#!/bin/sh # File: lib.sh # Author: bgstack15 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 # Startdate: 2022-05-17 # Title: Library for build-radicale-centos7 # Project: build-radicale-centos7 # Purpose: library of common functions and variables # History: # Usage: dot-sourced by other scripts here # Reference: # Improve: # Dependencies: # Documentation: # README.md WORKDIR=~/dev2 FEDORA_VER=f36 # COPR username comes from ~/.config/copr auth file COPR_REPO=radicale-el7 get_latest() { # call: get_latest ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS "python-nose*.src.rpm" # returns: most-recently-modified python-nose*.src.rpm file ___gl_path="${1}" ___gl_pattern="${2}" ( cd "${___gl_path}" basename $( find . -iname "${___gl_pattern}" -exec ls -1t {} + 2>/dev/null | head -n1 ; ) ) }