# README for fifconfig ## Metadata Filename: README.md Location: https://gitlab.com/bgstack15/fifconfig Author: bgstack15 Startdate: 2022-03-15 Title: Flask-ifconfig, or Http client diagnostic webapp Purpose: Replicate http://ifconfig.me History: Usage: Reference: See References heading Improve: Dependencies: See Dependencies heading Documentation: ## Upstream [gitlab](https://gitlab.com/bgstack15/fifconfig) [author's git](https://bgstack15.ddns.net/cgit/fifconfig) ## Features * Provide different output type based on `Accept` header or url parameter. Options include: * `application/json` or `?json` * `text/html` or `?html` * `application/xml` or `?xml` * `text/plain` or `?text` * Display IP address as viewed by the web server, or else the first entry of `HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`. ## Using fifconfig Visit the application. curl -L https://bgstack15.ddns.net/ifconfig/?json | jq ### Installing You can use flask for development, and uwsgi for production. ### Instructions Configure the application with these two files, based on the `.example` files available in the source code: * fifconfig.conf * fifconfig.wsgi.ini #### Development Run server in development mode. FLASK_APP=fifconfig.py FLASK_DEBUG=True flask run --host='' #### Production Run the server in a full wsgi environment for the cleanup timer to operate. ./fifconfig.bin The html responses include links to the various single-field pages, unless you add a parameter `?nolinks`. These links depend on any reverse-proxy servers adding themselves correctly to header `X-Forwarded-For`. ## Alternatives This project was a ripoff of love of [http://ifconfig.me](http://ifconfig.me). ## References 1. [flask.Request — Flask API](https://tedboy.github.io/flask/generated/generated/flask.Request.html) 2. [my stackbin.py project](https://bgstack15.ddns.net/cgit/stackbin/tree/stackbin.py) 3. [dicttoxml - PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/dicttoxml)