# startdate: 2022-08-31 21:49 # Extracted from visiting https://www.southernsavers.com/publix-weekly-ad-deals/# in firefox # Ref: # https://serverfault.com/questions/991982/jq-get-values-from-children-array-and-display-on-parent-array/991996#991996 curl 'https://clipmunk.southernsavers.com/stores/4f823db2090c841ce0000013/widget.json?callback=jQuery111106644488051860198_1661993569105&_=1661993569106' > ~/foo34 LANG=C sed -r -e 's/\\\\[uU]003[eE]/>/g;' -e 's/\\\\[uU]003[cC]/ ~/foo35 <~/foo35 jq cl ; <~/foo35 jq '. as $input | $input[].categories[] | {name,items}' # find items where "Cracker" shows up in text of "html" tag. cl ; <~/foo35 jq '.[].categories[].items[] | select( .html | strings | test("Cracker")?)' # all things in an easier format but not yet limited to "Cracker" search cl ; <~/foo35 jq '.[].categories[] as $cat | $cat | [del(.items,.id), (.items[] | { deal: .html }) ] | add' # does not do what i want cl ; <~/foo35 jq '.[] | [del(.id,.kind,.categories), (.categories[]|{ category: .name}), (.categories[].items[]|{html: .html}) ] | add' # instead of all this crazy jq above, use python to process and search <~/foo35 ./coupons.py 'zevia' | jq # all together: curl 'https://clipmunk.southernsavers.com/stores/4f823db2090c841ce0000013/widget.json?callback=jQuery111106644488051860198_1661993569105&_=1661993569106' | LANG=C sed -r -e 's/\\\\[uU]003[eE]/>/g;' -e 's/\\\\[uU]003[cC]/