#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: set et ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: # Startdate: 2024-11-20-4 12:50 # Title: Library for Graphical Mount Manager # Dependencies: # req-devuan: python3, python3-psutil import argparse, sys, os, psutil, subprocess, json, configparser # LOW-LEVEL values appname_full = "Graphical Mount Manager" appname = "gmm" appversion = "0.0.1" authors = ["bgstack15"] icon_name = "dvd_unmount" conffile = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),".config",appname,"config") ABOUT_TEXT = """ gmm "Graphical Mount Manager" (C) 2024 bgstack15 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only """ # LOW-LEVEL FUNCTIONS def ferror(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def debuglev(_numbertocheck): # if _numbertocheck <= debuglevel then return truthy _debuglev = False try: if int(_numbertocheck) <= int(debuglevel): _debuglev = True except Exception as e: pass return _debuglev # APP FUNCTIONS class Gmm(): def __init__(self,args=None): # Parse config self.conffile = conffile try: if args.conf: self.conffile = args.conf except: pass self.mounts = self.list_mounts() self.args = args self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.load_config(self.conffile) # will be set to False if --no-gui, or some action is given self.show_gui = True def list_mounts(self): """ Return a python list of FILE,MOUNT pairs """ # get list of devices mounts = [ { "device": i.device, "mountpoint": i.mountpoint } for i in psutil.disk_partitions(False) if i.fstype in ["iso9660"] ] # use losetup --json, losetup_p = subprocess.Popen( ["/usr/sbin/losetup","--json"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) losetup_o, _ = losetup_p.communicate() try: losetup_j = json.loads(losetup_o) except Exception as e: ferror(f"Got error {e} when trying to read losetup output") losetup_j = {} if losetup_j: losetup_j = losetup_j["loopdevices"] for i in mounts: #for j in losetup_j["loopdevices"]: # if i.device == j.name: try: i["source"] = [j["back-file"] for j in losetup_j if j["name"] == i["device"]][0] except Exception as e: ferror(f"While looking for {i['device']} in {losetup_j}, got error {e}") for i in mounts: if "source" in i: i.pop("device") # Now we have a list of # [{'mountpoint': '/mnt/foo', 'source': '/mnt/public/CDROMs/Games/Logical Journey of the Zoombinis.iso'}] return mounts def mount_iso_to_path(self, isofile, mount_point): """ Mount the isofile to mount_point using sudo. No protections of already-mounted or something-else-mounted. """ mount_p = subprocess.Popen( ["sudo","mount","-v",isofile,mount_point], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) mount_o, mount_e = mount_p.communicate() if debuglev(5): if mount_e: ferror(mount_e) def mount_iso_to_default(self,isofile): """ Use the gmm config to determine where to mount this. """ md = self.config[appname]["mounts_dir"] # determine next available number. 0-indexed. If you want to make this 1-indexed, set x to 0. x = -1 safe = False # safety valve: do not try mount more than 20 mount points. while (not safe) or x < 20: x = x + 1 testpath = os.path.join(md,str(x)) if not os.path.exists(testpath): safe = True break else: if os.path.ismount(testpath): if self.iso_is_mounted_to_path(isofile, testpath): if debuglev(2): ferror(f"INFO: Found {isofile} mounted at {testpath} already. Skipping...") # short-circuit return True # if a mountpoint but is not the requested isofile if debuglev(8): ferror(f"DEBUG: Found different mountpoint at {testpath}, continuing to look...") # skip this number continue elif os.path.isdir(testpath): if os.listdir(testpath): # not empty so skip it ferror(f"WARNING: non-mountpoint {testpath} is not empty, continuing to look...") continue else: # empty directory, this is what we want safe = True break else: # so not a mountpoint and not a dir, so skip ferror(f"WARNING: non-directory {testpath}, continuing to look...") continue # end while # notably, because of all the continues and breaks, we cannot increment x at bottom of this loop. if debuglev(8): ferror(f"DEBUG: after loop, testpath is {testpath}") if safe: if debuglev(1): print(f"INFO: will mount {isofile} to {testpath}.") try: os.mkdir(testpath) # FUTUREIMPROVEMENT: might need to catch specific exceptions and pass them, like dir-already-exists. except: pass self.mount_iso_to_path(isofile, testpath) def unmount_iso_to_path(self, isofile, mount_point): """ Unmount the isofile to mount_point using sudo. This exploits that the "isofile" could be the actual iso file that is mounted, or the mount point. The umount command can either to unmount something. """ params = ["sudo","umount","-v",isofile,mount_point] params = [i for i in params if i] if debuglev(1): ferror(f"Running: {params}") mount_p = subprocess.Popen( params, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) mount_o, mount_e = mount_p.communicate() if debuglev(5): if mount_e: ferror(mount_e) # and now delete the empty directory if not mount_point: mount_point = isofile if os.path.isdir(mount_point) and (not os.listdir(mount_point)): try: os.rmdir(mount_point) except Exception as e: if debuglev(5): ferror(f"INFO: while trying to remove now-empty dir {mount_point}, got error {e}, continuing...") def get_iso_mounted_to_path(self, mount_point): """ Return the filename of what is mounted to mount_point. """ if not os.path.ismount(mount_point): return False if not self.mounts: self.mounts = self.list_mounts() for i in self.mounts: if i["mountpoint"] == mount_point: # short-circuit because there can be only one thing mounted to a mount_point return i["source"] return None def iso_is_mounted_to_path(self, iso_file, mount_point): """ Return True if the named iso_file is mounted to mount_point. """ if not os.path.ismount(mount_point): return False if not self.mounts: self.mounts = self.list_mounts() for i in self.mounts: if i["mountpoint"] == mount_point and i["source"] == iso_file: # short-circuit return True return False def load_config(self, configfile): if debuglev(1): ferror(f"Loading config file {configfile}") self.config.read(configfile) if (not self.config) or self.config == configparser.ConfigParser(): ferror(f"Generating new config file, {configfile}!") # This is setting a new config file. self.config[appname] = { "mounts_dir": os.path.expanduser("~/mnt") } self.save_config(configfile) try: #config["gmm"]["mounts_dir"] = os.path.expanduser(config["gmm"]["mounts_dir"]) self.config.set(appname,"mounts_dir", os.path.expanduser(self.config[appname]["mounts_dir"].strip('"'))) except: pass if debuglev(9): ferror({section: dict(self.config[section]) for section in self.config.sections()}) def save_config(self, configfile = None): if not configfile: configfile = self.conffile # un-expand the tilde md = self.config[appname]["mounts_dir"] # by adding the trailing slash, we make sure it is not just the HOME, but that would be an extreme situation. if md.startswith(os.path.expanduser("~")+"/"): md = md.replace(os.path.expanduser("~"),"~") self.config.set(appname,"mounts_dir",md) with open(configfile,"w") as cf: self.config.write(cf) def cli_main(self): # default behavior is to show the gui, unless --no-gui, or given some paths to mount, or --list args = self.args paths = args.paths umount = args.unmount if (args.list) or (paths) or ((not paths) and args.all and umount): self.show_gui = False if args.gui == False or args.gui == True: ferror(f"Setting show_gui to {args.gui}") self.show_gui = args.gui if args.list: if args.output == "json": print(json.dumps(self.mounts)) elif args.output == "tsv": if self.mounts: print("source\tpath") for i in self.mounts: print(f"{i['source']}\t{i['mountpoint']}") else: print(self.mounts) if paths: # calculate if paths.len = 2, then check if paths[0] is a file and paths[1] is a dir or underneath if len(paths) == 2: left = paths[0] right = paths[1] if os.path.isfile(left): if os.path.isdir(right) or (not os.path.exists(right)): if os.path.ismount(right): if debuglev(8): ferror(f"DEBUG: Investigating current mount {right} to see if it is same as {left}") if iso_is_mounted_to_path(left, right, self.mounts): if umount: self.unmount_iso_to_path(left, right) else: if debuglev(1): print(f"Already mounted!") else: ferror(f"ERROR: {get_iso_mounted_to_path(right,self.mounts)} is already mounted to {right}.") # FUTUREIMPROVEMENT: If we want to implement --force to umount old, then mount this left, do it here. else: if umount: if debuglev(2): print(f"INFO: not a mount point, so nothing to do.") else: if debuglev(1): print(f"INFO: will mount {left} to {right}.") mount_iso_to_path(left, right) elif os.path.isfile(right): for i in paths: self.mount_iso_to_default(i) else: ferror(f"ERROR: second path {right} is not a dir or file. Choose a different spot") else: ferror(f"ERROR: first path is not a file: {left}. Skipping...") elif len(paths) == 1: # main default method; the path to the iso to mount isofile = paths[0] # not ideal, but figure out that the user wanted "--list" if isofile == "list" and not os.path.isfile(isofile): ferror(f"WARNING: please use --list to list mounts. Continuing...") print(self.mounts) sys.exit(0) if umount: self.unmount_iso_to_path(isofile,"") else: mount_iso_to_default(isofile) else: # more than one path, so treat each as a file to mount for isofile in paths: if umount: self.unmount_iso_to_path(isofile,"") else: self.mount_iso_to_default(isofile) else: # no paths, so check if --all and --umount if umount and args.all: for i in self.mounts: self.unmount_iso_to_path(i["source"],i["mountpoint"]) # PARSE ARGUMENTS parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="graphical mount manager",prog=appname,epilog=""" The value-add of this application is to use a configured directory for mountpoints, for easy mounting, e.g., from a graphical file manager. Run with an iso filename, and it will mount to ~/mnt/0, for example.""") parser.add_argument("-d","--debug", nargs='?', default=0, type=int, choices=range(0,11), help="Set debug level.") parser.add_argument("-V","--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s " + appversion) parser.add_argument("-g","--gui", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, default=None, help="Show gui, even if also given any other actions.") parser.add_argument("-l","--list", action="store_true", help="List mounted isos and paths and then exit.") parser.add_argument("-o","--output", default="tsv", choices=("tsv","raw","json"), help="Change output format for --list.") parser.add_argument("-u","--unmount","--umount", action="store_true", help="If used with one or more paths, umount them instead of mounting.") parser.add_argument("-a","--all", action="store_true", help="Used only with --unmount. Unmount all mounted paths in default-configured dir.") parser.add_argument("paths", nargs="*",help="Positional parameters: ISO_FILE, MOUNT_PATH") #parser.add_argument("-f","--force", action="store_true", help="Force deploy all confs.") parser.add_argument("-c","--conf","--config", action="store", default=conffile, help="Use this config file.") #parser.add_argument("-r","--dry","--dryrun","--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Do not execute. Useful when debugging.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug is None: debuglevel = 5 elif args.debug: debuglevel = args.debug if debuglev(1): ferror("debug level", debuglevel) ferror(args) umount = args.unmount