krb5-auth-dialog is a simple dialog that monitors kerberos tickets, and pops up a dialog when they are about to expire. Eventually, we expect it to be part of GNOME. Configuration ============= Configuration settings are handled via gconf. You can set the principal that is used to acquire tickets via: gconftool-2 --type=string --set /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/principal "principal@YOUR.REALM" You can hide the tray icon via: gconftool-2 --type=bool --set /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/show_trayicon false You can set the time of the first password prompt via: gconftool-2 --type=int --set /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/prompt_minutes 30 You can set the principals pkinit identifier via: gconftool-2 --type=string --set /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/pk_userid "FILE:/path/to/user.pem,/path/to/user.key" or if you're using a smartcard: gconftool-2 --type=string --set /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/pk_userid "PKCS11:/usr/lib/opensc/" DBus API ======== You can request a ticket granting ticket via DBus: dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call \ --dest=org.gnome.KrbAuthDialog \ /org/gnome/KrbAuthDialog \ org.gnome.KrbAuthDialog.acquireTgt \ string:'principal' If the sent principal doesn't match the one currently in the ticket cache the request fails. To request a TGT for the "default" principal use string:''. See examples/ for information about sent DBus signals. Plugins ======= Plugins are currently disabled by default. To enable them you have to set the gconf key: Enable pam and dummy plugions: gconftool-2 --set --list-type=string --type=list /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/plugins/enabled [pam,dummy] To list currently enabled plugins: gconftool-2 --get --list-type=string /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/plugins/enabled A Note on Translations ====================== Kerberos doesn't translate either its prompts or its error messages. As the prompt is very visible, we need to translate it externally. To do this, the etpo binary in etpo/ can be used to extract the public strings that kerberos uses. We are checking that in for now, until kerberos gets translated. If your language doesn't have a translation yet and you want to provide one do a cd po; make krb5-auth-dialog.pot in the unpacked source tree to get a template of translatable strings.