# File: Makefile for fifconfig # Location: fifconfig source package # Author: bgstack15 # Startdate: 2020-12-30 # Title: Makefile for fifconfig source package # Purpose: To use traditional Unix make utility # History: # Usage: # Reference: # stackbin Makefile # Improve: # add man page? # Document: # Dependencies: # build-devuan: APPNAME = fifconfig APPVERSION = 0.0.1 SRCDIR = $(CURDIR)/..# because Makefile is in extra/ inside this repo prefix = /usr SYSCONFDIR = $(DESTDIR)/etc DEFAULTDIR = $(DESTDIR)/etc/sysconfig# for debian use '$(DESTDIR)/etc/default' LIBEXECDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/libexec SHAREDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share DOCDIR = $(SHAREDIR)/doc/$(APPNAME) APPVARDIR = $(DESTDIR)/var/$(APPNAME) MANDIR = $(SHAREDIR)/man SYSVDIR = $(SYSCONFDIR)/init.d SYSDDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/systemd/system LOGDIR = $(DESTDIR)/var/log/fifconfig APACHEDIR = $(SYSCONFDIR)/httpd/conf.d# for debian use '$(SYSCONFDIR)/apache2/sites-available' NGINXDIR = $(SYSCONFDIR)/nginx/default.d CRONDIR = $(SYSCONFDIR)/cron.d SBINDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/sbin # variables for deplist DEPTYPE = dep SEPARATOR = , awkbin :=$(shell which awk) chmodbin :=$(shell which chmod) cpbin :=$(shell which cp) echobin :=$(shell which echo) falsebin :=$(shell which false) findbin :=$(shell which find) grepbin :=$(shell which grep) gzipbin :=$(shell which gzip) installbin :=$(shell which install) rmbin :=$(shell which rm) rmdirbin :=$(shell which rmdir) sedbin :=$(shell which sed) sortbin :=$(shell which sort) truebin :=$(shell which true) uniqbin :=$(shell which uniq) xargsbin :=$(shell which xargs) with_apache ?= NO with_nginx ?= YES with_init ?= YES with_systemd ?= NO with_pip_helper ?= NO all: -@echo "Nothing to build." && ${truebin} install: install_files .PHONY: clean install install_files uninstall list deplist deplist_opts list: @$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | ${awkbin} -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | ${sortbin} | ${grepbin} -E -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$' deplist: @# deplist 2020-04-18 input must be comma separated @# DEPTYPE( dep , rec , sug ) for depends, recommends, or suggests @if test -z "${DISTRO}" ; then ${echobin} "Please run \`make deplist\` with DISTRO= one of: `make deplist_opts 2>&1 1>/dev/null | ${xargsbin}`. Aborted." 1>&2 ; exit 1 ; fi @if ! ${echobin} "${DEPTYPE}" | grep -qE "^(dep|rec|sug)$$" ; then ${echobin} "Please run \`make deplist\` with DEPTYPE= one of: dep, rec, sug. Undefined will use \`dep\`. Aborted." 1>&2 ; exit 1; fi @${grepbin} -h --exclude-dir='doc' -riIE "\<${DEPTYPE}-" ${SRCDIR} | ${awkbin} -v "domain=${DISTRO}" -v "deptype=${DEPTYPE}" 'tolower($$2) ~ deptype"-"domain {$$1="";$$2="";print}' | tr ',' '\n' | ${sortbin} | ${uniqbin} | ${sedbin} -r -e 's/^\s*//' -e "s/\s*\$$/${SEPARATOR}/" | ${xargsbin} deplist_opts: @# deplist_opts 2020-04-18 find all available dependency domains @${grepbin} -h -o -riIE '\<(dep|rec|sug)-[^\ :]+:' ${SRCDIR} | ${sedbin} -r -e 's/(dep|rec|sug)-//;' -e 's/:$$//;' | ${sortbin} | ${uniqbin} 1>&2 install_files: ${installbin} -m0755 -d ${LOGDIR} ${APPVARDIR} \ ${DOCDIR} ${SBINDIR} ${SYSCONFDIR} ${LIBEXECDIR}/${APPNAME} ${installbin} -m0755 -t ${SBINDIR} ${SRCDIR}/${APPNAME}.bin ${installbin} -m0644 -t ${LIBEXECDIR}/${APPNAME} ${SRCDIR}/${APPNAME}.py ${installbin} -m0644 ${SRCDIR}/${APPNAME}.conf.example ${SYSCONFDIR}/${APPNAME}.conf ${installbin} -m0644 ${SRCDIR}/${APPNAME}.wsgi.ini.example ${SYSCONFDIR}/${APPNAME}.wsgi.ini ${installbin} -m0644 -t ${DOCDIR} ${SRCDIR}/*.md ifeq ($(with_apache),YES) ${installbin} -m0755 -d ${APACHEDIR} ${installbin} -m0644 ${SRCDIR}/extra/${APPNAME}.conf.apache ${APACHEDIR}/${APPNAME}.conf endif ifeq ($(with_nginx),YES) ${installbin} -m0755 -d ${NGINXDIR} ${installbin} -m0644 ${SRCDIR}/extra/${APPNAME}.conf.nginx ${NGINXDIR}/${APPNAME}.conf endif ifeq ($(with_init),YES) ${installbin} -m0755 -d ${SYSVDIR} ${installbin} -m0755 ${SRCDIR}/extra/${APPNAME}.init ${SYSVDIR}/${APPNAME} endif ifeq ($(with_systemd),YES) ${installbin} -m0755 -d ${SYSDDIR} ${installbin} -m0644 ${SRCDIR}/extra/fifconfig.service -t ${SYSDDIR} endif ifeq ($(with_pip_helper),YES) ${installbin} -m0755 -t ${LIBEXECDIR}/${APPNAME}/ ${SRCDIR}/extra/pip-helper.sh endif uninstall: @${echobin} SRCDIR=${SRCDIR} ${rmbin} -f \ ${DOCDIR}/* \ ${LIBEXECDIR}/${APPNAME}/* \ ${SBINDIR}/${APPNAME}.bin \ 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || : ${rmbin} -f ${APACHEDIR}/${APPNAME}.conf || : ${rmbin} -f ${SYSVDIR}/${APPNAME} || : # remove all installed directories that are now blank. ${rmdirbin} ${APPVARDIR} \ ${SYSVDIR} ${APACHEDIR} ${DOCDIR} \ ${LIBEXECDIR}/${APPNAME} ${LOGDIR} 2>/dev/null || : clean: -@${echobin} "target $@ not implemented yet! Gotta say unh." && ${falsebin}