# Readme for gtk3-classic-build-deb Gtk3-classic-build-deb is [bgstack15](https://bgstack15.wordpress.com)'s builds of [gtk3-classic](https://github.com/lah7/gtk3-classic) for Devuan Ceres. Check out the final assets at my [OBS sub-project](https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:bgstack15:gtk3-classic). ## Overview Notable improvements over stock gtk3 include * Regular type-to-navigate-to-filename in the file dialog instead of the "typeahead" behavior * CSDs are removed, which actually could deprecate [gtk3-nocsd](https://packages.debian.org/sid/gtk3-nocsd) (official upstream Debian package) Notable weaknesses include: * Always-on mnemonics is still not implemented. Keep using [gtk3-automnemonics](https://pkginfo.devuan.org/cgi-bin/package-query.html?c=package&q=gtk3-automnemonics) for that. ## Using The `gtk3-classic-build-deb.sh` script and Makefile can be used to generate the build assets that can be used to build the binary dpkgs of gtk3 with the gtk3-classic patches. The shell script finds the available gtk3 versions in debian, and gtk3-classic releases, and then finds the highest version that matches between the two. This highest version then gets downloaded, given the patches in `debian/patches/series`, and then the .dsc and .debian.tar.xz file are generated! ## Upstreams ### Build script The build script is loosely inspired by [luigifab/deb.sh](https://gist.github.com/luigifab/0fce786cdb93b5687069a82f490ea95e) (gist.github.com), but is maintained separately. ### gtk3-classic The [gtk3-classic](https://github.com/lah7/gtk3-classic) patch set is one of the main inputs to this process. ### gtk3 The debian [orig](http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gtk+3.0/gtk+3.0_3.24.29.orig.tar.xz) tarball is used for the build process. ## Alternatives * [gtk3-stackrpms](https://gitlab.com/bgstack15/stackrpms/-/tree/master/gtk3-stackrpms) suite which suits my needs almost exactly, minus the file dialog type-to-find functionality. ## Dependencies To run the build script you need: * rmadison * git * tar To build gtk3, you need the standard set which is available in the `debian/control` file. ## References * [gtk3-stackrpms](https://gitlab.com/bgstack15/stackrpms/-/tree/master/gtk3-stackrpms) suite * [gtk3-nooverlayscrollbar](https://pkginfo.devuan.org/cgi-bin/policy-query.html?c=package&q=gtk3-nooverlayscrollbar&x=submit) in Devuan * [luigifab/deb.sh](https://gist.github.com/luigifab/0fce786cdb93b5687069a82f490ea95e) ## Differences from upstreams N/A. No direct upstreams