title fix-alttab-daemon section 1 project fix-alttab volume General Commands Manual date July 2023 ===== NAME fix-alttab-daemon - dynamically change where alttab displays based on available displays SYNOPSIS fix-alttab-daemon OPTIONS None ENVIRONMENT XDG_CONFIG_HOME is normally ~/.config, and determines where the per-user fix-alttab configuration file lives. DESCRIPTION This daemon loops over fix-alttab, an included script that performs the work of checking available monitors and then running alttab with various configs defined in the config file (normally ~/.config/fix-alttab or /etc/sysconfig/fix-alttab) The point is to keep alttab within the viewable monitor area if I change inputs on one of my workstation monitors. CONFIGURATION These options are loaded from /etc/sysconfig/fix-alttab and then ~/.config/fix-alttab, so the last loaded value is used. ALTTAB_DAEMON_LOOP how many seconds to sleep between each instance of checking the available displays. Default is 3. ALTTAB_DAEMON_LOGFILE where to put logs. Default is "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/fix-alttab-daemon.log" ALTTAB_COMMON is the base command and any parameters to run. The first word of this value is the binary name that will be killalled if the alttab daemon needs to be restarted. Default is "alttab -w 1 -theme numix-circle" The next four options are related to which monitors/X11 displays are available, and what options to pass to alttab when restarting it. ALTTAB_LEFTYES_RIGHTYES "" ALTTAB_LEFTNO_RIGHTYES "-vp 1920x1080+1920+0" which is the X11 geometry for this -vp options of alttab, which means that the maximum possible display screen for the alttab program is a 1920x1080-sized box, starting at pixel 1920,0, so my right monitor in a basic side-by-side organization. AUTHOR B. Stack COPYRIGHT GPL 3.0 SEE ALSO `fix-alttab(1)` BUGS Report any anomalies to the author.