#!/bin/sh # Startdate: 2020-05-29 20:18 INDIR=/mnt/public/www/gitlab-issues INGLOB=*.html SEDSCRIPT=/mnt/public/work/devuan/fix-css-in-html.sed # OUTDIR will be made in INDIR, because of the `cd` below. OUTDIR=.css test ! -d "${OUTDIR}" && mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}" INSERVER=https://git.devuan.org cd "${INDIR}" #orig_css="$( sed -n -r -e 's/^.*rel="stylesheet".*(href="[^"]+\.css").*/\1/p' ${INGLOB} | awk -F'"' '!x[$2]++{print $2}' )" orig_css="$( sed -n -r -e 's/^.* "${SEDSCRIPT}" echo "${orig_css}" | while read line ; do getpath="${INSERVER}/${line}" targetfile="${OUTDIR}/$( basename "${line}" )" targetfile="${targetfile##/}" targetfile=".$( echo "${targetfile}" | sed -r -e 's/^\.+//g;' )" test -n "${DEBUG}" && echo "process ${getpath} and save to ${targetfile}" 1>&2 test -z "${DRYRUN}" && wget --quiet --content-disposition -O "${targetfile}" "${getpath}" # dynamically build a sed script echo "s:${line}:${targetfile}:g;" | tee -a "${SEDSCRIPT}" done