Knowledge Base

Preserving for the future: Shell scripts, AoC, and more

Deplist improved, with suggested and recommended entries

STUB make sure to document how to use make DEPLIST DEPTYPE=sug DISTRO=devuan and default of make DEPLIST DEPTYPE=dep DISTRO=devuan and make DEPLIST DEPTYPE=rec DISTRO=devuan Here is my improved method for using target deplist. In the Makefile:

   @# deplist 2020-04-18 input must be comma separated
   @# DEPTYPE( dep , rec , sug ) for depends, recommends, or suggests
   @if test -z "${DISTRO}" ; then ${echobin} "Please run \`make deplist\` with DISTRO= one of: `make deplist_opts 2>&1 1>/dev/null | ${xargsbin}`. Aborted." 1>&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
   @if ! ${echobin} "${DEPTYPE}" | grep -qE "^(dep|rec|sug)$$" ; then ${echobin} "Please run \`make deplist\` with DEPTYPE= one of: dep, rec, sug. Undefined will use \`dep\`. Aborted." 1>&2 ; exit 1; fi
   @${grepbin} -h --exclude-dir='doc' -riIE "\<${DEPTYPE}-" ${SRCDIR} | ${awkbin} -v "domain=${DISTRO}" -v "deptype=${DEPTYPE}" 'tolower($$2) ~ deptype"-"domain {$$1="";$$2="";print}' | tr ',' '\n' | ${sortbin} | ${uniqbin} | ${sedbin} -r -e 's/^\s*//' -e "s/\s*\$$/${SEPARATOR}/" | ${xargsbin}

   @# deplist_opts 2020-04-18 find all available dependency domains
   @${grepbin} -h -o -riIE '\<(dep|rec|sug)-[^\ :]+:' ${SRCDIR} | ${sedbin} -r -e 's/(dep|rec|sug)-//;' -e 's/:$$//;' | ${sortbin} | ${uniqbin} 1>&2

Observe how these all depend on variables being defined earlier:

awkbin     :=$(shell which awk)
chmodbin   :=$(shell which chmod)
cpbin      :=$(shell which cp)
echobin    :=$(shell which echo)
falsebin   :=$(shell which false)
findbin    :=$(shell which find)
grepbin    :=$(shell which grep)
gzipbin    :=$(shell which gzip)
installbin :=$(shell which install)
rmbin      :=$(shell which rm)
rmdirbin   :=$(shell which rmdir)
sedbin     :=$(shell which sed)
sortbin    :=$(shell which sort)
truebin    :=$(shell which true)
uniqbin    :=$(shell which uniq)
xargsbin   :=$(shell which xargs)

In the source files in the project, you can use entries like these:

# dep-devuan: mawk | gawk, lightdm, upower
# dep-raw: awk, grep, sed, lightdm
# rec-devuan: lightdm-gtk-greeter
# sug-devuan: logout-manager
# dep-centos: lightdm, upower

Obviously this is a poor substitute for the make_shlibs from debhelper (which probably just wraps around ldd). But for my shell-driven packages, it's pretty nice if you add the dependencies to each individual file.
