#!/usr/bin/env python3 # build.py - Build packages in a Docker wrapper # # Part of the Jellyfin CI system ############################################################################### from datetime import datetime from email.utils import format_datetime, localtime import os.path from subprocess import run, PIPE import sys from yaml import load, SafeLoader # Determine top level directory of this repository ("jellyfin-packaging") revparse = run(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], stdout=PIPE) repo_root_dir = revparse.stdout.decode().strip() # Base Docker commands docker_build_cmd = "docker build --progress=plain --no-cache" docker_run_cmd = "docker run --rm" def log(message): print(message, flush=True) # Configuration loader try: with open("build.yaml", encoding="utf-8") as fh: configurations = load(fh, Loader=SafeLoader) except Exception as e: log(f"Error: Failed to find 'build.yaml' configuration: {e}") exit(1) def build_package_deb(jellyfin_version, build_type, build_arch, build_version): """ Build a .deb package (Debian or Ubuntu) within a Docker container that matches the requested distribution version """ log(f"> Building an {build_arch} {build_type} .deb package...") log() try: os_type = build_type if build_type in configurations.keys() else None if os_type is None: raise ValueError( f"{build_type} is not a valid OS type in {configurations.keys()}" ) os_version = ( configurations[build_type]["releases"][build_version] if build_version in configurations[build_type]["releases"].keys() else None ) if os_version is None: raise ValueError( f"{build_version} is not a valid {build_type} version in {configurations[build_type]['releases'].keys()}" ) PACKAGE_ARCH = ( configurations[build_type]["archmaps"][build_arch]["PACKAGE_ARCH"] if build_arch in configurations[build_type]["archmaps"].keys() else None ) if PACKAGE_ARCH is None: raise ValueError( f"{build_arch} is not a valid {build_type} {build_version} architecture in {configurations[build_type]['archmaps'].keys()}" ) except Exception as e: log(f"Invalid/unsupported arguments: {e}") exit(1) # Set the dockerfile dockerfile = configurations[build_type]["dockerfile"] # Set the cross-gcc version crossgccvers = configurations[build_type]["cross-gcc"][build_version] # Prepare the debian changelog file changelog_src = f"{repo_root_dir}/debian/changelog.in" changelog_dst = f"{repo_root_dir}/debian/changelog" with open(changelog_src) as fh: changelog = fh.read() if "v" in jellyfin_version: comment = f"Jellyfin release {jellyfin_version}, see https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/releases/{jellyfin_version} for details." else: comment = f"Jellyin unstable release {jellyfin_version}." jellyfin_version = jellyfin_version.replace("v", "") changelog = changelog.format( package_version=jellyfin_version, package_build=f"{build_type[:3]}{os_version.replace('.', '')}", release_comment=comment, release_date=format_datetime(localtime()), ) with open(changelog_dst, "w") as fh: fh.write(changelog) # Use a unique docker image name for consistency imagename = f"{configurations[build_type]['imagename']}-{jellyfin_version}_{build_arch}-{build_type}-{build_version}" # Build the dockerfile and packages os.system( f"{docker_build_cmd} --build-arg PACKAGE_TYPE={os_type} --build-arg PACKAGE_VERSION={os_version} --build-arg PACKAGE_ARCH={PACKAGE_ARCH} --build-arg GCC_VERSION={crossgccvers} --file {repo_root_dir}/{dockerfile} --tag {imagename} {repo_root_dir}" ) os.system( f"{docker_run_cmd} --volume {repo_root_dir}:/jellyfin --volume {repo_root_dir}/out/{build_type}:/dist --env JELLYFIN_VERSION={jellyfin_version} --name {imagename} {imagename}" ) def build_package_rpm(jellyfin_version, build_type, build_arch, build_version): """ Build a .rpm package (Fedora or CentOS) within a Docker container that matches the requested distribution version """ log(f"> Building an {build_arch} {build_type} .rpm package...") log() pass def build_linux(jellyfin_version, build_type, build_arch, _build_version): """ Build a portable Linux archive """ log(f"> Building a portable {build_arch} Linux archive...") log() try: PACKAGE_ARCH = ( configurations[build_type]["archmaps"][build_arch]["PACKAGE_ARCH"] if build_arch in configurations[build_type]["archmaps"].keys() else None ) if PACKAGE_ARCH is None: raise ValueError( f"{build_arch} is not a valid {build_type} {build_version} architecture in {configurations[build_type]['archmaps'].keys()}" ) DOTNET_ARCH = configurations[build_type]["archmaps"][build_arch]["DOTNET_ARCH"] except Exception as e: log(f"Invalid/unsupported arguments: {e}") exit(1) jellyfin_version = jellyfin_version.replace("v", "") # Set the dockerfile dockerfile = configurations[build_type]["dockerfile"] # Use a unique docker image name for consistency imagename = f"{configurations[build_type]['imagename']}-{jellyfin_version}_{build_arch}-{build_type}" # Set the archive type (tar-gz or zip) archivetypes = f"{configurations[build_type]['archivetypes']}" # Build the dockerfile and packages os.system( f"{docker_build_cmd} --file {repo_root_dir}/{dockerfile} --tag {imagename} {repo_root_dir}" ) os.system( f"{docker_run_cmd} --volume {repo_root_dir}:/jellyfin --volume {repo_root_dir}/out/{build_type}:/dist --env JELLYFIN_VERSION={jellyfin_version} --env BUILD_TYPE={build_type} --env PACKAGE_ARCH={PACKAGE_ARCH} --env DOTNET_TYPE=linux --env DOTNET_ARCH={DOTNET_ARCH} --env ARCHIVE_TYPES={archivetypes} --name {imagename} {imagename}" ) def build_windows(jellyfin_version, build_type, _build_arch, _build_version): """ Build a portable Windows archive """ log(f"> Building a portable {build_arch} Windows archive...") log() try: PACKAGE_ARCH = ( configurations[build_type]["archmaps"][build_arch]["PACKAGE_ARCH"] if build_arch in configurations[build_type]["archmaps"].keys() else None ) if PACKAGE_ARCH is None: raise ValueError( f"{build_arch} is not a valid {build_type} {build_version} architecture in {configurations[build_type]['archmaps'].keys()}" ) DOTNET_ARCH = configurations[build_type]["archmaps"][build_arch]["DOTNET_ARCH"] except Exception as e: log(f"Invalid/unsupported arguments: {e}") exit(1) jellyfin_version = jellyfin_version.replace("v", "") # Set the dockerfile dockerfile = configurations[build_type]["dockerfile"] # Use a unique docker image name for consistency imagename = f"{configurations[build_type]['imagename']}-{jellyfin_version}_{build_arch}-{build_type}" # Set the archive type (tar-gz or zip) archivetypes = f"{configurations[build_type]['archivetypes']}" # Build the dockerfile and packages os.system( f"{docker_build_cmd} --file {repo_root_dir}/{dockerfile} --tag {imagename} {repo_root_dir}" ) os.system( f"{docker_run_cmd} --volume {repo_root_dir}:/jellyfin --volume {repo_root_dir}/out/{build_type}:/dist --env JELLYFIN_VERSION={jellyfin_version} --env BUILD_TYPE={build_type} --env PACKAGE_ARCH={PACKAGE_ARCH} --env DOTNET_TYPE=win --env DOTNET_ARCH={DOTNET_ARCH} --env ARCHIVE_TYPES={archivetypes} --name {imagename} {imagename}" ) def build_macos(jellyfin_version, build_type, build_arch, _build_version): """ Build a portable MacOS archive """ log(f"> Building a portable {build_arch} MacOS archive...") log() try: PACKAGE_ARCH = ( configurations[build_type]["archmaps"][build_arch]["PACKAGE_ARCH"] if build_arch in configurations[build_type]["archmaps"].keys() else None ) if PACKAGE_ARCH is None: raise ValueError( f"{build_arch} is not a valid {build_type} {build_version} architecture in {configurations[build_type]['archmaps'].keys()}" ) DOTNET_ARCH = configurations[build_type]["archmaps"][build_arch]["DOTNET_ARCH"] except Exception as e: log(f"Invalid/unsupported arguments: {e}") exit(1) jellyfin_version = jellyfin_version.replace("v", "") # Set the dockerfile dockerfile = configurations[build_type]["dockerfile"] # Use a unique docker image name for consistency imagename = f"{configurations[build_type]['imagename']}-{jellyfin_version}_{build_arch}-{build_type}" # Set the archive type (tar-gz or zip) archivetypes = f"{configurations[build_type]['archivetypes']}" # Build the dockerfile and packages os.system( f"{docker_build_cmd} --file {repo_root_dir}/{dockerfile} --tag {imagename} {repo_root_dir}" ) os.system( f"{docker_run_cmd} --volume {repo_root_dir}:/jellyfin --volume {repo_root_dir}/out/{build_type}:/dist --env JELLYFIN_VERSION={jellyfin_version} --env BUILD_TYPE={build_type} --env PACKAGE_ARCH={PACKAGE_ARCH} --env DOTNET_TYPE=osx --env DOTNET_ARCH={DOTNET_ARCH} --env ARCHIVE_TYPES={archivetypes} --name {imagename} {imagename}" ) def build_portable(jellyfin_version, build_type, _build_arch, _build_version): """ Build a portable .NET archive """ log("> Building a portable .NET archive...") log() jellyfin_version = jellyfin_version.replace("v", "") # Set the dockerfile dockerfile = configurations[build_type]["dockerfile"] # Use a unique docker image name for consistency imagename = ( f"{configurations[build_type]['imagename']}-{jellyfin_version}_{build_type}" ) # Set the archive type (tar-gz or zip) archivetypes = f"{configurations[build_type]['archivetypes']}" # Build the dockerfile and packages os.system( f"{docker_build_cmd} --file {repo_root_dir}/{dockerfile} --tag {imagename} {repo_root_dir}" ) os.system( f"{docker_run_cmd} --volume {repo_root_dir}:/jellyfin --volume {repo_root_dir}/out/{build_type}:/dist --env JELLYFIN_VERSION={jellyfin_version} --env BUILD_TYPE={build_type} --env ARCHIVE_TYPES={archivetypes} --name {imagename} {imagename}" ) def build_docker(jellyfin_version, build_type, _build_arch, _build_version): """ Build Docker images for all architectures and combining manifests """ log("> Building Docker images...") log() # We build all architectures simultaneously to push a single tag, so no conditional checks architectures = configurations["docker"]["archmaps"].keys() # Set the dockerfile dockerfile = configurations[build_type]["dockerfile"] # Determine if this is a "latest"-type image (v in jellyfin_version) or not if "v" in jellyfin_version: is_latest = True is_unstable = False version_suffix = True else: is_latest = False is_unstable = True version_suffix = False jellyfin_version = jellyfin_version.replace("v", "") # Set today's date in a convenient format for use as an image suffix date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") images = list() for _build_arch in architectures: log(f">> Building Docker image for {_build_arch}...") log() # Get our ARCH variables from the archmaps PACKAGE_ARCH = configurations["docker"]["archmaps"][_build_arch]["PACKAGE_ARCH"] DOTNET_ARCH = configurations["docker"]["archmaps"][_build_arch]["DOTNET_ARCH"] QEMU_ARCH = configurations["docker"]["archmaps"][_build_arch]["QEMU_ARCH"] IMAGE_ARCH = configurations["docker"]["archmaps"][_build_arch]["IMAGE_ARCH"] # Use a unique docker image name for consistency if version_suffix: imagename = f"{configurations['docker']['imagename']}:{jellyfin_version}-{_build_arch}.{date}" else: imagename = f"{configurations['docker']['imagename']}:{jellyfin_version}-{_build_arch}" # Clean up any existing qemu static image os.system( f"{docker_run_cmd} --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset" ) log() # Build the dockerfile os.system( f"{docker_build_cmd} --build-arg PACKAGE_ARCH={PACKAGE_ARCH} --build-arg DOTNET_ARCH={DOTNET_ARCH} --build-arg QEMU_ARCH={QEMU_ARCH} --build-arg IMAGE_ARCH={IMAGE_ARCH} --build-arg JELLYFIN_VERSION={jellyfin_version} --file {repo_root_dir}/{dockerfile} --tag {imagename} {repo_root_dir}" ) images.append(imagename) log() # Build the manifests log(">> Building Docker manifests...") manifests = list() if version_suffix: log(">>> Building dated version manifest...") os.system( f"docker manifest create --amend {configurations['docker']['imagename']}:{jellyfin_version}.{date} {' '.join(images)}" ) manifests.append( f"{configurations['docker']['imagename']}:{jellyfin_version}.{date}" ) log(">>> Building version manifest...") os.system( f"docker manifest create --amend {configurations['docker']['imagename']}:{jellyfin_version} {' '.join(images)}" ) manifests.append(f"{configurations['docker']['imagename']}:{jellyfin_version}") if is_latest: log(">>> Building latest manifest...") os.system( f"docker manifest create --amend {configurations['docker']['imagename']}:latest {' '.join(images)}" ) manifests.append(f"{configurations['docker']['imagename']}:latest") elif is_unstable: log(">>> Building unstable manifest...") os.system( f"docker manifest create --amend {configurations['docker']['imagename']}:unstable {' '.join(images)}" ) manifests.append(f"{configurations['docker']['imagename']}:unstable") # Push the images and manifests to DockerHub (we are already logged in from GH Actions) for image in images: log(f">>> Pushing image {image} to DockerHub") os.system(f"docker push {image} 2>&1") for manifest in manifests: log(f">>> Pushing manifest {manifest} to DockerHub") os.system(f"docker manifest push --purge {manifest} 2>&1") # Push the images and manifests to GHCR (we are already logged in from GH Actions) for image in images: log(f">>> Pushing image {image} to GHCR") os.system(f"docker push ghcr.io/{image} 2>&1") for manifest in manifests: log(f">>> Pushing manifest {manifest} to GHCR") os.system(f"docker manifest push --purge ghcr.io/{manifest} 2>&1") def usage(): """ Print usage information on error """ log(f"{sys.argv[0]} JELLYFIN_VERSION BUILD_TYPE [BUILD_ARCH] [BUILD_VERSION]") log(" JELLYFIN_VERSION: The Jellyfin version being built") log(" * Stable releases should be tag names with a 'v' e.g. v10.9.0") log( " * Unstable releases should be 'master' or a date-to-the-hour version e.g. 2024021600" ) log(" BUILD_TYPE: The type of build to execute") log(f" * Valid options are: {', '.join(configurations.keys())}") log(" BUILD_ARCH: The CPU architecture of the build") log( " * Valid options are: [portable/docker only], amd64, arm64, armhf" ) log( " BUILD_VERSION: A valid OS distribution version (.deb/.rpm build types only)" ) # Define a map of possible build functions from the YAML configuration function_definitions = { "build_package_deb": build_package_deb, "build_package_rpm": build_package_rpm, "build_portable": build_portable, "build_linux": build_linux, "build_windows": build_windows, "build_macos": build_macos, "build_portable": build_portable, "build_docker": build_docker, } try: jellyfin_version = sys.argv[1] build_type = sys.argv[2] except IndexError: log("Error: Missing required arguments ('JELLYFIN_VERSION' and/or 'BUILD_TYPE')") log() usage() exit(1) if build_type not in configurations.keys(): log(f"Error: The specified build type '{build_type}' is not valid") log() usage() exit(1) try: if configurations[build_type]["build_function"] not in function_definitions.keys(): raise ValueError except Exception: log( f"Error: The specified valid build type '{build_type}' does not define a valid build function" ) log( "This is a misconfiguration of the YAML or the build script; please report a bug!" ) exit(1) # Optional argument (only required for some build functions) try: build_arch = sys.argv[3] except IndexError: build_arch = None # Optional argument (only required for some build functions) try: build_version = sys.argv[4] except IndexError: build_version = None # Autocorrect "master" to a dated version string if jellyfin_version == "master": jellyfin_version = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H") log(f"NOTE: Autocorrecting 'master' version to {jellyfin_version}") # Launch the builder function function_definitions[configurations[build_type]["build_function"]]( jellyfin_version, build_type, build_arch, build_version )