset"); } static gint gtk_secure_entry_move_visually(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint start, gint count) { gint _index; PangoLayout *layout = gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(entry, FALSE); const gchar *text; text = pango_layout_get_text(layout); _index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(text, start) - text; while (count != 0) { int new_index, new_trailing; gboolean split_cursor; gboolean strong; g_object_get(gtk_widget_get_settings(GTK_WIDGET(entry)), "gtk-split-cursor", &split_cursor, NULL); if (split_cursor) strong = TRUE; else { GdkKeymap *keymap = gdk_keymap_get_for_display(gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET(entry))); PangoDirection keymap_direction = gdk_keymap_get_direction(keymap); strong = keymap_direction == entry->resolved_dir; } if (count > 0) { pango_layout_move_cursor_visually(layout, strong, _index, 0, 1, &new_index, &new_trailing); count--; } else { pango_layout_move_cursor_visually(layout, strong, _index, 0, -1, &new_index, &new_trailing); count++; } if (new_index < 0 || new_index == G_MAXINT) break; _index = new_index; while (new_trailing--) _index = g_utf8_next_char(text + new_index) - text; } return g_utf8_pointer_to_offset(text, text + _index); } static gint gtk_secure_entry_move_logically(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint start, gint count) { gint new_pos = start; /* Prevent any leak of information */ new_pos = CLAMP(start + count, 0, entry->text_length); return new_pos; } /* Public API */ GtkWidget * gtk_secure_entry_new(void) { return g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_SECURE_ENTRY, NULL); } /** * gtk_secure_entry_new_with_max_length: * @max: the maximum length of the entry, or 0 for no maximum. * (other than the maximum length of entries.) The value passed in will * be clamped to the range 0-65536. * * Creates a new #GtkSecureEntry widget with the given maximum length. * * Note: the existence of this function is inconsistent * with the rest of the GTK+ API. The normal setup would * be to just require the user to make an extra call * to gtk_secure_entry_set_max_length() instead. It is not * expected that this function will be removed, but * it would be better practice not to use it. * * Return value: a new #GtkSecureEntry. **/ GtkWidget * gtk_secure_entry_new_with_max_length(gint max) { GtkSecureEntry *entry; max = CLAMP(max, 0, MAX_SIZE); entry = g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_SECURE_ENTRY, NULL); entry->text_max_length = max; return GTK_WIDGET(entry); } void gtk_secure_entry_set_text(GtkSecureEntry * entry, const gchar * text) { gint tmp_pos; g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry)); g_return_if_fail(text != NULL); /* Actually setting the text will affect the cursor and selection; * if the contents don't actually change, this will look odd to the user. */ if (strcmp(entry->text, text) == 0) return; gtk_editable_delete_text(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), 0, -1); tmp_pos = 0; gtk_editable_insert_text(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), text, strlen(text), &tmp_pos); } /** * gtk_secure_entry_set_invisible_char: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * @ch: a Unicode character * * Sets the character to use in place of the actual text when * gtk_secure_entry_set_visibility() has been called to set text visibility * to %FALSE. i.e. this is the character used in "password mode" to * show the user how many characters have been typed. The default * invisible char is an asterisk ('*'). If you set the invisible char * to 0, then the user will get no feedback at all; there will be * no text on the screen as they type. * **/ void gtk_secure_entry_set_invisible_char(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gunichar ch) { g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry)); if (ch == entry->invisible_char) return; entry->invisible_char = ch; g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(entry), "invisible_char"); gtk_secure_entry_recompute(entry); } /** * gtk_secure_entry_get_invisible_char: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * * Retrieves the character displayed in place of the real characters * for entries with visisbility set to false. See gtk_secure_entry_set_invisible_char(). * * Return value: the current invisible char, or 0, if the entry does not * show invisible text at all. **/ gunichar gtk_secure_entry_get_invisible_char(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry), 0); return entry->invisible_char; } /** * gtk_secure_entry_get_text: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * * Retrieves the contents of the entry widget. * See also gtk_editable_get_chars(). * * Return value: a pointer to the contents of the widget as a * string. This string points to internally allocated * storage in the widget and must not be freed, modified or * stored. **/ G_CONST_RETURN gchar * gtk_secure_entry_get_text(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry), NULL); return entry->text; } /** * gtk_secure_entry_set_max_length: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry. * @max: the maximum length of the entry, or 0 for no maximum. * (other than the maximum length of entries.) The value passed in will * be clamped to the range 0-65536. * * Sets the maximum allowed length of the contents of the widget. If * the current contents are longer than the given length, then they * will be truncated to fit. **/ void gtk_secure_entry_set_max_length(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint max) { g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry)); max = CLAMP(max, 0, MAX_SIZE); if (max > 0 && entry->text_length > max) gtk_editable_delete_text(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), max, -1); entry->text_max_length = max; g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(entry), "max_length"); } /** * gtk_secure_entry_get_max_length: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * * Retrieves the maximum allowed length of the text in * @entry. See gtk_secure_entry_set_max_length(). * * Return value: the maximum allowed number of characters * in #GtkSecureEntry, or 0 if there is no maximum. **/ gint gtk_secure_entry_get_max_length(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry), 0); return entry->text_max_length; } /** * gtk_secure_entry_set_activates_default: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * @setting: %TRUE to activate window's default widget on Enter keypress * * If @setting is %TRUE, pressing Enter in the @entry will activate the default * widget for the window containing the entry. This usually means that * the dialog box containing the entry will be closed, since the default * widget is usually one of the dialog buttons. * * (For experts: if @setting is %TRUE, the entry calls * gtk_window_activate_default() on the window containing the entry, in * the default handler for the "activate" signal.) * **/ void gtk_secure_entry_set_activates_default(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gboolean setting) { g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry)); setting = setting != FALSE; if (setting != entry->activates_default) { entry->activates_default = setting; g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(entry), "activates_default"); } } /** * gtk_secure_entry_get_activates_default: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * * Retrieves the value set by gtk_secure_entry_set_activates_default(). * * Return value: %TRUE if the entry will activate the default widget **/ gboolean gtk_secure_entry_get_activates_default(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry), FALSE); return entry->activates_default; } /** * gtk_secure_entry_set_width_chars: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * @n_chars: width in chars * * Changes the size request of the entry to be about the right size * for @n_chars characters. Note that it changes the size * request, the size can still be affected by * how you pack the widget into containers. If @n_chars is -1, the * size reverts to the default entry size. * **/ void gtk_secure_entry_set_width_chars(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint n_chars) { g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry)); if (entry->width_chars != n_chars) { entry->width_chars = n_chars; g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(entry), "width_chars"); gtk_widget_queue_resize(GTK_WIDGET(entry)); } } /** * gtk_secure_entry_get_width_chars: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * * Gets the value set by gtk_secure_entry_set_width_chars(). * * Return value: number of chars to request space for, or negative if unset **/ gint gtk_secure_entry_get_width_chars(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry), 0); return entry->width_chars; } /** * gtk_secure_entry_set_has_frame: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * @setting: new value * * Sets whether the entry has a beveled frame around it. **/ void gtk_secure_entry_set_has_frame(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gboolean setting) { g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry)); setting = (setting != FALSE); if (entry->has_frame == setting) return; gtk_widget_queue_resize(GTK_WIDGET(entry)); entry->has_frame = setting; g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(entry), "has_frame"); } /** * gtk_secure_entry_get_has_frame: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * * Gets the value set by gtk_secure_entry_set_has_frame(). * * Return value: whether the entry has a beveled frame **/ gboolean gtk_secure_entry_get_has_frame(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry), FALSE); return entry->has_frame; } /** * gtk_secure_entry_get_layout: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * * Gets the #PangoLayout used to display the entry. * The layout is useful to e.g. convert text positions to * pixel positions, in combination with gtk_secure_entry_get_layout_offsets(). * The returned layout is owned by the entry so need not be * freed by the caller. * * Keep in mind that the layout text may contain a preedit string, so * gtk_secure_entry_layout_index_to_text_index() and * gtk_secure_entry_text_index_to_layout_index() are needed to convert byte * indices in the layout to byte indices in the entry contents. * * Return value: the #PangoLayout for this entry **/ PangoLayout * gtk_secure_entry_get_layout(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { PangoLayout *layout; g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry), NULL); layout = gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(entry, TRUE); return layout; } /** * gtk_secure_entry_layout_index_to_text_index: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * @layout_index: byte index into the entry layout text * * Converts from a position in the entry contents (returned * by gtk_secure_entry_get_text()) to a position in the * entry's #PangoLayout (returned by gtk_secure_entry_get_layout(), * with text retrieved via pango_layout_get_text()). * * Return value: byte index into the entry contents **/ gint gtk_secure_entry_layout_index_to_text_index(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint layout_index) { PangoLayout *layout; const gchar *text; gint cursor_index; g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry), 0); layout = gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(entry, TRUE); text = pango_layout_get_text(layout); cursor_index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(text, entry->current_pos) - text; if (layout_index >= cursor_index && entry->preedit_length) { if (layout_index >= cursor_index + entry->preedit_length) layout_index -= entry->preedit_length; else layout_index = cursor_index; } return layout_index; } /** * gtk_secure_entry_text_index_to_layout_index: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * @text_index: byte index into the entry contents * * Converts from a position in the entry's #PangoLayout(returned by * gtk_secure_entry_get_layout()) to a position in the entry contents * (returned by gtk_secure_entry_get_text()). * * Return value: byte index into the entry layout text **/ gint gtk_secure_entry_text_index_to_layout_index(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint text_index) { PangoLayout *layout; const gchar *text; gint cursor_index; g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry), 0); layout = gtk_secure_entry_ensure_layout(entry, TRUE); text = pango_layout_get_text(layout); cursor_index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(text, entry->current_pos) - text; if (text_index > cursor_index) text_index += entry->preedit_length; return text_index; } /** * gtk_secure_entry_get_layout_offsets: * @entry: a #GtkSecureEntry * @x: location to store X offset of layout, or %NULL * @y: location to store Y offset of layout, or %NULL * * * Obtains the position of the #PangoLayout used to render text * in the entry, in widget coordinates. Useful if you want to line * up the text in an entry with some other text, e.g. when using the * entry to implement editable cells in a sheet widget. * * Also useful to convert mouse events into coordinates inside the * #PangoLayout, e.g. to take some action if some part of the entry text * is clicked. * * Note that as the user scrolls around in the entry the offsets will * change; you'll need to connect to the "notify::scroll_offset" * signal to track this. Remember when using the #PangoLayout * functions you need to convert to and from pixels using * PANGO_PIXELS() or #PANGO_SCALE. * * Keep in mind that the layout text may contain a preedit string, so * gtk_secure_entry_layout_index_to_text_index() and * gtk_secure_entry_text_index_to_layout_index() are needed to convert byte * indices in the layout to byte indices in the entry contents. * **/ void gtk_secure_entry_get_layout_offsets(GtkSecureEntry * entry, gint * x, gint * y) { gint text_area_x, text_area_y; g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SECURE_ENTRY(entry)); /* this gets coords relative to text area */ get_layout_position(entry, x, y); /* convert to widget coords */ get_text_area_size(entry, &text_area_x, &text_area_y, NULL, NULL); if (x) *x += text_area_x; if (y) *y += text_area_y; } static gboolean gtk_secure_entry_mnemonic_activate(GtkWidget * widget, gboolean group_cycling G_GNUC_UNUSED) { gtk_widget_grab_focus(widget); return TRUE; } /* We display the cursor when * * - the selection is empty, AND * - the widget has focus */ #define CURSOR_ON_MULTIPLIER 0.66 #define CURSOR_OFF_MULTIPLIER 0.34 #define CURSOR_PEND_MULTIPLIER 1.0 static gboolean cursor_blinks(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); GtkSettings *settings = gtk_widget_get_settings(widget); gboolean blink; if (gtk_widget_has_focus (widget) && entry->selection_bound == entry->current_pos) { g_object_get(settings, "gtk-cursor-blink", &blink, NULL); return blink; } else return FALSE; } static gint get_cursor_time(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { GtkSettings *settings = gtk_widget_get_settings(GTK_WIDGET(entry)); gint blinktime; g_object_get(settings, "gtk-cursor-blink-time", &blinktime, NULL); return blinktime; } static void show_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); if (!entry->cursor_visible) { entry->cursor_visible = TRUE; if (gtk_widget_has_focus (widget) && entry->selection_bound == entry->current_pos) gtk_widget_queue_draw(widget); } } static void hide_cursor(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(entry); if (entry->cursor_visible) { entry->cursor_visible = FALSE; if (gtk_widget_has_focus (widget) && entry->selection_bound == entry->current_pos) gtk_widget_queue_draw(widget); } } /* * Blink! */ static gint blink_cb(gpointer data) { GtkSecureEntry *entry; GtkWidget *widget; GDK_THREADS_ENTER(); entry = GTK_SECURE_ENTRY(data); widget = GTK_WIDGET (entry); if (!gtk_widget_has_focus (widget)) { g_warning ("GtkSecureEntry - did not receive focus-out-event. If you\n" "connect a handler to this signal, it must return\n" "FALSE so the entry gets the event as well"); } g_assert(gtk_widget_has_focus (widget)); g_assert(entry->selection_bound == entry->current_pos); if (entry->cursor_visible) { hide_cursor(entry); entry->blink_timeout = g_timeout_add(get_cursor_time(entry) * CURSOR_OFF_MULTIPLIER, blink_cb, entry); } else { show_cursor(entry); entry->blink_timeout = g_timeout_add(get_cursor_time(entry) * CURSOR_ON_MULTIPLIER, blink_cb, entry); } GDK_THREADS_LEAVE(); /* Remove ourselves */ return FALSE; } static void gtk_secure_entry_check_cursor_blink(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { if (cursor_blinks(entry)) { if (!entry->blink_timeout) { entry->blink_timeout = g_timeout_add(get_cursor_time(entry) * CURSOR_ON_MULTIPLIER, blink_cb, entry); show_cursor(entry); } } else { if (entry->blink_timeout) { g_source_remove(entry->blink_timeout); entry->blink_timeout = 0; } entry->cursor_visible = TRUE; } } static void gtk_secure_entry_pend_cursor_blink(GtkSecureEntry * entry) { if (cursor_blinks(entry)) { if (entry->blink_timeout != 0) g_source_remove(entry->blink_timeout); entry->blink_timeout = g_timeout_add(get_cursor_time(entry) * CURSOR_PEND_MULTIPLIER, blink_cb, entry); show_cursor(entry); } } static inline gboolean keyval_is_cursor_move(guint keyval) { if (keyval == GDK_Up || keyval == GDK_KP_Up) return TRUE; if (keyval == GDK_Down || keyval == GDK_KP_Down) return TRUE; if (keyval == GDK_Page_Up) return TRUE; if (keyval == GDK_Page_Down) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* stolen from gtkmarshalers.c */ #define g_marshal_value_peek_enum(v) (v)->data[0].v_int #define g_marshal_value_peek_int(v) (v)->data[0].v_int #define g_marshal_value_peek_boolean(v) (v)->data[0].v_int /* VOID:ENUM,INT,BOOLEAN (gtkmarshalers.list:64) */ static void _gtk_marshal_VOID__ENUM_INT_BOOLEAN(GClosure * closure, GValue * return_value G_GNUC_UNUSED, guint n_param_values, const GValue * param_values, gpointer invocation_hint G_GNUC_UNUSED, gpointer marshal_data) { typedef void (*GMarshalFunc_VOID__ENUM_INT_BOOLEAN) (gpointer data1, gint arg_1, gint arg_2, gboolean arg_3, gpointer data2); register GMarshalFunc_VOID__ENUM_INT_BOOLEAN callback; register GCClosure *cc = (GCClosure *) closure; register gpointer data1, data2; g_return_if_fail(n_param_values == 4); if (G_CCLOSURE_SWAP_DATA(closure)) { data1 = closure->data; data2 = g_value_peek_pointer(param_values + 0); } else { data1 = g_value_peek_pointer(param_values + 0); data2 = closure->data; } callback = (GMarshalFunc_VOID__ENUM_INT_BOOLEAN) (marshal_data ? marshal_data : cc->callback); callback(data1, g_marshal_value_peek_enum(param_values + 1), g_marshal_value_peek_int(param_values + 2), g_marshal_value_peek_boolean(param_values + 3), data2); } static void _gtk_marshal_VOID__ENUM_INT(GClosure * closure, GValue * return_value G_GNUC_UNUSED, guint n_param_values, const GValue * param_values, gpointer invocation_hint G_GNUC_UNUSED, gpointer marshal_data) { typedef void (*GMarshalFunc_VOID__ENUM_INT) (gpointer data1, gint arg_1, gint arg_2, gpointer data2); register GMarshalFunc_VOID__ENUM_INT callback; register GCClosure *cc = (GCClosure *) closure; register gpointer data1, data2; g_return_if_fail(n_param_values == 3); if (G_CCLOSURE_SWAP_DATA(closure)) { data1 = closure->data; data2 = g_value_peek_pointer(param_values + 0); } else { data1 = g_value_peek_pointer(param_values + 0); data2 = closure->data; } callback = (GMarshalFunc_VOID__ENUM_INT) (marshal_data ? marshal_data : cc-> callback); callback(data1, g_marshal_value_peek_enum(param_values + 1), g_marshal_value_peek_int(param_values + 2), data2); }